Omni Genius

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 Rise

Chapter 106 is rising


I don’t know who it is, and I made such a low pumping sound, and I raised the grade once again in the invisible seven points that were already extremely tense.

The latter person has heard such a voice, and it has become abnormally tense. Even some people have vaguely felt that the situation may have changed.

“How’s it going?”

“Is it up or is it?”

“In front, who saw it, hurry and say it!”

The ones that couldn’t see the scene behind were screaming, and seemed to be more nervous than the owner of Qin.

“It’s going up, it’s going up! It’s soaring, it’s really going up…”

When the mystery was revealed, someone immediately called.

Others were also slightly stunned, and then they took a long sigh of relief. It was just that the atmosphere was too tight. Although they knew that the wool was not their own, they couldn’t help but take a breath. Both mentioned the eyes of the blind.

“This guy is really courageous!”

“It’s still the master’s standard, not the one he reminded, I’m afraid the young man sold the material directly…”

“Yeah, I sold more than 300,000 before. Now this knife has gone up, the price has at least doubled, at least there are six or seven hundred thousand…”

“Six or seven hundred thousand? No, this knife is three or four hundred thousand more?”

“That is, of course, only a lot…”

Such arguments come one after another, they are knowledgeable, and they do not know how to do it, but the left and right sentences are discussed. Even those who do not understand the line understand the truth. That is, the young man of Qin Fang used this knife to give himself a knack. I made a fortune.

When all this dust settled, Qin Fang and the master of the stone were also relieved at the same time, and finally the heart that mentioned the eyes of the blind man was put down.

The gambling has gone up, and once again the gambling has gone up.

When that touch of green appeared, the whole person of Qin Fang seemed to have been drained all his energy, and even the strength of holding the grinder seemed to be gone.

As for the stone-clearing master, he is naturally very happy.

He is specializing in this. With this reminder and gambling, it is also extremely important for his personal reputation. I believe that after today, people who come to the store to gamble will find him to solve the problem. Then his income will naturally be higher.

Therefore, he and the Qin side are also considered to be the needs, fame and fortune.

“Yes, the water is still egg white, and this piece of green is connected with the other side. It seems that the material is not too small, it should be enough to lick two pairs of bracelets, and the rest can also be carved with small ornaments. Absolutely big, at least tripled, they don’t care about them when they ask for a low price!”

Master Shi Jie looked at the material, and then smiled and said to the Qin side, he was really a face, and naturally did not forget to vote for the Tao, slightly with the Qin side.

“Three times…”

Upon hearing such a sentence, Qin Fang’s spirit has been slightly refreshed.

The previous fare increase has already exceeded 300,000. If it is tripled, it will already be a million… For a poor family who was desperately trying for thousands of tuition fees, they suddenly lost millions. Huge money, this change is someone who can’t stand it for a while, Qin Fang’s footsteps slightly stunned, leaning on the machine of the stone, this will ease the strength.

“Haha, the fourth child will be a face…”

At this time, several brothers in the dormitory came back, all of them were excited about their faces. Of course, there were also a few flaws, especially Shen Yang and Xi Xiaojun. They all had some taste.

Xi Xiaojun is the same money as Qin Fanghua. Qin Fang has opened two jadeites in succession, and this one is even more upswing. It is impossible to say no.

As for Shen Yang, it goes without saying that although there is Xiao Nan sharing half of it, it is also five times the investment of Qin Fang. In the end, it is all drowned.

Although Xiao Nan said that he was paid by himself, but he also participated in it, or said that he paid a part of the money, which is more than the Qin side invested, but the result is still a tragedy.

“It’s okay? Do you have to go to rest first?”

Xiao Nan is quite calm. He has seen too many such things, but he is not very concerned. He gently patted Qin Fang’s shoulder and found that his body and back were already cold sweat. Soaked, it can be seen that the tension of the Qin party was not where anyone was present.

Although on the surface, Qin Fang has always been very calm.

“Huh, I will take a break…”

It was just that Qin Fang really had no strength at this time. The grinder on his hand was also thrown on the ground. The body could only lean on the machine of the stone. This did not directly sit on the ground.

The main reason is that this pressure is too big, and suddenly it is a bit too much to eat.

“First break, first break, wait for the auction!”

