On the eve of the anti-eagle movement: the country urgently called me back home!

Chapter 256

“What? The SM-65 ballistic missile has been deployed?”

Eisenhower stood up excitedly. He had waited too long for this moment.

“What are you waiting for? Blow it up!”

Stilwell:”That’s right, we have been holding this anger for long enough, today, we can finally vent this anger!”

Marshall:”After enduring humiliation for so long, today, we finally have the opportunity to hold our heads high. President, give the order!”

“Yes, President, give the order, I can’t wait!”

“Yes, blow up these yellow monkeys……”

“I’m eager to see the scene of a fire tornado sweeping across the great Eastern country…it’s exciting just thinking about it!”


Everyone cheered, as if they had seen the dawn of victory.

However, amid the peaceful and joyful laughter, a different voice sounded.

“Don’t bomb it, President, don’t bomb it!!”

Everyone looked at him, and that disappointed look was enough to kill Waters:”Do you know what you are talking about?”

Waters:”Just now, the rabbits announced the number of nuclear bombs. They already have 3,000… If this is true… it will definitely trigger the”907″ World War III… and this time, it will be a world nuclear war!”

Once these words came out, they undoubtedly poured a plate of cold water on everyone.

“What? Three thousand nuclear bombs?”

“What kind of international joke is the rabbit playing on us?”

“In my opinion, this is the rabbit’s strategy of getting reinforcements. They don’t have the upper hand in diplomacy, so they deployed missiles in Alaska to deter us, so they resorted to this desperate measure!”

“Yes, that’s right, that’s definitely the case……”

“But what if it’s not? You know the nature of the rabbit. If you make him angry, he will do what he says… We have to be on guard!”

“Moreover, the Rabbits have just announced that they have found 6.7 billion tons of oil reserves. If this is true… then our plan to use oil to suppress the Rabbits will be ruined!”

“What? If the rabbit has oil and nuclear bombs, wouldn’t that be heaven!”

For a moment, everyone expressed their opinions. Some supported continuing the bombing, while others opposed it, fearing to anger the rabbit. Some remained neutral and maintained the current status.

Eisenhower pressed his hand and said,”Everyone, be quiet. First, the rabbit announced this news at this critical juncture. From a psychological point of view, he is trying to build up his courage… When do you need to build up your courage? That is when you are very scared.……”

After this analysis, everyone felt that this was not unreasonable.

Eisenhower said firmly:”Second, I can guarantee that the rabbits simply cannot have 3,000 nuclear bombs… The production method and raw materials of nuclear bombs are very high. I don’t believe that the rabbits have so much uranium mines.……”

It takes 200 tons of uranium ore to purify 1 kilogram of highly enriched uranium.

The content of uranium 235 in natural uranium ore is only about 0.7%,?Highly enriched uranium refers to uranium with an enrichment of uranium 235 greater than 80%.

This means that the process of extracting highly enriched uranium from uranium ore is very complicated and expensive, because it requires multiple steps, including prospecting, mining, smelting, etc., to obtain the final product.?

?At least 200 tons of uranium ore are needed to prepare 1 kilogram of weapons-grade highly enriched uranium. Under neutron reflection conditions, the critical mass of uranium-235 is about 15 kilograms.

This means that at least 3,000 tons of high-quality uranium ore are needed to make an atomic bomb.

In this process, from the exploration and mining of uranium ore to the purification of chemical concentrates, and finally to the use of gas diffusion to separate high-concentration uranium-235, the entire process is extremely long and full of dangers. It is impossible for the rabbit to own so much uranium ore, nor is it possible to spend so much money to build a bunch of nuclear bombs for storage.

“President, you mean……”Stilwell asked tentatively

“fry……”Eisenhower had a helpless look in his eyes:”This time, we must bomb no matter what.……”

The reason is very simple. The people in China are in a state of high sentiment towards China. The successive bombings have caused huge losses to the Eagle Sauce.

Moreover, the Eagle Sauce has been tolerant of the Rabbit.

Simply put, the Jewish consortium has begun to be very dissatisfied with Eisenhower.

Truman sent troops to the front when he came to power, and domineeringly swore to the world his absolute military strength.

Eisenhower signed a humiliating treaty right after he came to power. He was beaten by the Rabbit and did not fight back. He was very cowardly and ran counter to the tough attitude of the Eagle Sauce.

