One Birth Seven Treasures: Invincible Daddy is Super Fierce

Chapter 166: System penalty

Soon, the two did not wait long, and the optician came up with the medicine.

The so-called antibacterial treatment, to put it bluntly, is an injection, injecting the child with the corresponding vaccine drugs, and enhancing the child's antibody.

Injections, perhaps for children, are a natural nightmare.

When the two little guys were poked on the buttocks, they cried and yelled, but the effect was very obvious. After the injection, the expressions of the two little guys gradually returned to normal.

"Okay, it's done. After you go back, you must pay attention to hygiene. Usually, children's colds caused by infection are caused by the variation of the environment they are in."

"So, before the child is six months old, try not to go out with the child as much as possible, and the scope of action should be narrowed in the community."

"Thank you, doctor, we got it."

Bei Xinyao listened, nodded her thanks, and wrote down what the doctor said.

However, Lin Ming was wondering why the two little guys were so good, why were they suddenly infected by bacteria.

Moreover, the two little guys are always with several other sisters and brothers, why are the other five brothers and sisters okay, but these two little guys are infected?

"Well, this is the fee list. You can take it and go to the nurse station outside to pay the fee. Now the payment hall is also closed. You have to go to work in the morning."

Having said that, the optician handed over a list of medicines.

"Okay, doctor, thank you."

Lin Ming took the order and also thanked the doctor in front of him. Then he and Bei Xinyao came to the nurse station with the child and paid the fee.

This time, I spent more than 800 Longxia Coins for the treatment of the two little guys.

And at this moment, the voice of the system sounded in Lin Ming's mind.


"The system prompts: The child is sick due to the host, and there is a problem in the process of bringing the child. The host is now deducting 20 million Longxia coins."

"Given that this is the first time for the host, the system has chosen to give a lighter punishment. This is the first and will be the last monetary punishment."

"If similar situations continue to occur during the subsequent process of bringing the baby, the system will take back the system's rewards in turn according to the host's mistakes!"

"After the system reward is deducted, the system will deduct the host's health as a punishment!"

"Hope the host take a warning!"

Hearing the sound of the system, Lin Ming was shocked.

The system punishment has finally come.

However, after hearing the content of the punishment, Lin Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the punishment this time was just a simple deduction of money, but the next time, the system will increase the punishment level, and the system rewards will be recovered in turn.

If the system reward is recovered, it will be deducted from Lin Ming's HP to offset the system's punishment.

have to say.

The system's punishments and rewards are equally astounding.

This also made Lin Ming secretly guard himself.

Taking the two little babies back to the car, Lin Ming drove very carefully on the way back this time, and at the same time discussed with Bei Xinyao: "Daughter-in-law, what do you think the child is caused by bacterial infection?"

"Aren't you always taking care of your children? How do I know if you ask me?"

Bei Xinyao was also muttering dissatisfied at this time. Obviously, after knowing that the child was infected with bacteria because of unsanitary conditions, she was a little dissatisfied with Lin Ming.

When she took care of the children alone, the children did not have the slightest problem.

And now, how many days did Lin Ming take the child?

As a result, such a serious problem arose, and this time, Bei Xinyao became suspicious of Lin Ming again.

It stands to reason that Lin Ming's understanding of children is much deeper than hers. This should not happen. Could it be that Lin Ming didn't bring children at all in normal times?

Instead, leave the child aside and go out to play alone?

Thinking of Lin Ming's previous life habits, Bei Xinyao became suspicious.

But the next moment, she regretted it again.

Lin Ming is now her own man. If she chooses to be with this man, she should trust him. Moreover, judging from Lin Ming's usual behavior, Lin Ming is not the kind of person who only cares about himself and doesn't care about the children. man.

Listening to Bei Xinyao's words, Lin Ming also showed a helpless wry smile on his face.

He didn't justify either.

Bei Xinyao is right. When a child has such a problem, the biggest responsibility lies with his father, who takes care of the child on weekdays.

Moreover, the system has already determined that the child's infection was caused by their own mistakes, so it must be their own problem.

However, Lin Ming was really confused.

Where is the problem?

If the cause is not found out, it is very likely that several babies will be infected because of it. Therefore, it is imperative to find out the root cause of the cause.

After all, this is not only related to the health of his little babies, but also his own life.

Lin Ming carefully recalled the situation of taking children in the past few days, and finally locked in three possibilities.

The first is that when I was making playground tools for children, I brought a few little guys to play on the lawn and took pictures.

Even though the mat was covered and the blanket was added, because there were seven little guys, there were times when they showed their eyes.

It is very likely that at some point Wubao and Liubao rolled onto the lawn, and finally got infected, and then broke out this evening.

The second situation: It is the air conditioner problem in the master bedroom.

However, Lin Ming quickly ruled out this situation, because if it was an air-conditioning problem, it was impossible that only the two little guys, Wubao and Liubao, would be infected.

The third situation is the physical problems of the Five Treasures and the Six Treasures themselves.

However, it is unlikely that this will happen, because the child is only two months old, and the physiques of the seven little guys are not much different, and they are all vaccinated, so there will not be much difference.

It's just that these three situations are all Lin Ming's own guesses, so it's impossible to be sure.

In desperation, Lin Ming could only choose to bow his head to the system.

"System, can you tell me why the Five Treasures and Sixth Treasures were infected, I can't figure it out myself now, I'm not thinking about myself, but for the health of my children, if I can't find this If there is a problem, it will be the children who will suffer in the future."

"System, your purpose is also for the children's good, can you tell me?"


"The system prompts: The child's bacterial infection is caused by the host taking the child to the lawn to play and take pictures, because the five treasures and six treasures rolled on the lawn during the host's photo taking."


As soon as he heard the system's prompt, Lin Ming realized it in his heart.

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