Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 379: Another Identity

Ao Zhen’s carriage sold out fast, netting Li Mo 1.6 million god crystal coins.

“How much is that Earth money?”

Ye Xiaolu looked at the crystal card in Li Mo’s hand with a dazed look.

Li Mo paused, “There’s no comparison between our money and god crystal coins. But if you must know, it ought to be around a hundred million, give or take.”

“Holy s***! Who knew that nine head freak was so rich.”

“But of course.”

“Such a nice carriage, too. A pity we had to sell it.”

“It would’ve been worse if we hadn’t.”

Li Mo snickered, then used Heaven and Earth Inverse to shift the trio’s appearances.

Ye Xiaolu turned into someone from snow people and the cub into a golden tiger.

Li Mo turned into a human with a fox head.

Foxkins were of the beast race. They were weak, but sharp. Hence they were the best entrepreneurs in the universe.

“You are now my servant, Snow Deer, and you, my pet Goldy. “(T/N: lu In Ye Xiaolu means deer.)

The cub could care less what Li Mo called him, but Ye Xiaolu had a particular outburst at that.

“Bah, what Snow Deer? Are you doing it on purpose?”

“What do you mean?” Li Mo didn’t get it.

“Change my race!”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s trashy! While just by looking at your race I can tell you ain’t weak!”

The cub said, “Foxkins are good with affairs. They aren’t particularly strong, but there are so many of them in the universe few other races can compare.”

The cub’s Bestial Galaxy was quite xenophobic, with the law of the jungle ruling, yet even in that foul environment the Foxkins blended in without a hitch. They were the only race that was free to move in and out of Bestial Galaxy.

The Blood Fox clan that stole Dorag clan’s throne was a close relative to the Foxkins.

“What choice do we have? This is the only way for us to blend in.”

Ye Xiaolu spat, “Blend my ass. Why not make me the master and you the slave?”

“Do you know the customs of the universe’s races?”


“Well I do.”

“S***, you can just teach me. Use divine sense and put them in my head.”

“Fine. Let’s switch it up and see how it goes.”

“Much better.” Ye Xiaolu perked up.

Li Mo made Ye Xiaolu pure and holy, fair, and of great appeal.

This beauty looked similar to a human. Just that her eyelashes were longer while also sporting a prismatic halo behind her head.

“Wow, this races’ looks are more like mine. Lil’ Mo, what race is this?”


“That’s more like it. This vibe, this body, they’re practically made for me.”

“After the fall of Heavenly Court, Goddesses had the highest chance to become one of the ten strong races.”

“Why didn’t they make the cut? Weak trait?”

Li Mo shook his head.

“Goddesses’ trait is called god’s blessing. Their twice as fast in cultivating than the rest and would receive only 10% damage regardless of attack.”

“10%? Damn, such an awesome trait. Doesn’t that make them invincible?”

“Yes, in a game the Goddesses would be among the best.”

“Yet they were still unable to compare with the ten strong races even with that trait?”

“Perhaps they could or couldn’t. One thing is certain though, Goddesses couldn’t rise up to it because the Devil race almost wiped them out.”

“Devil race… are they the sluts that entice one’s soul?”

“What sluts? Devil race… you know, you make a very good point though.” Li Mo recalled the Devil Empress’ actions and burst out in laughter. 

“Devils and Goddesses have been in antagonistic since ancient times. But for a long time it was the Goddesses who had the Devils under their heel.

“This went on for billions of years, until Heavenly Court’s collapse. It was then the Devil Empress rose to power and killed all the Goddesses’ powerhouses. She drove Goddesses from their Goddess Planet and thus loosing their right to be among the ten strong races.

“They have been like this ever since.

“But the Goddesses are still very much famous.”

“That’s good, ha-ha-ha. I finally get the chance to act noble!”

Li Mo chuckled and turned into a Tauren.

Tauren’s trait was force. It wasn’t the worst off in the universe, just the plainest.

Ye Xiaolu patted Li Mo’s shoulder, “Henceforth, I dubbed the Calfy…”

Li Mo pushed her down before she finished.

“I was wrong. Not Calfy, but bro Ox!” Ye Xiaolu cried.

Li Mo snorted, “Make sure this is the last time.”

“Yes, totally.”

Li Mo popped a Gate open with Staff of Origin.


The trio arrived in a remote area on Ancient Planet.

With new looks, entering Ancient Planet again was Li Mo’s plan.

Ao Zhen was no nobody. He was Nine-headed race’s third crown prince. Albeit without royal blood, but it was pure and of a high status. 

And was Nine-headed race about to let his death go unanswered? Not to mention Ancient Planet was next to their turf, right before their very eyes.

Li Mo sold his carriage for all to see as well.

And since they had the dough, they could kiss their old looks goodbye while also shirking off Nine-headed race’s trouble.

It went just like Li Mo predicted. When Li and Ye Xiaolu returned to Ancient Residence, they saw a bunch of Nine-headed aliens surrounding it. Ne one was allowed in or out.

“Ao Meng, this isn’t your home planet. No race has power here. You may be from the Nine-headed race royal family, but that doesn’t give you the right to stir trouble here!”

At the entrance of Ancient Residence, Ao Meng talked to a Dull Bug. Compared to snow people and Gnoll, these guys were higher up the status chain, albeit slightly. Though to the rest of the universe, snow people and Dull Bugs were semantics.

Ao Meng’s nine heads shot up and cursed, “A Dull Bug dares stand in my way? Gu Yiming, you're arrogance knows no bounds!”

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