On Top of the Food Chain

Chapter 33 – Workings of the Arena

“Hi, I’m Elyas,” the boy introduced himself, his voice soft, almost gentle, as if he wasn’t the same person who had tried to tear Kazuki apart in the arena.

Kazuki blinked, trying to reconcile the feral, growling creature he’d fought with the calm, almost shy boy sitting in front of him now. It didn’t make sense. How could someone so fragile-looking have fought so viciously just hours ago?

“Uh… I’m Kazuki,” he replied, still trying to wrap his head around this sudden turn of events. The tension in the air was thick, the silence stretching as Kazuki tried to process everything—Lucy’s knowledge of Junpei, and now this strange encounter with Elyas.

Elyas seemed to sense Kazuki’s confusion and gave a small, understanding smile. “I know it’s weird,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “But things… they’re not what they seem.”

Kazuki glanced at Elyas and then at Lucy, who was watching him carefully, her earlier question still hanging in the air between them. But before he could ask anything more, Elyas spoke again.

“I wanted to apologize for earlier,” Elyas continued, his eyes meeting Kazuki’s. “I… I’m not usually like that. It’s just… I was bloodlusted, and after you knocked me out, I came to back my senses. I am extremely sorry for hurting your face. I hope you can understand.”

Kazuki nodded slowly, still trying to grasp the situation. “Yeah… I get it,” he said, though in truth, he wasn’t sure he did. Nothing about this place or this situation made sense, and now with Lucy’s cryptic question and Elyas’s sudden appearance, it felt like the ground was shifting beneath his feet.

As the three of them sat there, the once oppressive silence now filled with the weight of unspoken questions, Kazuki couldn’t help but feel that he was being pulled deeper into something far more complicated than he had initially thought. And as much as he wanted answers, a part of him wondered if he was ready to face what they might reveal.

Lucy smiled at Elyas and extended her hand. “I’m Lucy, by the way,” she introduced herself, her voice warm and welcoming despite the grim circumstances.

Elyas shook her hand, his grip light but sincere. “Nice to meet you, Lucy,” he said softly, still seeming a bit out of place in this harsh environment.

“So, were you just brought here?” Lucy asked, her tone shifting slightly as she studied him.

Elyas nodded, his expression turning more serious. “Yeah, not too long ago,” he replied, glancing around the hall as if still trying to get his bearings.

Lucy leaned back, her eyes drifting over the crowd before settling back on Kazuki and Elyas. “I’ve been wondering… have either of you figured out why they brought us here to eat together instead of just giving us food in our cells?”

Elyas shook his head. “No, I haven’t thought much about it,” he admitted, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Kazuki, however, nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing in thought. “Yeah, I think I get it,” he said, his voice steady. “Shoda wants our fights to be interesting to the audience, so of course, he’d want us to discuss and seek information about the other fighters. That way, we can gain insight and come up with strategies. It makes the fights more unpredictable, more entertaining.”

Lucy raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. “You’re right,” she said, her tone playful. “You’re not as dumb as you look, Kazuki.”

Kazuki chuckled, a bit of tension easing from his shoulders as he relaxed into the conversation. “I’ve been paying attention,” he replied.

“As you are saying, to make it interesting as the level of the battle goes up, the more perks you get, second battle onwards you’ll be given a choice to use weapons, and third battle onwards you’ll be given info about your opponent beforehand.”



The three of them sat in a brief, comfortable silence, the low murmur of conversations around them filling the air. The hall was a strange mix of tension and camaraderie, with fighters sizing each other up even as they shared a meal.

Lucy glanced between Kazuki and Elyas, her gaze thoughtful. “We’re all in the same boat here, so it’s probably a good idea to look out for each other,” she said, her voice softening. “No one knows what’s coming next, but if we stick together, maybe we’ll have a better chance.”

Kazuki nodded, while Elyas offered a small, tentative smile. It was a fragile alliance, born out of necessity and the shared uncertainty of their situation, but in this place, it was all they had.