Moreover, it was completely different from before Eisenhower took office.

Back then, during World War II, Eisenhower was a powerful leader for many years?

? During World War II, Eisenhower was widely recognized for his outstanding leadership and served as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe.

He played a crucial role in planning and executing the invasion of D-Day, which was a turning point in the war.

Eisenhower coordinated the Allied efforts and maintained unity under challenging circumstances.

His determination and drive earned him a place at the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he graduated in 1915.

His extraordinary leadership and diplomatic skills further emerged, becoming Army Chief of Staff and playing a major role in the reorganization of the military and implementing key reforms.

Eisenhower recognized the importance of a balanced military-industrial complex and emphasized the need to be prepared during the Cold War.

His efforts laid the foundation for the United States’ military capabilities and ensured the country’s security during turbulent times.

His military career spanned more than 50 years and covered a variety of major events in the history of the United States.

So, in terms of military affairs, Eisenhower’s contributions are particularly significant.

In addition, in terms of politics, Eisenhower’s contributions are equally important.

In 1952, he ran for president as the candidate of the Democratic Party and won a decisive victory. ?

As president,?Eisenhower adopted a pragmatic and moderate approach to governance,?working to achieve a balanced domestic and foreign policy agenda. ?

He focused on economic growth,?defending civil rights,?and pursuing a policy of containment at the height of the Cold War. ?

Eisenhower’s ability to bridge partisan differences,?and promote stability and progress won him widespread support from the American people.0 ?

But in foreign affairs (after taking office), Eisenhower was a cowardly president in the eyes of the American people, and in the eyes of the Jewish consortium, he was a general manager who could not make money.

Therefore, Eisenhower had to show the attitude of the”Eisenhower Administration” at home and abroad.

Ridgway handed Eisenhower:”President, this is the battle plan?”

Eisenhower signed the bombing order without hesitation.

“Call Alaska Defense immediately, Target Rabbit: Execute”Destroyer Plan” at 9:00 tomorrow.》”[]

“Yes, President!”



The commander-in-chief and Jiang Chen are discussing the detailed RMB oil plan and how to implement it.

Through the Middle East war, increase the liquidity of RMB, expand influence, various aids, layout in Africa… establish a huge payment system, sign an oil RMB treaty with big dog owners, etc.

“It will take about five to ten years to build a complete settlement system.……”

The commander-in-chief nodded with great satisfaction:”Well, that’s right, Jiang Chen, your analysis is correct. If I didn’t know that you were from the military industry, I would have thought you were an economist!”

“The details of setting up the entire system were described in great detail. I admire you so much!”

“Jiang Chen, I have good news for you. After discussion at the Military Commission, we have unanimously decided to send troops to”

“That’s great!” Jiang Chen took out the photos taken by the reconnaissance satellite and said,”Commander-in-chief, this is the specific location and coordinates of the intercontinental missiles deployed by the Eagle Sauce in Alaska that you asked for!”

The commander-in-chief looked at the satellite photos with a shocked expression:”This, this photo is too clear!”

“Even the missile launch towers can be seen so clearly… It’s incredible.”

The ability demonstrated by the reconnaissance satellite refreshed the commander-in-chief’s cognition. Every missile launch base was clearly marked.

The total attack was 50 bases, and each missile base was deployed with two SM-65 intercontinental missiles.

“Haha, with reconnaissance satellites, the Eagle sauce’s every move will not escape our eyes……”

Commander-in-Chief:”Hey, that’s not right, why is the missile standing upright in the satellite photo?”

“Don’t worry, the coordinates and locations of these missile bases have been entered into the missile launch system. If necessary, our missiles will be launched first to destroy the enemy’s missile launch bases.……”

“Jiang Chen, I trust you to do the job, but this matter concerns the lives of tens of millions of people, we cannot take it lightly.……”


The two were chatting when Mr. Hu came in in a hurry, looking very flustered.

“Commander in Chief, something bad has happened. The Eagles are about to launch an SM-65 intercontinental missile at our homeland.……”

…………………… ps: This data is not moving, 10 monthly tickets plus one update, 200 evaluation tickets plus one update, 2000 flowers plus one update, 1 reward plus 2 updates, 10 automatic subscriptions plus one update (now 8, can be accumulated), the data has arrived, continue to burst update, do what you say!!


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