On Top of the Food Chain

Chapter 25 – Hunger [End of Part 1]

This chapter is twice the length of a normal chapter, so enjoy!

Kazuki inhaled deeply, the sweet, intoxicating scent of Ghoul blood filling his nostrils, inviting him to the feast. His senses heightened, and the world around him seemed to blur into insignificance.

Rika stood nearby, her heart pounding as she watched the transformation overtaking Kazuki. This was not the boy she knew. Even in his darkest moments, he had never looked this cold. A shiver ran down her spine as she took a step forward, somehow she had managed to make her voice not tremble. "Kazuki, we need to go. Now."

Kazuki's eyes remained fixed on the dying Ghoul below, a slight predatory smile spreading across his face. The sight of the bleeding creature seemed to enthrall him, drawing him deeper into his primal instincts.

"Kazuki!" Rika called out again, her voice tinged with desperation, but he seemed lost in his transformation, oblivious to her pleas.

Endo, sensing the urgency of the situation, stepped towards Kazuki, his expression stern. "Hey, snap out of it!" he barked, trying to break through the haze of bloodlust that enveloped his friend.

Kazuki’s eyes flickered, momentarily acknowledging Endo's presence. The primal hunger still burned in his gaze, but there was a glimmer of recognition. Rika held her breath, hoping that he would come back to them.

But then, the inviting scent of blood hit him once again. The world, which had been slowly coming back into focus, suddenly blurred even more. Kazuki could only see familiar, vivid silhouettes around him, figures he knew meant him no harm. But down below, he sensed another presence—no, a prey—beckoning him with an irresistible allure.

In the moment of confusion, Kazuki turned around and looked at his companions. He took a deep breath, feeling the cold wind against his face, he quickly put on his mask before leaping from the building.

“No!” Rika aggressively said in a low tone just as he jumped off.

Endo and Eiji both cursed. “Shit,”

The three of them quickly looked below.

Kazuki’s landing was almost silent, the impact cushioned by his ghoul-enhanced body. He rose slowly, eyes glowing with a predatory red hue, bloodlust emanating from him in waves.

The scene before him sharpened into focus. The Ghoul was kneeling, clutching his bleeding torso, eyes wide with pain and fear. The Poacher stood nearby, a smirk playing on his lips as he spun the glowing dagger in his hand. The Poacher's gaze shifted to Kazuki, who was now murmuring loudly, a crazed light in his eyes.

"I want that," Kazuki muttered, his voice low but intense, filled with a hunger that was almost palpable.

“I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that. I want that.”

Kazuki looked almost like a maniac, the gaze in his eyes, the mask on his face, his posture, and everything about him made him feel like a crazed psychopath.

The Poacher kicked the Ghoul away, sending him sprawling against the alley wall. He then adjusted his grip on the dagger by spinning it, switching from a knife grip to a more traditional dagger hold, ready for close combat. The Poacher sighed, a mix of annoyance and amusement in his eyes. "Another one?" he muttered, glancing at Kazuki with a weary resignation.

He turned to the Ghoul, who was struggling to get up. "Is he your friend?" the Poacher asked, nodding towards Kazuki.

The Ghoul, eyes wide with fear and confusion, shook his head violently. "No," he gasped, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Tsk," the Poacher clicked his tongue in irritation. "Just my luck," he sighed again, before launching himself at Kazuki, dagger poised for a lethal strike.

Kazuki's vision was a swirl of chaos, the world around him indistinct and distorted. He saw only a shadowy figure racing toward him, its intent clear and hostile. In his bloodlust, logic evaporated, and he charged at the figure with a primal drive to strike.

His fist clenched, ready to deliver a blow, while the Poacher prepared to slash him. As they closed the distance, the Poacher suddenly leaped, landing a powerful kick to Kazuki's face and sending him sprawling back several meters. Kazuki's wild swing had connected with the figure's calf, causing the Poacher to stumble and fall as well.

Kazuki lay on the ground, his vision a blur of blood and scratches. His nose bled profusely, and everything felt surreal. The shadowy figure loomed over him, poised to deliver a fatal strike. Despite the imminent danger, Kazuki's eyes held no fear—only a detached indifference and a hint of confusion.

The Poacher, dagger in hand, crouched down to finish him off. But just as he moved to strike, he abruptly stepped away. A cyan-colored thorn, forged from Aura, fell on the ground where he had been crouching, shattering the pavement and standing menacingly.

Out of nowhere, three figures leaped down into the alley, encircling the Poacher. Among them was a girl, her presence fierce and commanding, and two males, both radiating lethal intent. The masks they wore were unmistakable—Ghouls. A twisted smile crept onto the Poacher's face, knowing enemies now surrounded him.

