Omni Genius

Chapter 149

Chapter 149 Rare skills: mind reading

Chapter 149 Rare Skills: Mind Reading

What happened outside, Qin Fang did not know, and they didn’t want to know. Anyway, there was nothing going on here. If anyone came to trouble, Qin Fang could find Li Dong on a phone call. What happened? Everything can be settled.

“You beautiful ladies, first of all, on behalf of all my colleagues in the dormitory, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you! This first song is dedicated to everyone…”

Everyone gathered together and was very busy. Xiao Nan was originally a relatively active temper. He quickly selected a few songs and immediately jumped out to sing.

“No, I don’t agree! Resolutely oppose being represented… The first song should be sung by everyone from my northeast song!”

Shen Yang’s big mouth jumped out to sing and reversed. He immediately grabbed a microphone and went up, and Xiao Nan rushed to the show. The performance of this pair of live treasures immediately attracted a burst of laughter.

“You two come to a duo of men and women…”

Xi Xiaojun and Gao Ming did not forget to sneak a bite underneath, and brought a burst of laughter to everyone. Just a few short sentences, the original strangeness was taken away in laughter.

Soon, everyone is even familiar, they are 18-year-old boys and girls, but they still have a common language. Plus Xiao Nan and Shen Yang, the pair of lively treasures that regulate the atmosphere, let everyone laugh. Ongoing.

Soon, the good drinks will be delivered. The boys present are all beer and red wine, and the girls are mostly juices. Of course, they can drink some wine. They will not refuse it.

After everyone had a hot drink, the anger was completely open. The hungry wolves in the Qinfang dormitory immediately searched for their own goals and ran to the offensive. Although they may not be successful, they should not try. If that, then there is no possibility of success.

For example, Fang Dacheng, like wood, sits there, and there is a girl who is not far from him. It may be slightly weaker than the other ones, but if you look closely, it is still quite beautiful. The wood can be squared, but it is sitting there, so I didn’t dare to get close.

Qin Fang was anxious for the boss, immediately touched Tang Feifei, his eyes gestured, Tang Feifei knows, immediately ran over and stunned with his sister, and then the girl took the initiative to find the top Dacheng, there is a ride I didn’t talk about it.

Singing and singing, chatting and chatting, there are a few happy friends who roll the dice there.

“Qin Fang, what is the relationship between you and Feifei, and Mu Xue?” This is the Eight Diagrams Party.

“That is, obviously Fifi’s boyfriend, but last night to go out with Mu Xue to spend the night, too hateful!” This is for the unfairness of Tang Feifei.

“Mu Xue, Fei Fei, you two should give him a slap, too much!” This is the two sides to help.

“You can’t say that, our four people are very good, people are diligent, and they can make money…” Some brothers will take the initiative to help the Qin side.

“It was obviously not two beautiful women last night. The fourth is definitely going out to spend…” Of course, there is no shortage of bad guys who fall into the ground and smile.

As for the party’s Qin Fang, just helplessly smiled a bit, looking at the two beautiful women Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue, seeing their expression is also a strange face, simply silenced.

“Well, how about everyone playing a game?”

Seeing everyone’s emotions are quite high, and with the flood of gossip, Xiao Nan immediately turned his eyes and immediately screamed.

“What game do you play? Explain in advance, too naive to play!”

“That is, do not engage in any hide and seek, Diushou Juan and the like, or I’ll beat you!”

For the game everyone is not very repulsive, but for those children playing games, or thank you for being insensitive, everyone immediately screamed.

“Of course it’s not so naive. This game is called a truth-telling adventure. Everyone involved can choose the truth or the big adventure…”

Xiao Nan briefly introduced the rules of this game, and immediately raised the interest of everyone, especially the women who burned the fire of gossip, and they all stared at the Qin side like a hungry wolf. The Qin party who saw it was a little bit hairy. Fortunately, there were Tang and Xiao, the two goddess of protection, and he wanted to escape.

“Haha, what’s the problem? You can ask the fourth, brothers and sisters, go up.”

Xiao Nan can be considered an opportunity to catch, but he did not directly do it, but gave the opportunity to others.

“Qin Fang, who did you spend the night with last night?”

Obviously, the previous gossip fire continued to the present, and immediately curiously asked, and then the eyes continued to move back and forth between Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue.

What surprised them was that Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue were all “shameful” and bowed their heads, but they did not expect the two to actually laugh.

