On Top of the Food Chain

Chapter 7 – You?

Kazuki stood alone in an endless void, his feet submerged in a cold, unseen substance that sent shivers up his spine. He felt paralyzed, as if his very being was trapped in this forsaken abyss with no hope of escape. The darkness pressed in on him, heavy and suffocating, until suddenly, it lifted.

And then he found himself standing on the familiar crosswalk where the accident had occurred, the scene replaying in haunting detail. The little girl stood in the middle of the road, oblivious to the car hurtling towards her. A dark silhouette lingered on the opposite side, a figure Kazuki knew all too well, yet his mind recoiled from its presence.

In an instant, he was on the ground again, the aftermath of the accident fresh and visceral. Blood pooled around him, soaking his clothes as he writhed in agony. His vision blurred, but he could make out a female figure standing over him. Her skin was flawless, almost ethereal, with short black hair framing her face and piercing brown eyes, a small mole resting beneath her left eye. She extended her hand towards him, a gesture both inviting and chilling.

“Aiko Tanaka,” Kazuki muttered, his voice trembling with shock and recognition. His hand shook as he reached out, desperate for connection in his nightmare. The moment their fingers touched, her eyes collapsed inward, transforming into hollow, bleeding sockets. Blood gushed from her eyes, ears, and mouth in a grotesque cascade, drenching her once pristine skin. The sight was horrific, a macabre display that sent Kazuki reeling.

Everything went black again.

He was back in the void, the wet sensation beneath his feet returning with a nauseating familiarity. The darkness lifted once more, revealing a back alley he recognized too well. A puddle of blood formed around his feet, spreading slowly but inexorably. He looked around, his heart pounding as he took in the grisly scene. Severed limbs, internal organs, and unidentifiable gore littered the ground, painting a picture of unimaginable horror. His breath quickened, each inhale sharp and painful, until a harrowing scream erupted from his throat, echoing through the desolate alley.


Kazuki jolted awake, panting heavily and drenched in sweat. After struggling to fall asleep, his rest had been shattered by a terrifying nightmare. He swallowed hard, feeling the dryness in his throat. After drinking some water, he walked to the mirror in his room.

The reflection staring back at him was a youth with pale skin, dark circles under his eyes, and a fatigued expression. The mundane joy of life had been replaced by a haunting sorrow that darkened his eyes.

He glanced at the file the doctor had given him. Seeing the name Aiko Tanaka on the documents brought back the memory of his nightmare and her bloodied face. Pushing the horrifying images aside, he focused on the details about Aiko. Then, he realized a document containing his medical insurance details was missing from the file.

A wild thought invaded Kazuki’s already paranoid mind. “What if that document fell in the alley?” His mind flashed back to the creepy smile of the man with scarred lips. A shiver ran down his spine as cold dread settled in his gut.


After a lot of overthinking, Kazuki found himself standing in front of the back alley where he had witnessed that gruesome fight the day before. His heart pounded, a paranoid fear gripping him. What if those people were still there, hiding in the darkness, waiting to ambush him? Taking a deep breath, Kazuki pushed those thoughts aside and stepped into the alley. To his surprise, there was no sign of the previous day's carnage. And thankfully, he was alone.

He searched near the dumpster, hoping to find the missing document, but there was nothing. The insurance details were crucial; without them, he'd face trouble with his hospital bill. After ten minutes of fruitless searching, Kazuki sighed, dejected. He was barely holding on to his sanity. His stomach ached, his parents were missing, he had witnessed a slaughter, and now he might not be able to pay his medical bills. "Fuck," he muttered under his breath.

Walking through the busy streets, he glanced at the file in his hands. His current goal was to find out more about Aiko Tanaka, hoping it might help him understand his strange hunger. The file contained her basic info, including her address and the place where she had committed suicide. He looked at her photo in the file—short black hair, a mole that made her look pretty. But looking at her picture only brought Kazuki pain and sadness.

The doctor had mentioned a neighbor named Junpei who had handled everything after Aiko's death. So now, Kazuki’s goal was clear: find Junpei.


Kazuki found himself standing in front of a four-story apartment complex where Aiko had lived. The ground floor housed a convenience store, while the other three floors were residential.

He stepped inside the convenience store. It was noon, and the place was empty, save for the cashier.

"Hi, I wanted to meet someone named Junpei. I think he lives in this building," Kazuki asked the cashier, who was of average height and looks, except for his noticeable blonde hair, likely dyed.

"Sorry, but the owner isn't here right now," the cashier replied.

"Oh, alright. Do you know when he'll be back? It's actually very important," Kazuki pressed.

"Sorry, I've no idea," the cashier said courteously.

"Then do you know a girl named Aiko Tanaka?" Kazuki inquired.

The cashier hesitated for a moment before responding, "No, I've never heard of her before."

With no more questions to ask, Kazuki bought a vegetable sandwich and a bottle of cola before leaving the store. Though this won’t help him with his grumbling stomach, but atleast provide some satisfaction to his tongue.

Once Kazuki had left, the cashier hurriedly made a phone call. He looked tensed.


After having the sandwich, Kazuki made his way toward the spot where Aiko had committed suicide. It was right on the border of the town, just a few kilometers from where his accident had occurred. Aiko had jumped off a water tower.

Kazuki approached the tower, its structure looming above him like a giant from a bygone era. The metal frame was rusted in places, the paint peeling off, revealing the harshness of time. Weeds grew unchecked around its base, adding to the air of abandonment and neglect.

He began to climb the spiral stairs, each step echoing in the emptiness around him. He didn't know why he was doing this, why he had come here. He felt lost, a hollow ache in his chest guiding his movements. The higher he climbed, the more the wind picked up, cold and biting against his skin.

Reaching the top, he looked out over the town. The view was nothing special, just a spread of rooftops and streets, but something about it felt uplifting. The cold wind met him, and the sunshine cast a golden glow over everything, momentarily lifting his spirits.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of someone weeping. The soft, heart-wrenching sobs came from the other end of the circular platform. Curiosity and concern drove him to move towards the sound. As he rounded the water tank, he saw a familiar figure.

Rika was sitting there, tears streaming down her face. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her expression was one of deep sorrow. When she spotted Kazuki, their eyes locked, and she looked surprised.

"You?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mix of confusion and sadness.

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