Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 387: Forced Unsealing

A bright green light came off the ring on Shui Yunlan’s finger. When she covered it, the glow vanished.

Light Ring was a lost magic weapon, capable of releasing a light that attacked or defended. The attack ignored defense, striking the soul while the defense protected the wearer’s soul. 

It was a powerful soul magic weapon.

Yu Buyi’s lost martial art pot paled in comparison to Shui Yunlan’s Light Ring. It was the top item of today.

“Holy hell!”

Ye Xiaolu was enraged.

Shui Yunlan stole the spotlight and, Ye Xiaolu managed as well. Though the reactions were worlds apart. Everyone watched the first with shock and admiration while the latter with ridicule and teasing. 

There were still plenty of lost items left. Shui Yunlan had everyone stirred up, and the people began unsealing many more. 

The result? Of the dozen tries, the most optimistic item couldn’t even break even…

As the Lost Era program reached its end, the items left were only three. A stone bead, stone tile, and a stone cauldron the size of one meter. 

The cauldron was the second biggest lost item. The first stolen by Ye Xiaolu, the chamber pot.

Yu Buyi stood before the cauldron in frown for ten minutes.

The cheapest of the three was the stone bead at 3 mil, followed by the stone tile at 5 and the cauldron at 15. 

15 million wasn’t a small amount. Many had their eyes on the cauldron, but faltered at the gamble.

Would the resulting item be worth 15 million?

Many started second-guessing.

“I’ll take the stone bead and tile!”

Lan Qianyi said. He was no exotic appraiser. All he had was money. A few mils to him were nothing.

Using reality drug on them, the stone bead stayed the same while the stone tile let out white smoke before becoming a jade tile. 

To earthling, the jade tile had some value, but here, it was a mere average antique.

It only had collector value. 

Lan Qianyi asked, “How much is it?”

“A few thousand god crystal coins.”


Lan Qianyi threw the jade tile away.

“Use the blood vial!”

Lan Qianyi payed 5 million for a blood vial.

The most common way of unsealing a lost item was through reality drug. Of course, it could only unseal a part of their power. 

And when reality drug failed, the second came into play, through living blood. But there were too many types to count, including beast blood, people’s blood, plant’s sap and many, many more. The amount was that of millions upon millions. If one tried them one by one, he'd die even before the unsealing took place. 

Hence this blood vial. It was Gu Yiming way of making it convenient for everyone. He gathered the millions of races’ blood and turned it into a product.

There was no need to go blood hunting, only buy a vial of blood, quick and easy.

Not without its price, mind you. And since the blood vial could be lesser or superior, the price was accordingly 5 million or 20 million.

The amount didn’t differ, only its effect on a lost item’s size. Where a lesser blood vial failed with a large lost item, the superior version didn’t.

With the blood vial bought, Lan Qianyi poured it himself.


The stone bead broke to pieces.


Lan Qianyi swore.

Lan Qianyi’s gamble was a bust.

The crowd was silent.

Lan Qianyi’s investment had half of those prospecting over the cauldron lose their interest.

“There’s no point.”

“Yeah, I think we should stop here.”

“Light Ring, a lost martial art and also a chamber pot. The value of the unsealed lost items today has already surpassed the average value of all the last auctions combined.”

“Lost Era is held once a month yet not one great item came out in the past. Today was truly a win.”

“Yeah, so how can there be another?”

“The stone cauldron, I know it the longest. For three years it has been present but no one would buy it.”

“It’s too expensive and too big. It will need the superior blood vial to unseal it. The thought alone gives me shivers. But what would come of it in the end?”

“It might be nothing. This thing might just turn up to be a huge money sink.”

Yu Buyi frowned. He looked at the large cauldron, but shook his head in the end.

“Look, even a Batman gave up.”

“Yeah, if a Batman can’t see through it, that means the cauldron is a waste.”

“In 15 minutes the Lost Era will end.”

“Just end it. There’s still the last part of the auction.”

“True, the Trash Era.”

As the people talked, Shui Yunlan touched the stone cauldron.

After ten minutes, she returned to her seat.

She gave up as well.

“Yu Buyi and Shui Yunlan aren’t optimistic about it. I reckon the price of this cauldron will drop in the next Lost Era.”

“Not likely. I’ve seen it for a year now and even after many exotic appraisers passed it, it’s price never changed.”

“The seller must have high hopes for it.”

“The seller’s an idiot.”

“I’ll take it.”

Three minutes before the finale, Li Mo stood up.

All eyes turned to him.

Li Mo said, “I will use reality drug, but I can’t buy the superior blood vial. If reality drug doesn’t work, I’ll unseal it with force!”

Li Mo used the reality drug on the stone cauldron.

No change.

This came at a shock to Yu Buyi, Shui Yunlan and other exotic appraisers.

Since it wasn’t destroyed after using the reality drug, it only increased its odds.

Even Lan Qianyi could see it. And a superior blood vial might very well unravel a high-quality item. 

“Guest, are you certain about using force? There’s a 80% chance of damaging it.”

“I am.” Li Mo smiled, “There’s nothing to consider, since I am out of money.”


Li Mo had the rest laughing.

“Will the guest do it himself or let us do it?”

“You do it.”

Gu Zheng called a crystal soldier over. It flashed, then punched the stone cauldron.

A forced unsealing meant just that, using brute force to reveal its nature!

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