“Well, since you asked so sincerely, then I will tell you the answer, in fact… I slept alone last night! It was too late to come back last night, I was too lazy to go back to the dormitory, and I will come over outside. One night, I almost didn’t let the mosquitoes eat. As for what you did, it’s purely rumor, haha!”


At this time, Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue also laughed together, and it was really unbearable.

“Er, this is the feeling!”

Xiao Nan, they know that Qin Fang is the boss of Fang Feixue, and Fang Feixue does have a temporary rest. They think that Qin Fang lived there for one night, and suddenly they were very disappointed. They thought they could It’s coming out.

“This time I am going to throw…”

Qin Fang does not want to take his own fate in the hands of others. Although one-sixth of the hit rate is not very high, it is definitely not low. However, if the scorpion is thrown by him, then 100% will not fall. On his head.


The scorpion swiftly turned inside the cymbal, and then slowly paused. The number that appeared was – two points, that is, the winner of this time was the second child Xiao Nan.

“Second second, I should ask this time! Oh, I have to take revenge… Say, the day I excused you, are you chatting with beautiful women…”

Qin Fang always felt that he had not made a mistake that day, but Qin asked twice afterwards, but Xiao Nan strongly denied it.

“Ah, chat…”

“Xiao Nan, you are really…”

“Second second, you are too cow! Tell the brothers, how many women qq…”

When everyone heard the Qin Fang burst out of such a fierce material, they suddenly looked at Xiao Nan. The expression was even more exaggerated. Shen Yang was a stranger who kept Xiao Nan’s thigh, where he had a tear. A cry of a snot.

“No, absolutely not! Don’t listen to the oldest, brother is watching Japanese action movies…”

Faced with the gaze of more than a dozen people and more than 20 curious eyes, Xiao Nan once again chose his answer and resolutely refused to let go.

“Second second, you are swearing!”

Although Xiao Nan disguised himself, Qin Fang still found Xiao Nan’s fault from his eyes, expressions, and some extremely subtle movements. Obviously, he lied.

“I am telling the truth, don’t yell!”

Xiao Nanxuan is still arguing, but it is even more for Qin to confirm this.

Fortunately, this is just a game. Everyone doesn’t need to be too real. Qin Fang has a haha ​​and he is not insisting on it. Everyone is only a Qin Fang who swindles Xiao Nan.

“Understanding rare skills: mind reading, skill level: beginner, proficiency 0%, have a chance to hear the true thoughts of the other party’s heart.”

“Reading minds, rare skills, have a higher success rate for people with confusion, high mood swings, and weak will.”

Such a skill came really too suddenly, and Qin Fang was a bit embarrassed.

Rare skills, as the name suggests, is that this skill is very rare and rare, but it is also true. The main reason is that this skill is too bad. If you can hear the other person’s thoughts, then the other party can do something in advance. Got it.

It’s like Qin Fang’s shooting of Pi San, if Qin Fang knew in advance that Pi San was ready to swindle, he could shoot in advance and directly broke the two hands of Pi San, so there would be no back. The scene where Qin Fang shot and killed.

Although Qin Fang did not regret to kill Pi San, but every time I think of it, Qin Fang is still a little scared in this heart, and he did not intend to kill.

The game is still going on. The nephew is in the hands of Qin Fang. It seems that he can listen to his control. When he wants to be a few points, he wants whoever comes.

Soon, more than a dozen people played in turn, everyone is even more laughter, and Qin Fang is trying this rare skill reading.

However, he was depressed very soon. It is really that the success rate of this mind-reading is too low. Ten people took turns to come over again, but they only succeeded once in Fang Dacheng.

The Qin side also noticed that Fang Dacheng was very shy at the time, and the mood fluctuated more severely. This was successful. It can be seen that this commentary after reading the heart is still useful, and Qin wants to improve the mind reading. Proficiency should be more motivated on this.

Everyone laughed and laughed, and when they drank alcohol, drinks, and the like, it was inevitable that some people would go to the bathroom. It was just that it was too unsafe for a single girl to go out. Qin Fang had to arrange several girls together, or by The boys are escorted out and escorted back, which can also reduce unnecessary things.

Two beautiful women, Tang and Xiao, were naturally escorted by Qin Fang.

Qin Fang always sent them to the door of the bathroom, and he was standing outside waiting.

“Brother, these two girls let me, the money is yours…”

A red old man with no less than 10,000 yuan suddenly appeared in front of the Qin side, and a sinister laughter sounded behind Qin.

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