On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor


“Sounds good to me.” I smiled. “So, what do we do?”

The cloaked guide beckoned me forwards and opened the door of my apartment with a gesture. “First, we must gather ether, for ether is the primary building block and currency of the Boundary and deeper Astral plane. You can never amass too much ether, for it is required not only for building your Territory and sustaining it, but also for refining into aether so that you can enter the Boundary, as well as using powerful abilities. Gather all you can, for it will never be without use.”

As I followed the guide outside, I couldn’t help but gasp in awe. The world was alike to what I knew, yet different in many ways, some subtle, some not so minor. Like inside, I could see despite it being night. It was dark, yet a mysterious radiance was visible everywhere, dim but easily enough to see by. It was impossible to describe in words, but it was an incredible sight, especially the way the sky swirled with dark colours, impossible shades of blue and black all mixed together. There were lights above, mimicking our night sky, but unlike stars they didn’t twinkle, and some were in colours not found in nature, such as vivid greens and vibrant purples.

The scenery around my old, three-story apartment building was similar to in the Material plane, although there were some differences, like street lamps being in different places, and bushes and trees where there were none before, but it was still largely recognisable. A bit disappointing, I was hoping for more fantastical scenes. “It seems pretty normal.”

“This is the Boundary. It is closer to the Material than the chaos of the higher Astral, having some small contact with the lower Astral. However there is plenty to see for those with a discerning gaze.”

As my eyes became more accustomed to the strange sights here I found myself agreeing, regretting my earlier words. Things were drifting through the air, most just above the ground, pale, ethereal shadows, some human-shaped, others resembling four-legged animals, some, even more faded and translucent, were little more that faceless blobs. As I peered at them with interest, some of the faint figures began to drift towards me, picking up speed.

“Those shades are lesser spirits, faded remnants of thoughts and desires of living creatures. They will seek out aether in other beings as moths to bright flames, eager to absorb it and regain their intelligence. The strongest of these can succeed in reincarnating themselves into a higher lifeform once again.”

“All right, so what do I do?” I asked as the shadows closed in on me.

“You must drain their aether in turn. To achieve this the surest way is to defeat them. These are the weakest of all dwellers of the lower Astral and Boundary, as ubiquitous as rats in the Material. Should you not be able to pass this trial then you have no future as one who can safeguard your world.”

“No pressure then.” I swallowed reflexively, feeling a hot sensation in the pit of my stomach, making me feel slightly sick. Fighting wasn’t a skill I had, but then again the lesser spirits didn’t look that threatening. Still, my nerves were definitely getting the better of me. The first shadow came closer, shaped like a child had made a cat out of semi-transparent misty clay.

“All right then, what do I do? Using powerful abilities… Astral plane, world of dreams…” I sifted through the information my cloaked guide had told me and came up with a plan. Feeling the flow of warmth that was aether through my body I concentrated on the thought of fire, red and hot. There was a rushing sensation, the warmth within me moving outwards, leaving me, and there was a sudden muted roar and quick burst of pressure and heat as a small ball of fire incinerated the oncoming shadow, as well as a couple more that were drifting in behind it.

“That worked better than I thought, I expected that I’d be able to use aether to do… that… whoa I feel… so… tired…” The warmth inside me had faded to almost nothing, and my vision was constricting, the dark light that filled the Boundary seeming to recede from me, leaving me surrounded by a ring of inky darkness.

“Impressive. Few try to use raw aether in such a manner without being taught the knowledge. However, unless one has precise control over both their aether and the image in their minds, the amount of aether consumed is frighteningly large. Your store of aether is almost depleted, soon you will wake from this world unless you replenish your supplies.” The cloaked figure raised one arm and pointed it at a small constellation of silvery motes that hung in the air where the lesser spirits had been destroyed by the conflagration. “That is ether that has been released from the lesser spirits you have destroyed. You must quickly absorb it and convert it into aether to replenish your stock a little.”

Forcing myself to walk despite feeling so weak and disoriented, I approached the ether. As I did so, it began to circle around me in an orbit similar to that of an asteroid belt. Concentrating on the flow of energy I began to absorb the silvery lights one after the other, gradually feeling the warmth returning, the darkness around me pushed back a bit. Even so I felt significantly weaker than before.

As if it could read my thoughts the guide spoke again. “Lesser spirits are pitifully weak, only releasing a little ether on death. It would take a few dozen to replenish the ether you expended so recklessly. I suggest you commence defeating the spirits immediately. But you must remain alert to your surroundings.”

As it spoke I felt a shooting pain in my leg. Looking down a lesser spirit, vaguely shaped like a baby made of fog, was clinging to my ankle. Pain was radiating from the point it was touching, I could feel the aether draining from me slowly. I tried kicking it with my other foot, but where it connected again I felt pain. Panicking a little I tried to seize back the flow of energy. It was a struggle, agony spreading through my head and stomach as I concentrated frantically. The ghostly baby seemed to shiver in the wind, then dissipated with a pop, ether sparkling white in the air.

