On Top of the Food Chain

Chapter 13 – I’m up all night to get lucky?

Kazuki and Rika sat on the sprawling green lawn of their college campus, the sun shining warmly overhead. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees, making the grass dance around them.

Rika looked radiant in a flowing sundress that swayed gracefully with the wind, her hair catching the sunlight and shimmering like silk. The atmosphere was tranquil, the sounds of distant laughter and chirping birds creating a serene backdrop.

Rika handed Kazuki a blended shake, her smile warm and inviting. "Take this, it might help you with your hunger," she said, her eyes filled with the usual look of indifference. She was trying to be warm, but her eyes never lied.

“What do you mean?” Kazuki asked nervously.

“You have realized it haven’t you?” She asked in a low tone.



Both of them looked at each other, their eyes locked into each other, it felt like a deep and grand conservation happened in that second.

“I have,” Kazuki said.

“Then, take this.”

Kazuki took the shake, feeling the coolness of the glass against his palm. He took a cautious sip, and his eyes widened as the flavors burst in his mouth. It was delicious, a perfect blend of metallic sweetness and fulfillment. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he felt genuinely good. After that sip, he quickly gulped down the entire thing.

"This is amazing," he said, looking at Rika with an exhilarated expression on his face. His eyes became watery as he took a few deep breaths to calm him down. “Did you guys…” he said, as a heavy sadness returned on his face.

“Oh, no don’t worry, we haven’t killed anyone yet. This was just a mixture of my and my dad’s blood mixed with water and some squash.”

Hearing this, he felt relieved, yet saddened, it was hard to accept what had happened to him. “I’m very thankful.” He said with a genuine smile on his face.

A faint smile appeared on Rika’s face.

Both of them went silent then, looking at the ground around them. The cool wind brushed against his face, mingling with the warmth of the sun, creating a perfect balance that mirrored his emotions.

When they were just about to get up, Grace approached them, his footsteps almost silent on the soft grass. He looked at Kazuki, then at Rika, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Kazuki, what are you doing here? And who’s this?" he asked, his tone friendly but slightly probing.

Kazuki looked up, shielding his eyes from the sun. "Hey, Grace. This is Rika. We met at the convenience store where she works as a cashier," he explained, motioning towards Rika. It took him a few moments but he was able to come up with a satisfactory response.

Rika nodded politely. "Nice to meet you, Grace."

Grace smiled, relaxing slightly. "Nice to meet you too, Rika." He then turned back to Kazuki. "Can I sit with you guys?"

Kazuki looked at his friend with a weird look. "Sure."

The three of them sat together for a moment, the sun casting long shadows as it moved across the sky. The tranquility of the scene was interrupted by the distant ringing of the college bell, signaling the end of their break.

"Looks like it's time to get back to class," Rika said, standing up and brushing off her dress. The fabric flowed gracefully around her, catching the light and making her look almost ethereal.

Kazuki and Grace stood up as well, stretching and taking a last look at the beautiful, serene landscape. "Yeah, let's go," Kazuki agreed.

They only talked about stuff like movies and television shows, yet Kazuki felt very good. The hunger had died down. His internal turmoil of turning into a man-eating monster had reached a conclusion. The nightmares of Aiko still tensed him, but other than that, Kazuki only had two issues.

One was to find his parents. The other was to find the insurance paper.


In a dimly lit room, the Manager and Emi sat together on a worn leather couch.

The Manager, clad in his usual dark attire and wearing a stark black mask, exuded an aura of cold calculation. Beside him, Emi looked stunning in a short, skimpy dress that accentuated her curves, her presence radiating a provocative allure.

The room was quiet, the only sound being the faint hum of an old ceiling fan. Shadows danced on the walls, creating an almost hypnotic atmosphere. The Manager leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his fingers steepled in thought. Emi, with a sultry smile, watched him intently, her legs crossed elegantly.

“We have to change the plan,” the Manager said, his voice a low, measured whisper that carried an edge of urgency.

Emi's eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and challenge. “Are you afraid of the Executioner? Mr. Manager?” she asked, her tone teasing laced with sarcasm.

The Manager's gaze shifted to her, behind his mask a slight smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I am sure I can take him on, but that's not my goal.”

Emi raised an eyebrow, leaning closer, her dress riding up slightly as she did. “What is your goal then?”

The Manager's eyes gleamed with a cold, calculating light. “It’s to band together all the Ghouls in this country,” he said, his voice filled with conviction. “It’s to instill fear in them, and make them my army.”

Emi nodded slowly, her mind racing. “Fear is a powerful tool,” she agreed. “But it can also lead to rebellion.”

“That’s precisely what I’m hoping for.”


After the conversation with the Manager concluded, Emi received his permission to go out and hunt. However, it came with one stipulation: she was not to leave her usual grisly signature of a detached crotch at the scene.

Emi easily agreed to it, so currently she was sitting in a club, her eyes scanning the crowd for potential prey. The pulsating beat of the music reverberated through the room, creating an electric atmosphere. The dim, colorful lights danced across the faces of the patrons, casting fleeting shadows that added to the allure of the scene. Emi, in her short, skimpy dress, looked stunning, her every movement drawing glances from those around her.

She had found her next target. It was a man with above-average height and short black hair. He had a lean build with a cute face, a great catch for Emi. She watched him from across the room, observing his movements and interactions. He seemed slightly out of place, as if he wasn't a regular at the club, and that made him even more intriguing.

Emi decided to make her move. She glided through the crowd with an air of confidence, her dress swaying with her every step. She approached him with a sultry smile, her eyes locking onto his. "Hi there," she said, her voice smooth and inviting. "Mind if I join you?"

The man looked up, slightly taken aback by her boldness but clearly interested. "Sure, why not?" he replied, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

She slid into the seat beside him, her leg brushing against his under the table. “You looked lonely. I thought you might want some company.”

“Company is always welcome,” The man smiled, “Hi, I’m Naito.”

"Nice to meet you, Naito," Emi said, leaning on the table while pressing down her breasts "I'm Saki."

They chatted for a while, Emi effortlessly steering the conversation. She laughed at his jokes, leaned in close when he spoke, and occasionally touched his arm, her fingers lingering just a moment too long. Her scent, a mix of floral and something more exotic, filled the space between them, intoxicating him.

"So, Naito," she said, her voice dropping to a more intimate tone, "what brings you here tonight?"

"Oh, just needed a break from the usual routine," he replied, his eyes fixed on hers. "And you?"

"Same here," she said, leaning closer. "Sometimes you just need a change of scenery, don't you think?"

He nodded, his gaze drifting to her lips. Emi noticed this and smiled inwardly. She reached out, her fingers lightly tracing the edge of his glass. "You know," she said softly, "this place is great and all, but it's a bit too loud for a proper conversation."

Naito swallowed hard, clearly captivated by her presence. "Yeah, it is pretty loud," he agreed. "Did you have somewhere else in mind?"

Emi's smile widened. "Actually, I know a nice hotel nearby. It's quiet, comfortable, and the perfect place to continue our conversation."

Naito hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching hers for any sign of deceit. But Emi's gaze remained steady, inviting. "Okay," he said finally. "Let's go."


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