Brothers can also understand the mood of Qin Fang at this time, and change them to be their words. I am afraid that it may not be better than Qin Fang. He will help Qin Fangyi to sit down and rest.

At this time, those jade merchants were able to carefully identify this piece of jadeite that has been completely opened.

“Well, the water is good, it is indeed the egg white…”

These jade merchants are naturally also professionals, and so close to the tasting, and soon recognized the conclusion of the stone-clearing master, there is no problem in planting water.

As for the amount of jadeite that can be seen in the last piece of material, it can basically be estimated.

At the time of the jade merchants tasting, the Qin side of this brother in addition to Shen Yang big head staring there, everyone around the Qin side.

“The fourth, how do you say this material? Is it intended to sell directly, or…”

Xiao Nan can understand the mood of Qin Fang. He was heard by the stone-splitting master just now. The value of this material is at least one million, and he knows some things about Qin Fang. It’s really a bit unacceptable to lose a million.

“Sell it! It’s useless to keep it, not to mention… not safe!”

Qin Fang took a sigh of relief and looked at the crowd at random. Many eyes were staring at him, envious, or embarrassed, and maybe even some people moved something. Category.

He is just a poor student. He can’t compare with the rich second generation like Xiao Nan. He carries a million with him. He is afraid that he will not sleep too much when he sleeps. I am afraid that when someone is sleeping, he will come to himself. A little, or snatched away.

“The little brother said yes, this material should be shot early, this money is going to be a pocket sooner…”

Just when the two brothers spoke, a fat man quietly slammed up and took the initiative to start a conversation with them. “Little brother, the trick is also an old friendship. This piece of material is sold to me, definitely giving you a real price. How about this number?”

Fortunately, this person is still known, that is, the jade merchant who spent 30,000 yuan to buy the material in front of Qin Fang, he secretly ran to the front of Qin Fang, while picking up the words of Qin Fang, while he was with Qin The party discussed it and directly compared the two fingers, indicating an “eight.”

“Eight hundred thousand?”

Seeing such a quotation, if Qin Fang may have actually promised, now… No one million should not speak with Qin.

Qin Fang only smiled faintly, but did not speak, and even closed his eyes slightly, as if the old man was set in the general, quite a bit stable sitting on the Diaoyutai.

“I said Mr. Chen, 800,000 people want to buy this piece of material… Hey! Your price is really black enough!”

Without the Qin Fang opening, naturally someone opened the air to fight this guy who wants to set up a relationship, and it is not one. The jade merchants who have read the material have come over at this time, and they have condemned the boss of this surname Chen too unreasonable.

“Little brother, this piece of material is sold to me, I have one million!”

Just hitting the boss, Chen, the jade merchant immediately opened the offer, and directly increased the price by 200,000. This is a slap in the face of the boss.

The fat man, Chen Boss, suddenly had a burst of red on his face, and his eyes seemed to be rushing out of the fire. Obviously, he was very upset about this guy who beat his face.

“Like the name of Li, don’t look for something!”

Chen Fatzi naturally can’t stop here, and immediately he is going to have a real and melodious posture.

“Who is looking for something? Fair trade, virginity, but a legitimate businessman, never a kind of gangster, not as black as some people…”

This boss Li is a little smaller. When he sees the amazing boss of Chen’s waist, he immediately takes a step back, but this is not the case.

However, he did not continue to name the surname, and turned to mulberry, and he said that no one naturally knows who it is.

These two people seem to be the opposite of the business, and the kind of festival is not too shallow, and the time of speaking is also very rushing. If it is not the identity of two people, plus dozens of people around, the brothers may Pick up the sleeves and do one.

The other jade merchants are sitting on the mountain, no one is talking, no one is helping, so they look at it with cold eyes, and they all hope that the two embarrassed ones will be done, and then all seriously injured in the hospital, so There are two fewer opponents who have raised their prices.

“Stop and stop… Don’t quarrel, and then quarrel, I will not sell you this two pieces of material!”

Seeing that the two people became more and more stagnant, Qin Fang could not sit still. Immediately facing these two guys was a slap in the face, and even used a little abnormal means.



This move is still quite useful. No one can talk to the money. The reason why they quarrel is not to be able to buy this material from the Qin side. If the Qin side will get them out, then the quarrel will not bring The benefits are good, but the disadvantages are…

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