Lucy's knowing about Junpei still lingered in the back of his mind, but he didn’t mention it in front of Elyas. Junpei had previously told him that he had a lot of acquaintances, and most of them weren’t friendly, so Kazuki was wary of Lucy, but she was the only probable ally he had right now.

A loud voice echoed through the large hall, cutting through the murmur of conversations. "Lunchtime's over! Everyone, back to your cells!" A guard shouted, his tone sharp and authoritative, leaving no room for hesitation.

Kazuki, along with the other fighters, stood up and began to form a line, filing into the queue that had quickly formed. As they moved towards the exit, the distant thumping of music became more pronounced, reverberating through the dark, eerie passageway. The sound was unsettling, a constant reminder of the ominous place they were trapped in.

As Kazuki walked in line, he couldn’t help but notice the heavy presence of guards stationed at regular intervals along the passage. Every ten meters, another guard stood watch, their expressions cold and vigilant. It was no wonder why powerful Ghouls hadn’t broken out of this place. The security was suffocatingly tight, leaving no opportunity for escape, no matter how strong or cunning a fighter might be.

Kazuki’s thoughts were abruptly interrupted as the line slowed down, nearing the cells. Just as he was about to break off from the queue and enter his cell, he felt a presence close to him. Lucy leaned in, her breath warm against his ear as she whispered, “Are you the Ghoul-Eater?”

Kazuki froze, cold sweat prickling his skin. The words hit him like a punch to the gut, leaving him stunned and unnerved. How did she know? His heart raced as he quickly stepped into his cell, the cold, dark space closing around him like a trap. Even as he stood alone in the shadows, the feeling of being seen through gnawed at him. Why did Lucy know about this? What else did she know?

He sat down, his thoughts spiraling as he tried to calm himself. But the fear and uncertainty wouldn’t fade. He felt exposed, vulnerable in a way he hadn’t since his transformation. The dark cell offered no comfort, only amplifying the unsettling questions now swirling in his mind. 


Sunlight poured through the expansive glass pane, casting long shadows across the sleek meeting room. The table, a long stretch of polished wood, was surrounded by professionals clad in crisp suits, their expressions a mix of focus and tension. 

At one end of the table, Subaru Shuichi sat with an air of effortless authority. His long silver hair was meticulously tied into a neat bun, his handsome features cold and unyielding.

“So, we’re ready to attack the fighting ring the day after tomorrow, correct?” Subaru's voice was calm, almost casual, yet it held an undercurrent of severity that made the others straighten in their seats. The question was rhetorical; the plan had been already set in motion. Still, every head around the table nodded in agreement, some more eagerly than others.

Subaru’s icy gaze swept the room once more before he stood, his movements as graceful as they were decisive. Without another word, he exited the room, his presence lingering in the tense silence left behind. The door closed softly behind him, and it was only then that the collective breath in the room was released.

“He’s as ruthless as ever,” one of the officials murmured, his voice laced with a mix of admiration and fear.

“Painful mission ahead, but will the higher-ups let him be?” another said, rubbing the back of his neck as if already feeling the strain. “Then again, it’s Subaru Shuichi we’re talking about… The Executioner doesn’t leave loose ends.”

The room gradually emptied, the sound of footsteps echoing as the last of the officials made their way out. Except for one figure who remained seated, lost in thought. This person eventually stood, the light from the window catching his face, revealing a faint, almost imperceptible smirk. He walked slowly to the glass pane, his reflection merging with the sprawling cityscape below. From this height, the city seemed peaceful, almost serene—an illusion that was soon to be shattered.

The man’s eyes, glowed with a dim, eerie purple light, invisible until looked at in the dark. He grinned, swirling the glass of water in his hand as if it were a fine wine. There was something unsettling in the way his expression twisted, the light in his eyes hinting at something far more sinister.

“Day after tomorrow, then,” he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible above the distant hum of the city. The grin widened, a silent promise of the chaos to come.


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