I see. Since they are spirits physical attacks don't work, but I can drain them like they drain aether from me. Feeling my fear recede a bit now that I had thought of a way to win, I grinned at the approaching spirits and began to concentrate. Several that came close burst into small clouds of ether, which I quickly absorbed and turned into aether.

“I think I've got it.” I said, rushing to the next group of a half-dozen transparent shadows.

“Remain vigilant.” the cloaked guide warned. “There may be other greater dangers lurking, and even lesser spirits can be dangerous if they mob you as a pack. Your Material body will suffer injury if your Astral form is sufficiently disrupted. Always remember your subtle bodies are linked and reflect each other.”

I nodded as I quickly moved around my apartment block, draining every lesser spirit I encountered. There were a couple of times where unexpected groups attacked from blind spots and I took hits, the sudden pain annoying, but the exhilaration of the battle and the fiery feel of the bursting aether energy within me kept me going. This was what an adventure was. My aether was replenished, and a small array of ether was floating around me. As I drained another couple of spirits, the last I could see around, my wrist flared silver and a few lines of text hung in my vision.

You have gained control over this small Territory by clearing it of all enemies. However, without an Anchor the Territory can be retaken easily. Your Territory Anchor will cost 1000 Ether. You currently possess 57 Ether.

Territory Rank - 0.

Territory Defence - Very Low.

Due to your claim on this Territory in the Material world you suffer a low penalty to your Territory's abilities, and as you do not have total ownership you cannot synchronise it for greater bonuses.

“This is good progress. Your aether is recharged and you have cleared enough of the area surrounding here to be able to claim it. However, should you leave this place and other beings from the Boundary intrude, the Territory will be forfeit. An Anchor will upgrade your Territory to a state where it is possible to defend it, and thus should be the priority of any would-be Astral Emperor.”

I nodded, but one thing had piqued my curiosity. “What does it mean by my claim in the Material world?”

“The Material and Astral are as one, multiple facets of the same jewel, and can affect each other, though actions closer to the Material take colossally more aether to achieve. If you possess the same Territory in both worlds, they can benefit each other.”

“I think I get it. So because I'm renting in this area, I have a small claim, but because I don't own it I suffer a penalty? Wow... just wow.” I used my sister's favourite expression of surprise reflexively. There were three floors and a half-dozen or so rooms on each floor. So I'd have to buy all eighteen apartments to have full control of my Territory? Just how much would that cost? There's just no way...

“A secure territory is paramount, for no empire can ever be formed without strong foundations, the World Tree does not grow without deep roots. You must collect enough ether to construct your Anchor before you run out of either aether here or time. Time moves faster here compared to the Material, and it becomes ever more rapid as the Astral deepens, but it is passing on the Material still. I suggest you move to an area with stronger foes who would reward you with greater ether on defeat. You can drain any lesser spirits you can see on the way, since your aether control has improved appropriately.”

Those words sure dampened my enthusiasm. The thought of taking on more dangerous foes, ones that could seriously hurt me, especially when I'd been told that damage would pass through to my Material body, was enough to halt my feet. “You can still save me if I decide things are getting too risky and want to drop this whole Astral thing, right?”

“Of course, barring an improbable incident or behaviour that is truly reckless. But I believe you will make the right choice.” The figure pointed again. “I sense some stronger presences that way. To build up enough ether merely draining lesser spirits is inefficient and will also not contribute enough towards increasing you from zero. To the victor shall go the spoils.”

I stifled a sigh. In a game grinding low-level enemies wasn't exactly fun. Still, I'd make sure to take down any lesser spirits I came across. After all, ether is ether, no matter where it comes from.

Moving through the dark streets I absorbed what I could, adding to the orbiting cloud of ether. I recognised the route we were taking, and if the worlds were sharing so many similarities, then this way had to be...

“Are we going where I think we are?” I felt some unease. I didn't see myself as particularly superstitious, after all, being half British I didn't follow traditional Japanese beliefs as much as a pure Japanese person would (not that I showed my Japanese heritage any disrespect, just both mom and father had influence over me and my sister's cultural growth) but there were some things that both cultures had in common.

“This is the local graveyard...” I looked up at the faded stone torii arch that held the wrought-iron gates. The strange darkness overhead was now very oppressive, rather than eerily beautiful. “I'm not sure I want to know what is in there...”

“The lower Astral has seeped into this place, leaving some traces, making it more dangerous, yet more rewarding. Where the Boundary realm yields to the lower Astral, many beings of greater power lurk. Be vigilant.”


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