On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side Twenty-Six – Izumi Kana

“Sorry big bro! I was just so jealous. You’ll forgive me, right?” I said, fluttering my eyelashes at him and taking up a cutesy pose in my school uniform, which he was totally checking out. Yeah, everyone likes our uniform, it’s cute, but I’m cuter. Still… my gaze roamed over the man I hadn’t seen in a week or so, finding it strange that… Just what was he doing in Las Vegas? He’s more ripped than ever, and disgustingly handsome… ugh, I thought he looked good in the pictures Shaeula sent me, but in person…

Seeing I had fallen silent, Akio-kun spoke up. “Umm, are you all right Kana-chan?”

Kana-chan, normally I’d hate it when an older guy calls me all friendly-like but… realising my thoughts were tangling up again I forced my mind back on its rails. Damn, I’m not an airhead like other girls at school, won over by a pretty boy… “Oh sorry, just lost in thought, thinking back to all the pictures I received. You sure looked like you were having fun with your girls big bro, it made me wish I was there.”

That sure is true. Not to spend time with him of course… no, I just wanted to experience the luxuries Shaeula was taunting me with, not that it seemed she meant it that way. Plenty of uppity bitches at school were all too keen to lord it over me for being poor, showing off their own holidays and purchases. They only hate me because I’m the prettiest girl this side of Tokyo. Really, only Mio-chan and Asami-chan are even bearable… I hate my school so much. The only blessing is it doesn’t have any guys other than the teachers to annoy me… well, that and the gorgeous uniform, though my middle school one was good too…

“Well, it was pretty fun.” Akio-kun laughed, running a hand through his hair as he tossed his head back and I felt my face heating up a little. Shit, what is wrong with me? “You’d definitely have enjoyed yourself, but I had enough trouble chaperoning around three girls.”

“Oh come on big bro, you can’t lie to me like that.” I forced out a bright giggle. “Shaeula said you had the time of your life with them! Seriously though, the pictures of that suite… I dream of the day someone will take me to somewhere like that.” No kidding. I’m not going to stay in this dirt-poor shrine forever. I deserve better. Ever since I’ve been a child I’ve been forced to go to shrine-affiliated schools. It sucks. I am going to hook me a rich man who’ll look after me and treat me right for sure!

“It was a time enough for a lifetime, sure enough. And yes, the suite was pretty bad-ass, I admit.” He shrugged. “The girls really seemed to like the hot-tub for some reason. Anyway, before I forget, here. A souvenir. Shaeula thought you’d like it.”

I froze, momentarily thrown off. Is he… hitting on me? No way, he’s close with that Shaeula, and the other girl who wasn’t his sister seemed suspiciously happy when she was in photos with him, definitely something going on there… wait, does that mean he’s just another playboy, two-timing women like toys? If so… I am wildly cute, gorgeous even. He’d definitely fancy me… everyone always does. What do I…?

I was snapped out of my next embarrassing pause by a burst of demure laughter from my mother, who was holding one hand over her mouth, trying to prevent her giggles. “Oh my Kana, are you all embarrassed that a man is giving you a present? That’s so adorable!”

No, no way! It isn’t that. Guys offer to buy me things all the time when they see the three of us out and about. It’s gross and annoying. I’m used to that crap. No, this…

“Aww, she’s blushing. I think you made her happy, Oshiro-kun.” My mother continued.

I am so not blushing. I thought you were the only one on my side, mother!

“Sorry, Shaeula thought you’d like it. I guess it was pretty forward of me, bringing you a present back, but we have you to thank for our potential alliance here, and…” he lowered his gaze, clearly embarrassed.

Gods, how does he manage to look hot even doing that? Damn, I’m breaking character, that’s no good. Pinching myself, I let the pain clear the fog from my mind and gave him a bright smile, head tilted at just the right angle to convey appreciation and innocent charm. I’ll get you back for this later, mother. “Sorry big bro, I was just… surprised you’d remember me. I think I’d love any gift you’d bring me, I promise!” I fluttered my eyelashes at him, and positioned one leg so more of the gap between my socks and skirt was showing, noticing his gaze drift down involuntarily. I make myself sick sometimes, but a girl has to do what she can to maximise her charms…

“Oh, cool, I guess.” He looked me in the eyes again, and pulled a wrapped box out of his pocket. It was small, so… Jewellery? Most guys have absolutely horrible taste in that, but maybe Shaeula… no, she’s not even human, so… maybe one of the other girls he was with? They both were cute and had good style…

Taking it from him I opened the wrapping paper, curious despite myself. Opening it up I found a small, pretty red box, and when I flipped the lid I let out an involuntary gasp despite myself. Seriously? They have a good eye… she swallowed reflexively, picking up the small yet fancy hairclip. I always used one to secure my bangs, an accent, a charm point to set off my classical features. I usually get a new one for my birthday, so I can change up my look, but… I want this.

Any thoughts of being modest and refusing were washed from my mind. Is that… white gold, or… no. no way. It’s platinum! And then those are… I gulped, feeling hot, as I admired the piece. It had a silver clip and platinum shaft, topped with ruby petals, a brilliant red. This must have cost… no way, is he really hitting on me? And in front of mother and father, no less… oh wait, I forgot father was here. Damn…

“I do not think you needed to waste such money on our daughter.” My father spoke up, just as I feared he would, his expression… tense… to say the least. “With the expense you have just committed to, such wasteful habits are…”

Expense? What expense? Besides buying me things I want isn’t wasteful, old man!

