Omni Genius

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Secret sauce recipe

Chapter 23 Secret Sauce Secrets

“But… I have no money!”

The mouse is strong in the pockets on both sides of the search, right search, but only a few dozens of dollars.

A small gang like him, that is all doing nothing. If you don’t work, you don’t have normal income. You can only rely on going out to get a little protection fee to live. Even if you eat, you never pay.

And he was a small leader, and he loved his face. He took some money and immediately went out to spend his days with his younger brother. He soon spent a light, and he was almost beaten several times.

Originally, he received a thousand 5,000 pieces of Chen Fatzi this time, let him deal with the Qin side, but first spent a lot of food and drink, smashed the Qin party, and went to the hospital to dress up and it was a sum of money. This is the point left in my pocket now.

“It turns out that this knife is worth more than 30 yuan… so I will give you three hundred, you let me lick ten knives…”

Qin Fang looked at the mouse in the hands of the mouse, a piece of twenty, one ten, plus a few steel scorpions, immediately laughed, the dagger on the hand slides on the strong mouse, seems to be picking Where to lick the knife will be more appropriate.

“Don’t, don’t…”

The mouse is so strong that it is about to cry. “I give it, I give it…”

“What do you give? What is your body?” Qin Fang is not arrogant, the mouse is strong and there is no place before the whole body, he is hard to be strong for the mouse.

“Is it a debt, do I owe it?”

The mouse really cried, but he really didn’t have much money. Finally, he only thought of such a way to think about it.


Qin Fang slightly stunned, but he did not expect such a hand, but his eyes slightly stunned the mouse, but noticed that his eyes turned and sneaked, and immediately sneered: “Less me to pull this, owe? You are a virtue, even if you owe money, you will not return it… forget it, I still have a knife!”

During the speech, the dagger in Qin Fang’s hand has been moved to the strong thigh of the mouse. There are more meats, and it is gently stabbed. In the summer, the mouse is just wearing a beach pants, thighs. They are all exposed, but it makes the Qin side much more convenient.

“Farewell, don’t hesitate…”

This knife stabbed, although I haven’t seen the blood yet, but the skin has already broken, and then going down, it must be seeing the blood, and the pain is very clear, the mouse is really panicked this time, he I did not expect that Qin Fang actually dared to swear!

“Big brother, big brother… don’t be embarrassed, don’t be jealous… I… I will take things with you and not?”

The mouse held the Qin hand with his hands tightly, but he really couldn’t make much effort. He could barely make the Qin’s dagger not so deep.

“Oh, let’s hear it!”

Qin Fang didn’t care at all. It was only when the mouse was in a procrastination time. He used a little force on his hand, and suddenly… the knife tip was bleeding.

“Breaking pain… Big brother, boss, are you not doing ramen business? My old man was doing this when he was alive. At that time, the business was really not good, because our kitchen sauce was better than others. … As long as you are not embarrassed, I will tell you the secret recipe!”

It’s obviously a strong time for the mouse to go out. It’s just that the Qin party heard it, but it’s dubious. If it’s such a good thing, the mouse is not so mixed.

“Big brother, I said really, I am a lazy person. When the old man forced me to study, I sneaked out to play…” Seeing Qin’s such confused eyes, the mouse was quite embarrassed to say, “But I can know the secret recipe, as long as I say it, I can definitely make it…”

“What is said like a real thing, who believes?”

It is impossible for Qin Fang to really believe it. This rat has proved that it is not a good bird from the beginning. It is really something to do in order to get out of it.

“I am telling the truth, really… the third child, don’t believe you ask the third child! He is a neighbor with me since he was a child, he knows…”

The mouse smiled with a strong look, his eyes rounded, and then pointed to the younger brother who had just drawn him.

“Really, what he said is true!”

When Qin Fang turned his face, the younger brother immediately squinted with a wretched smile. He had witnessed the method of Qin Fang, but he did not want to be treated like the mouse. Immediately said that he was too busy.

“Is it? Let’s listen!”

The Qin side does have a bit of movement. Although his ramen business is good, it is mainly because the face is relatively strong, but the sauce is very general. Many guests have said this, but Qin Fang has no way to improve it.

“Then promise me, as long as I say it, you will stop looking for me!”

The mouse was forced to be unable to do so at this time, but still did not see the rabbit does not scatter the eagle, but it was bargaining with the Qin side.

“You can rest assured that although I am not old enough, I am not like you. As long as you have not lied to me, I will not be embarrassed with you, but if you lie to me… Hey!”

After considering it, Qin Fang still feels that he is credible. Anyway, he was deceived and there was no loss. He immediately agreed. At the same time, it was naturally a handful of radish. The dagger in his hand was strong against the mouse. The second child was stuck in the knife.


The strong beach pants of the mouse were stabbed in a hole. The cold dagger was almost the second child who was strong against the mouse. Even if he was slightly biased, his second child announced his reimbursement.

“I said, I said…”

This knife went down, and the last thought of the mouse was completely collapsed. The expression on his face was full of horror. Although he was afraid of the knife, he could be hospitalized at most, but if the second child was smashed…

The mouse strong has not dared to continue to think more, said busy.


Qin Fang nodded, and then he took the knife and pointed his ear to the strong mouth of the mouse. He heard the mouse telling him a secret recipe of the sauce that did not know the true and false.

“Get the secret recipe of secret sauce!”

Listening to the mouse, the secret recipe of the secret sauce in the depths of my mind was squeezed out a little bit, and I thought about it, and finally said the secret recipe completely.

Almost when the mouse had just described this secret recipe, Qin Fang’s mind immediately sounded like this. It is obvious that the secret recipe of this secret sauce is true and still relatively complete. As for the real What is the effect, then we have to wait until Qin Fang will make this secret recipe to make the sauce.

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