Meanwhile, the wounded Ghoul, Isao, seized the moment to crawl out of the alley. As he dragged himself forward, he saw two pairs of legs blocking his path. Looking up, he found himself staring at two more Poachers. Panic flickered in his eyes, but it was too late.

Back in the alley, the tension between the three Ghouls and the Poacher reached a boiling point. The female Ghoul flexed her hands, revealing cyan-colored claws that shimmered ominously in the dim light. The two male Ghouls mirrored the Poacher, each brandishing a dagger, their postures radiating deadly intent.

The atmosphere was charged with imminent violence, every muscle taut and ready for action. Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream shattered the tense silence. All eyes snapped toward the source, where Isao lay dead, his body a crumpled heap. Two more Poachers, clad in black nylon jackets, stood over him, their expressions cold and ruthless.

Chaos erupted. The Ghouls lunged at the Poacher, their movements swift and deadly. The Poacher, grinning with savage delight, met their assault head-on, his dagger flashing in the dim light. The alleyway became a blur of violence, blood, and the clash of steel against flesh.

Kazuki, still on the ground, watched the scene unfold, the primal bloodlust in his veins throbbing in sync with the chaotic dance of death before him. The darkness was filled with screams, the sound of blood dripping, and the relentless struggle for survival.


Kazuki lay on the ground, his vision distorted and disfigured. Suddenly, clarity pierced through the haze. The world around him snapped into sharp focus, the surreal blur of moments before dissipating. Memories of standing on the terrace, staring at Isao, and what happened afterward seemed distant and distorted, like a fever dream.

The first thing he noticed was that everywhere he saw, he was covered in a thick mist. He could feel it, it wasn’t the darkness, but a dense fog surrounding the area, blocking his vision,

He took a deep breath, the cold air stinging his lungs, and noticed the pain radiating from his torso. It was a pain unlike any he had ever felt before, a searing, burning sensation that made every breath a struggle. Grimacing, he tried to sit up, but the agony nearly overwhelmed him.

As he struggled to regain his bearings, a voice cut through the mist.

"No matter what you do, you can't hide in my mist," the voice said, dripping with malevolent amusement. "All those I have struck at least once get marked by me, and thus no matter where you go, this mist will find you."

Kazuki's heart pounded in his chest. The voice was unfamiliar, yet its menace was unmistakable.

"For a Ghoul, you are quite a beauty," the voice continued, mocking and cold.

He heard more voices, overlapping and indistinct as if multiple people were speaking at once. He couldn't tell if it was the same person or a group of threats.

"Don't you dare!" Rika's voice rang out, fierce and defiant.

"Rika!" Endo’s shout echoed, his voice raw with desperation.

"He's there!" another unfamiliar voice called panic lacing its tone.

Kazuki strained to listen, his senses sharpening despite the pain. He heard Endo's grunts, sounds of struggle and exertion. The mist seemed to thicken, suffocating and oppressive.

Kazuki forced himself to his feet, his body screaming in protest. He could barely make out the silhouettes of his friends through the mist. The shadows danced and shifted, and he knew he had to move, to find them, to fight.

Kazuki's instincts told him to stay as quiet as possible. He felt a clarity that had eluded him for so long, like a fog lifting from his mind. As he slowly moved toward Rika's voice, other sounds grew louder too.

"Don't touch me!" Rika shouted, her voice laced with desperation.

"Oh my, I love seeing reluctance!" an unfamiliar, sinister voice replied. "Grab that bastard."

Kazuki continued forward, unable to see through the thick mist, but judging by the sound, he was just a step away from this person. The interaction between this voice and Rika left no doubt—he had to act. But how? He had no weapon.

His mind raced, and he remembered the sensation he had felt on his forehead back when he was standing on top of the building. 'Wait, am I seriously thinking of killing a person?' he thought, a cold dread seizing him. 'No, this is self-defense.'

Kazuki closed his eyes, focusing on the warmth in his solar plexus, feeling it transfer to his forehead and materialize into a large horn. 'This is the only way,' he reassured himself, 'I have to protect Rika.'

He didn't think much as he blindly grabbed the shoulders of the person in front of him, his body moving on instinct. With a powerful thrust, he used his horn to pierce through the man, like a bull goring its target.

"I like it when—" The man’s sentence was cut off by a gasp of pain as something pierced his chest. He looked down to see a red-colored Aura spike protruding through his body. His eyes widened in shock, and then he collapsed, lifeless.

Rika, who was standing in front of the Poacher, watched in shock as the man who had been groping her went limp and fell to the ground. She noticed the red Aura spike protruding through his chest, and her eyes widened.