“Don’t worry about it. Shaeula and the girls seemed to get a lot of pleasure in picking out gifts for everyone they knew, and my business dealings were rather fruitful. You’ve seen the money in my account, right? A small gift like this is nothing but a token of goodwill. The colours matched the outfit of a shrine maiden, so… it seemed fitting.”

As Akio-kun explained away the gift as ‘small’ I couldn’t help but wonder at the other revelation. Money in his account? And he was staying in a suite to die for in Las Vegas. Is he… is he actually rich? He was showering Shaeula in presents as well when we first met… did I… did I misjudge him?

Nervously I slipped my current hairclip off, my gorgeous black hair sheeting across my face. “Hey, uh… big bro? I love it, you’re the best, but…” I fidgeted shyly, trying to ignore more laughter from my mother, who would definitely hear my complaints later, and held out the pretty clip. “Can you put it on me, to see if it looks good?”

“Sure, I can do that.” He said, and as he came closer to me I could hear my heart beating so loudly I worried he could hear it too. What’s wrong with me? This isn’t like me at all. No, I’m just overjoyed at getting an expensive hairclip for free. Yeah, definitely.

He took it and gently pulled back my hair, clipping it back to how it was before. Going into my school bag I took out my small compact mirror (there was no way I’d be out and about without always looking perfect, especially at school) and checked my reflection. Yeah, it’s beautiful. I take it back, not every guy has awful taste. Even if he didn’t pick it, he still bought it for me, so I can give him that much slack.

“I think she likes it, don’t you Kana?” my mother said, and I nodded with a wide smile on my face.

“Yeah, I love it! Thanks big bro, I’ll treasure it forever!” I reached out my arms instinctively for a hug before I could stop myself, but luckily he had stepped back, a wry expression on his face, his hand merely coming down on my head instead, rubbing it gently for a moment. I immediately started burning up, my face flushed crimson from… embarrassment, sure. Definitely. I let my joy at the gift overwhelm me and I nearly broke character. No way am I hugging a man, even for a gift like this. Not until he’s taken me out on a date at a top restaurant and pulled out all the stops. I’m not a cheap girl…

“This is all very well, and I can see my daughter is taken with your generosity…” my father said, interrupting me, for which I was ever so slightly grateful, as it gave me time to get my red face under control. “… but did you not have much to do today? I will manage here, and the builders and other tradespeople will be directed to start work as soon as they arrive. I shall keep you appraised of their progress, and you can check it at any time. As for the… other matter… of ownership of the shrine and surrounding lands. Honoured Father and I shall discuss it, but since you have advised us we have a month…”

No way. Are they really going to construct such a fancy building on our land? I sneaked a look at the plans when the surveyor and builders came out, and it looked awesome… a gym, even a swimming pool… no way. He can… Akio-kun can afford that? And owning the shrine? He’s buying us out? Oh White Snake kami, have you finally answered my prayers and we’ll sell this dump and I can live a life a beautiful girl like me should?

“Yeah, damn, I do have a ton to do, and Shaeula is handling matters alone for now. Plus I have a phone call later with my father I’m not looking forward to at all…” as Akio-kun’s face fell at the mention of his father I felt sympathy for him. It was a good feeling, making me feel closer to him. Having a tough father can really suck. I wonder what yours is like… wait, that isn’t important right now. I need details. But if I ask father…

“I did notice Shaeula wasn’t with you, big bro. I hope you didn’t do anything to upset her. Girls can be terrible when annoyed.” I giggled, again shifting position to show off my legs.

“Yeah, I get that. I really do.” Akio-kun sighed. “Still, it isn’t that. I dare say you’ll see her again soon, Kana-chan. But now I really need to go.” He turned and bowed to my father and mother. “It’s been a productive meeting. If there are any problems with the work and more funds are needed just let me know and I’ll provide them. Anyway, later Kana-chan. I’m glad you liked the souvenir.”

With that he hurried off, receding into the distance, leaving my final farewell unheard. Rude. You may be busy, but let me finish my goodbyes…

“Sooooooo…” my mother drawled, amused, clearly at my expense. “I guess you like the hairclip then? You were blushing adorably, you aren’t normally this cute. He is pretty handsome, isn’t he?”

Ugh, why are you picking on me today? “Mother, please! Don’t embarrass me! Seriously, anyone would like such a gift, especially when it came from nowhere. I mean, it isn’t as though I know Akio-kun that well, is it?”

“Akio-kun? It is more respectful than calling him ‘big bro’ in such a sugary tone. Still, I feel you should show him more respect.” Her father complained. “Do not let such a gift go to your head. He is a benefactor of our shrine, and potentially our entire faction.”

Tiresome old windbag. I pray you don’t have to endure as much nagging on your call, Akio-kun. “I think he likes it, so don’t worry.” I said, tossing my head in annoyance. “More importantly… seriously? Is he buying our shrine? For how much? I bet we could get a ton of money for it. I want to go to Las Vegas too, do what Shaeula and the other girls did… oh gods, let it be true…” I trailed off as my father glared at me, white-faced and furious.

Ugh, got carried away again and forgot my father is such an old bastard when it comes to shrine business… I’m in for it now… wincing, I stepped back, ready for a lecture, but my mother broke in.

“It isn’t like that, Kana my dear.” She smiled, and I was once more thankful I had my mother’s looks. “It would be more a change on principle, we would still live here and run the shrine. Although he could afford to buy us out if we were selling. He’s a rich man now.”

Seriously? What a let-down. But he could afford it? Land, even out here it costs a ton… so you are that rich are you, Akio-kun? I touched my hairclip, feeling the smooth platinum on my fingertips. I didn’t even realise I was smiling, until my mother laughed, snapping me out of my thoughts…

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