Omni Genius

Chapter 159

Chapter 159 Kissed by a beautiful woman

Chapter 159 is kissed by a beautiful woman

“Let you wait so long, this is embarrassing… not angry, right?”

When Qin Fang and Wen Yi walked out of the kitchen, the sky was already a bit dark. Looking at the two “bossies” who were still sitting in the store, Qin Fang was very embarrassed to apologize.

“Hey, this account will be counted with you, we will talk to Wenyi sister…”

Tang Feifei directly lost a white eye to Qin Fang, and then with Xiao Muxue took some timid Wen Yi to go to the rest room upstairs to talk, but it was Qin Yi alone.

“Hey, two beautiful women, haven’t eaten yet…”

Looking at the sky outside, it is not early, Qin Fang’s stomach is inevitably hungry, but he used this reason to tell the two beautiful women.

“Xiao Qin, don’t call, they have already eaten!”

The two beautiful women just giggled, but there was no reply, but Fang Shu, who was collecting money, said that Qin Fang knew that the two beautiful women waited for him to be too boring, and when they were a little hungry, they directly let The master in the kitchen gave them two dishes and drunk, and they ate the dinner first.

This can be regarded as a kind of welfare for the proprietress. The master in the kitchen is also happy, but it is more convenient, and it does not need to spend money anyway.

Qin Fang had no choice but to eat dinner at the store. Then he sat down and waited. The three girls were talking. It was inconvenient for him to be a big man.

Just waiting for a while, I didn’t see three people coming down, and occasionally I could hear some crying and laughter, which made Qin Fang very surprised and quite helpless.

In the end, it was too boring, and he greeted Fang Shu, letting the two beautiful women upstairs go downstairs and told them that Qin Fang went to the hut online. If he wants to return to school, he will call him in advance. Come over and pick up people.

The cabin is still the same as it was, at most it is a little cleaner, just a little more electrical appliances, of course, have not been installed, but the network has been passed, Qin Fang will occasionally come back here to go online, but it is better than in the dormitory Relatively free.

The decoration plan of the hut has been put on the agenda. Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue have already said that they will find someone to decorate this weekend. Qin Fang is wondering if the mouse should be pulled over to do this, but he knows Tang and Xiao Er are not happy that Qin and the people on the underworld have too much contact.

The Qin side also did not want Tang Feifei to worry, but also did not contact them as much as possible. Even Deng Zhongwen asked him to go to the banquet that day. He did not go, but only let Xiao Nan take Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue. A few girls in the dormitory went to eat a meal, and it was enough to bring it to the house. It is not necessary to be too real.

Li Feng has not appeared yet. This guy has been taking sick leave for half a month, and he is about to take a holiday on the 11th. It is estimated that Qin will still not see him for a while, so his planting plan will not be implemented for the time being.

However, the news that Pi San disappeared must have been passed out, but no one knows where Pi San went, and no one can prove that Qin Fang killed him.

Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue accompanied Wen Yi for a long time. Qin Fang went online in the hut until nine o’clock, and then received a call from Tang Feifei, letting him pick up their two beautiful women and return to school.

“Mr. Fan… are you looking for me?”

Qin Fang immediately locked the door, left the hut, and passed toward Lanyuan. However, just after entering Lanyuan, he met an acquaintance. It was his class teacher, that is, the beautiful and charming but the chest was flat. Fanning.

A **** and irritating dress made Qin Fang look quite dazzling, but at this time she suddenly stopped the road of Qin Fang, and then when Qin Fang had not returned to God, a pair of soft boneless hands suddenly Qin Fang’s neck was smashed, and a gentle mouth was immediately attached to Qin’s lips.

Qin Fang suddenly stunned. It was really this change that came too fast. He didn’t even have a chance to react. He was directly kissed by the beauty of Fan Ning. He had no psychological preparation in advance.

“I am still a virgin… my first kiss!”

Qin Fang is a bitter smile, crying in his heart.

Of course, he did not really go to the heart. After all, this is a man’s side to take advantage of it. Even Qin Fang’s hand is subconsciously touched. Fan Ning’s slippery back feels the amazing smoothness and tenderness.

The fingertips crossed, and Qin Fang was able to feel the shudder of Fan Ning’s body very clearly, and seemed to be extremely unsuitable for physical contact like Qin.

“Little bad guys, don’t touch it…”

It’s a pity that Fanning just loosened his mouth slightly and snorted very quietly. Then he seemed to see something. He once again hugged Qin’s head. The lips of the two people once again fit together, and the body is also slightly Retreating back toward the body, retreating to the corner of the wall, with some shadow blocking.