As the Poacher fell, Rika saw a familiar figure standing behind him. Illuminated by the red glow of his Aura, Kazuki's face emerged from the dark fog. His eyes glowed with a crimson light, and his expression was cold and detached as he looked at Rika.

The fog gradually dissipated, revealing the moonlight and the glow from the nearby street lamps illuminating the back alley. Kazuki found himself standing next to Rika, facing a single Poacher. His blurred memories reminded him that this was the original Poacher who had been here since the start. Eiji lay on the ground next to another Poacher, while Endo knelt a few meters away from the Poacher now standing before them.

Kazuki's horn faded away as the world blurred again. He vigorously shook his head, steeling himself for the fight, and took the stance Junpei had taught him.

"Leave this to us," Rika said firmly.

"What do you mean?" Kazuki asked, confusion and frustration tinging his voice.

"You've already done enough," Rika insisted.

By this time, Endo had gotten up and now stood behind the Poacher. "Kazuki, you're a liability right now. You're not in a bloodlust due to some miracle, but I think it's coming back to you, right?"

Kazuki nodded, feeling the familiar, dangerous sensation creeping back.

"If you go into a bloodlust, it'll be bad for us. Escape," Rika urged.

Kazuki understood the gravity of the situation and agreed. "We'll meet up at the parking lot," he said, turning to run back to the end of the alley. With a swift leap, he lunged over a short wall and disappeared.

Endo and Rika exchanged determined glances before focusing on the Poacher. This Poacher had an ability that allowed him to paralyze the part of the body he struck, making him a formidable opponent. That was why Rika had been immobilized while the other Poacher harassed her.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Rika and Endo readied their Aura. They lunged at the Poacher, with coldness in their eyes and actions.


After what seemed like a never-ending fight, ended in a withdrawal, Rika and Endo took Eiji with them and headed toward the parking lot.

The Poacher, had immobilized Endo with ruthless efficiency, poised to deliver the final, fatal blow. Meanwhile, Rika’s claws were pressed menacingly against the throat of another Poacher who lay unconscious on the ground.

Both adversaries, realizing the futility of their position, had reluctantly decided to withdraw, retreating into the shadows.

When they reached the parking lot, Kazuki was nowhere to be found. Minutes stretched into what felt like hours as Rika and Endo scoured the parking lot, searching for any sign of Kazuki. Just when hopelessness began to set in, a ringtone shattered the oppressive silence, echoing ominously through the empty space.

Rika’s heart raced as she followed the sound, her eyes scanning the ground until she spotted a phone lying beneath one of the parked cars. It was Kazuki’s phone. Without hesitation, she answered the call.

“You called me?” Junpei’s voice crackled through the speaker, filled with concern.

“Dad, I can’t find him,” Rika said, a tinge of worry in her cold voice.

“What?” Junpei’s tone sharpened with alarm.

“His phone was here, and…” Rika relayed the grim details of the situation, her words heavy with the weight of the news.

“Damn it,” Junpei swore, his frustration palpable. “Find him. Keep me updated.”


In a dimly lit room, Junpei sat on a worn-out sofa, his face etched with worry. Opposite him, an older man lounged comfortably, a glass of beer in hand. The old man’s eyes, sharp and knowing, watched Junpei with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

“You were right,” Junpei said, his voice betraying his exhaustion.

“I’m always right,” the old man replied with a self-satisfied smirk, taking a slow, deliberate sip of his beer. “So, what’s the plan now?”

“I’m heading to Kyoto,” Junpei said, downing the remainder of his beer in a single gulp, his expression one of grim resolve.

“Such a cruel twist of fate,” the old man remarked a hint of irony in his voice. “It seems the threads of destiny are pulling you along like a puppet.”

Junpei’s lips curled into a sardonic smile at the old man’s words, but his eyes betrayed a storm of emotions.


Kazuki’s eyes fluttered open to an abyss of darkness. Disoriented, he felt the unsettling sway of a moving vehicle beneath him and heard the sporadic clatter of metal mixed with distant car horns. The steady hum of the engine suggested that he was being transported somewhere.

He tried to sit up, his limbs stiff and unresponsive. His torso still hurt badly. Through the enveloping darkness, he could barely make out the silhouette of a figure seated across from him. They were in the back of what seemed like a police van.

“You’re not a Ghoul, are you?” the figure’s voice was a low whisper, filled with an eerie calm.

Kazuki’s throat was dry, his voice hoarse as he responded, “Who are you? And where are we going?”

“My name is Naito,” the figure replied, his tone cool and detached. “And we’re not going anywhere nice. We’re both being kidnapped.”

Naito’s words sank in with a chilling clarity. “They’re taking us to Shoda’s fighting ring,” he added, his voice carrying a grim edge.


[End of Part 1 : Sweet Bloodlust]



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