On Top of the Food Chain

Chapter 11 – More Answers

"You are not a Ghoul. You are something else."

"What do you mean?" Kazuki asked, worry etched on his face.

"I don't know how to explain this, but let me start with the basics," Junpei said.

"Ghouls eat humans, but they can also eat other things as long as it's not meat. We can eat a vegetable sandwich, but not a chicken sandwich. Seeing meat of anything other than humans makes us uncomfortable, and if we're starving, it's even worse. You've already experienced that sensation, haven't you?"

Kazuki nodded.

"Other foods don't satisfy us. Our bodies digest the food, but absorption doesn't happen, or it's not as effective as absorbing human meat. Orange juice doesn't taste citric sweet to us; instead, it feels a lot more sour with just a hint of sweetness. So, even taste-wise, things aren't the same. We do like what humans consider bitter things though." Junpei explained, leaning back in his chair and stretching his hands.

"You showed the same reaction we do when we come into contact with other kinds of meat. We thought you weren't eating because of the dilemma of eating another human, which is why we forced you, and for that, I'm greatly sorry," Junpei said, looking at Kazuki with a soft gaze.

"It's alright," Kazuki replied, flustered by the information dump and the sudden apology.

"I can't help you right now, but I'll try to find out. So, try to control your hunger and avoid succumbing to the bloodlust if you ever feel it again," Junpei said. "Your parents—can you give me their photos?"

"Yes, let me send them to your phone. What's your number?"

Junpei glanced at Rika. "I don't have my phone on me right now. Rika, give him your number and send mine to him as well."

While Rika and Kazuki exchanged numbers, Junpei stared at the full moon visible through the window beside Kazuki's bed.

"I'll try to look for your parents," he said. "Stick close to Rika when you go to college, and in a few days, start working at my convenience store. I have this bad feeling that something might happen."

Kazuki looked at Junpei, dumbstruck.

"I suggest you move to the apartments in my building until we find your parents," Junpei added.

Rika was also shocked by her dad's suggestion.


Rika and Junpei were leaving, and Kazuki stood at the doorstep, watching them with a mix of gratitude and apprehension. The black SUV idled for a moment before pulling away, its dark silhouette blending into the fading twilight. As the car disappeared around the corner, the street fell silent again, except for the faint rustle of leaves in the evening breeze.

Just then, Grace arrived. He had a casual air about him, dressed in his usual laid-back style. He paused for a moment, watching the SUV leave, then turned his attention to Kazuki.

"Who were they?" Grace asked, his curiosity evident.

Kazuki took a moment before answering, his gaze lingering on the spot where the SUV had disappeared. "They came to the wrong address," he replied, his voice steady but distant.

Grace raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to the story but choosing not to press further. "Oh," he said simply, accepting the explanation for now. He gave Kazuki a reassuring smile, then turned to head inside.

Kazuki followed, closing the door behind them. The house felt unusually quiet after the departure of his unexpected guests. He led Grace into the living room, where the remnants of the tense visit still lingered in the air.

"Do you want something to drink?" Kazuki offered, trying to shift the mood.

"Sure, a soda would be great," Grace replied, settling into the familiar comfort of Kazuki's couch.

Kazuki disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, returning with two cold sodas. He handed one to Grace and sat down across from him, the weight of the day's events still heavy on his mind.

Grace took a sip of his drink, studying Kazuki with a thoughtful expression. "You okay?" he asked, his concern evident.

Kazuki nodded, though his eyes betrayed his unease. "Yeah, just a lot on my mind," he admitted.

“Did the police contact you?”

“Not yet,”

“Take it easy, we will find them.” Grace said as he walked upto the TV, “You want to watch a comedy movie, or a xianxia movie?”

“Aren’t both the same?” Kazuki replied with a straight face,

Grace chuckled, and so did Kazuki.


Junpei and Rika were traveling in their black SUV, the hum of the engine filling the silence between them.

"Have you figured it out yet?" Junpei asked, his tone probing.

"No," Rika replied, frustration evident in her voice.

"Why are you so stupid?" Junpei said satirically, a smirk playing on his lips.

Rika shot him an irritated glance, her jaw tightening.

Junpei's expression grew serious. "He felt the bloodlust when a human and a Ghoul were dripping blood while fighting. Human blood wouldn’t cause him to experience that bloodlust," he said in a low tone, almost as if speaking to himself.

Rika's eyes widened as the realization hit her. "So, you’re telling me that…," she began, her voice trembling with shock.

Junpei nodded slowly. "Yes, only Ghoul meat would satisfy him," he confirmed, his eyes darkening with the weight of their discovery.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Rika asked.

"What do you mean? We'll do what we always do," Junpei replied, stopping the car.

Rika's voice carried a wave of mild anger. "What? He eats our kind. How can you help him?"

Junpei's tone remained uplifting as he responded, "That's very hypocritical, you know. When humans help us, you never say, 'How can they help us? We eat their kind.'"

Rika fell silent, contemplating his words.

Junpei continued, "Rika, let me tell you, the goals you create for yourself aren't defined by your race or religion. They're shaped by everything that has happened to you up until now and how you choose to move forward with that."

Rika nodded slowly, understanding dawning on her face.

"Also, if I was able to reach this conclusion, then I think Kazuki might have reached it as well. He seems like someone who wouldn’t take a drastic step, but the bloodlust derived from hunger can make one do things they would never otherwise consider," Junpei said, his voice serious now. "Keep a close eye on him."

"Alright," Rika agreed.

With that, they both got out of the car and started walking toward a secluded warehouse.

"Why are we going there?" Rika asked, curiosity evident in her tone.

"To tell Shin not to touch Kazuki again," Junpei replied, a determined look in his eyes.


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