In addition, Qin Fang’s height is higher than that of Fan Yi, who is one meter seven. The two people maintain such a kissing posture, and they just completely blocked Fanning.

“Fast, fast chase…”

Almost at this moment, there was a rush of voice in Qin’s ear, which was obviously a group of people who were chasing and looked very anxious.

Qin Fang subconsciously wants to turn his head to look at it, but Fan Ning’s hands are like snakes, hung in the neck of Qin Fang, that is, he is not allowed to turn his head, Qin Fang can only helplessly give up.

“Head, there is a woman here…”

I don’t know who suddenly said a word, Qin Fang immediately felt very sharp that Fanning’s body trembled a little, but also completely fit the body on the Qin side.

Feel the body of Fanning, and the smooth skin. As a normal man, Qin Fang had the urge to move. Somewhere he was strong and suddenly swollen, separated by Fanning’s thin veil. Withstood a certain warmth.

Fan Ning apparently has not been attacked like this. The body almost instinctively wants to dodge, but it seems like he is afraid of something. He wants to hide and dare not hide. He twists his body and looks at it from behind Qin Fang. It’s like a pair of emotional men and women who can’t stand on the side of the road…

Although Qin Fang did not look back, but he could also hear the footsteps that gradually approached, and Fan Ning seemed to be very nervous. Even the kiss with Qin Fang was a little bigger. Even Qin Fang felt that the tongues of both people were Already stirred together.

“On there, chase…”

And when that big hand is about to be over the shoulders of Qin Fang, ready to bring the faces of the two of them together, it is even more so that Fanning even has to breathe. This is the most crucial moment, suddenly someone shouts behind him. With such a sentence, the big hand was hard to live, and then Qin heard a footstep in a hurry.

There was no positive look at the past, but the Qin side still slightly twisted the neck, but the eyes of the eyes still stunned in that direction, but vaguely saw a group of black backs hurried away.

Until these people gradually went away, Fan Ning just released a little, Qin Fang was able to breathe a breath, and looked at it again.

Although the sky is already very dark, there are not a few stars in the sky, but the street lights here are quite complete. By the dim light of the street lamps, I still see the back of this group of people. “Not a Li Dong person…”

Although only looking at it this way, Qin Fang can be sure that these people are not Li Dong’s people.

From the perspective of the actions of these people, it seems that they have received some training. They are not comparable to those of Li Dong’s men. They are like professional bodyguards.

“I have finally left…”

Seeing that these people gradually went away, Fan Ning took a long sigh of relief, and then gently patted her bare flat chest with her white, greasy little hand.

“Catch yours? I said dear class teacher Fan, what have you done to hurt the world, so that so many people chase you…”

Qin Fang was very surprised to see Fan Ning, it is obvious that these people are chasing Fan Ning, and Fan Ning is in a hurry, he used the Qin Fang as a shield, and used Qin Fang’s method to kiss Qin Fang. The body blocked the sight of those people, and this was a fool.

“They are all triads! I just went to the bar to drink. When they saw me, they wanted to play me. I kicked my foot and they chased me…”

The last two kisses were a bit too intense. Fan Ning was relieved for a while, and he lost a charming white eye to Qin Fang. Then he said with hate, and explained to Qin Fang that these people chased her. s reason.

They all said that the red face is a disaster, and Qin Fang does not feel that this sentence is false.

Ordinary beauty is nothing, but when it comes to Tang Feifei, Xiao Muxue, Fan Ning, the people who are stunned are really getting more. Just recently, Qin Fang has already encountered several times, and I don’t know. His luck is too good, or his luck is too bad.

Although Qin Fang was kissed by such a beautiful woman, it should have been a very happy thing, but looking at those people’s backs, Qin Fang wondered about this thing, I am afraid that it is not as simple as Fan Ning said.

“is it?”

Qin Fang still couldn’t help but sneer.

He is not a three-year-old child. Fan Ning can not explain the reason to him. It is because Fanning’s affairs have nothing to do with the Qin side. He does not want to bring any big trouble to himself. But Fan Ning does not need to use such a lame reason for him. This is not a flickering Qin party, it is simply satirizing Qin’s IQ.

“Love doesn’t believe it! Hey, I am leaving…”

Fan Ning just licked his mouth and said nothing. This slowly twisted her little bag and slowly disappeared into the darkness.

“Why didn’t I notice that she had a bag on her hand?”

It’s just that Qin Fang was really surprised. In the memory, Fan Ning didn’t seem to take the bag…

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