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Chapter 94 Blue Star Is Ending?

"Dad! Mom! Sister! Don't wait for me when you eat by yourself at noon. Tianzun has something to ask me, and I will come back after I have dealt with the matter over there."

After seeing the message on the microphone, Lin Yi immediately said seriously to his parents and others.

"Okay! Xiao Yi, you can go. But no matter what, remember that your own safety is the most important thing!"

Sensing the solemnity in Lin Yi's tone, Lin's father and Lin's mother couldn't help feeling tense, and replied with concern.


Hearing this, Lin Yi also nodded heavily.

Then it turned into a streamer and flew towards his smart fighter, intending to take the fighter to Kyoto.

After all, although his current strength is strong, in terms of flight speed alone, he is still somewhat inferior to advanced smart fighters.


"call out!"

Silver-white smart fighters streaked across the sky.

In less than 5 minutes, Lin Yi had arrived in Kyoto City, where Dou Wu Tianzun lived.

"Tianzun, what do you need to find me!"

As soon as the fighter plane got off, Lin Yi immediately asked solemnly.

"Lin Yi, don't ask so many questions, just follow me and you'll know!"

Hearing Lin Yi's question, Li Yuannian's face was full of sadness, and he didn't seem to be in the mood to say more. With a flash of his figure, it turned into a streamer and flew towards one direction.

Seeing this, Lin Yi also frowned and followed.


After about tens of seconds of flying, Li Yuannian landed on a piece of lawn.

In front of the lawn, there are continuous and densely packed buildings.

On the outskirts of the building complex, there are guards at three steps and sentries at five steps, and countless guards with live ammunition are patrolling.

In addition, there are various powerful laser cannons hidden in hidden places everywhere.

Once someone comes to commit an offense, they will be shot and killed directly!

It can be said that the defense here is even more terrifying and strict than the war base against monsters in the wilderness.

However, these weapons can at most defend against the existence of martial saints and below.

For Wu Sheng, although these weapons are powerful and many, they are useless.

"I've seen Tianzun! I've seen Lord Reincarnation Martial Saint!"

When Lin Yi and Li Yuannian arrived at the gate, the guards outside the gate immediately saluted them respectfully, their eyes full of fanaticism.

"Hmm! Are the Lords Catching God and Military God here?"

Seeing these saluting guards, Li Yuannian also nodded slightly and asked.

"Return to Tianzun, Catching God and Military God arrived 3 minutes and 43 seconds ago, and they are currently in Building No. 9."

As soon as Li Yuannian finished speaking, a man who looked like the leader of the guards replied.

"Okay, since that's the case, then Lin Yi, let's go in too."

Hearing that God Catching and God of War had arrived, Li Yuannian greeted Lin Yi when he saw this, and then walked into a building about [-] meters high.


When Lin Yi and Li Yuannian walked to the entrance of the building, outside the building, a silver-white alloy gate about seven or eight meters high suddenly opened, revealing its true face.

This is a building that is completely different from the structure of ordinary houses. This building has no layers of corridors and ceilings.

It is similar to ancient palaces, except for the ground, when you look up, you can see the roof.

Moreover, the roof is not made of reinforced concrete.

It is a colorless and transparent substance like glass.

With the blessing of this substance, even the naked eye can clearly penetrate the atmosphere and see areas tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers above the sky.

"Yuan Nian, Lin Yi, you are here!"

Seeing Lin Yi and Li Yuannian's arrival, Catching God and Military God who had already arrived in the room first nodded and said hello.

Afterwards, Catching God said to a grey-haired old man who looked to be in his 70s or [-]s:

"Academician Tang Ding, since Tianzun and Samsara Martial Saint are both here, then, show what you have observed now!"

"Yes! Lord Catcher!"

As soon as the catcher's voice fell, the old man replied respectfully, his face instantly became solemn, and he said to a group of young assistants around him:
"Xiao Liu, prepare the equipment!"

"Xiao Li, get ready to screencast!"

"Xiao Zhang, get ready for data calculation!"

"Little Wang..."

Order after order sounded from the old man's mouth in an orderly manner.

At this moment, the old man seemed to be transformed into a supreme monarch, his face was full of majesty and solemnity.

"Tang Ding, it turned out to be him, I don't know what he observed this time!"

Hearing the old man's name, Lin Yi also instantly knew the information about this person in his mind, and couldn't help being curious.

Tang Ding, one of the greatest astronomers of more than 300 years in the New Era.

In terms of astronomy research and contribution, it is a well-deserved No.1 in the world today.

Even in the long river of history, it is enough to rank in the top five.

Such a great scientist has a long passage in history textbooks to highlight his contribution.

Therefore, Lin Yi naturally knew his name.




Along with the thoughts in Lin Yi's mind, countless huge instruments began to operate in this nearly [-]-meter-high building.

In particular, an astronomical telescope with a length of 80 meters exudes a faint light.


About ten seconds later, with all the instruments fully operating, two huge virtual screen projections appeared on the wall.

The left side is a picture of countless words, countless symbols, and constant calculations of formulas.

On the right side is a picture in the void of a dark universe.

This picture is very huge, because in this picture, even the huge stars are just a small point, and as for the planets, they are almost faint and invisible.

Only the continuous galaxy composed of stars is dazzling in it.

However, it is more dazzling than this galaxy, but it is a ray of light that is even brighter than the sun.

But at this moment, this ray of light is moving in space at a very high speed.

Its speed is extremely terrifying, and around it, countless planets and stars are passed by it in the blink of an eye.

Countless dark voids flowed beside it in a blink of an eye.

Under such terrifying extreme speed, even the instruments could hardly capture its specific true appearance, only a little light passing through the space.

"This is?"

Looking at the ray of light on the virtual screen, Lin Yi's heart skipped a beat.

He felt that this bright light seemed to have an infinite attraction to him, as if it came for him.

"This, this, is not possible!"

Thinking of this, a guess emerged in Lin Yi's mind, but he was not too sure.

But at this moment, Academician Tang Ding spoke up:

"My lords, the mysterious celestial body in front of me is a mysterious substance in the universe that I only recently discovered."

"Its speed is extremely fast. When I first discovered it, it was still located in the void of the universe 12 light-years away from the blue star."

"However, only seven or eight hours have passed, and it has passed a distance of almost 9 light years."

"Seven or eight hours, 9 light years! According to my calculations, this has already reached a terrifying speed of ten thousand times the speed of light!"

"Under such a huge speed, even a small stone is enough to explode a star!"

"Not to mention that since this mysterious substance can withstand such a terrifying speed, its essence must surpass any substance known to our blue star science!"

"According to science, generally, the higher the nature of a substance, the greater its density!"

"So, even a small amount of this substance, after falling into the blue star with ten thousand times the speed of light, is enough to instantly evaporate the entire blue star!"

"What's more, this substance is not only small, but has a terrifying diameter of nearly ten kilometers!"

"Ten kilometers! Even if it hasn't fallen into our Blue Star, as long as a cosmic storm is set off around it, the entire Blue Star will disintegrate!"

"And after my calculations, its target is actually Blue Star!"

Speaking of this, Tang Ding also showed infinite fear on his face.

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