One-click Recovery Since I was a Special Soldier

Chapter 109: Crying without tears

  The rapid development of Yan Country naturally damages the interests of many people. Many people want to see Yan Country unlucky.

   If this blood sample can be shipped out, it will surely be able to sell for a big price internationally.

  Otherwise, as an international broker, why would Minden exert so much power to come to Yan Country?

   Is it all because of money?

   "Money is everything! These soldiers of Yan Nation are just idiots for the so-called honor!"

   The old cat sneered, and at this time, the eyeliner they arranged on the periphery directly reminded:

   "Boss! Be careful! Someone seems to have touched it!"

   Hearing this voice, the old cat suddenly became alert, and then said to the younger brothers around him:

   "Someone is here, everyone, be careful, go and kill each other!"

   The old cat gave an order, and soon these people took their own equipment and rushed out of the camp.

   They are all wearing high-tech night vision equipment, so they are not very afraid of night battles.

   The old cat understands that the person who touched it must be killed. Otherwise, if this person has something like a satellite locator in his hand, when a missile blasts over, even if they can hit it again, it will be completely finished!

   At this time, Qin Yuan, who had touched him, saw these people, and a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   It took him a lot of work to find the location of these people. If Qin Yuan had a gun in his hand, he would be able to name all these people directly.

   But Qin Yuan has set up a playground, so naturally he wants them to enjoy it!

   Let them know what the real fear is!

   Qin Yuan dashed out from behind the tree, and the old cat found a figure, and immediately shot twice, but Qin Yuan's speed was so fast that he didn't hit it at all!


   The old cat gave an order, and these people were all chasing Qin Yuan!


   At this time, in the silent night sky, gunshots were constantly echoing. With his superb danger perception ability and nerve reaction speed, Qin Yuan was not afraid of these people's shooting.

   "Damn! Is this yellow-skinned monkey running too fast!"

   This is a white soldier who yelled, but he did not realize that he had stepped on the death sickle!



   There was a loud noise, and a landmine exploded instantly, and the white man was suddenly blown into a mass of flesh!

   At this time, Qin Yuan was hiding in a tree with a sneer on his face. He finally arrived, but he finally built such a playground!

   "There are mines! Be careful, everyone! Mine!"

   The old cat saw the tragedy of his subordinates, with a cold sweat on his forehead, and then yelled at his hands, and these people immediately took out the demining tools and started demining!

  They are not short of money, they are the most advanced metal detection equipment!

   Qin Yuan was hiding in the tree. He saw such a situation, but he didn't rush. How could the cosmic mine burying technique be broken by this simple metal detector?

   At this time, a little brother swept the ground with a metal detector, and there was a series of ticking sounds. This little brother was immediately happy and just wanted to bow his head to clear the mines!


   The mine he detected exploded suddenly!

   This little brother was suddenly a steel ball ejected from the mine, which was broken into pieces!

   Seeing this, the old cat yelled directly:

   "Idiot, be careful, this guy may be a master of mine deployment!"

   As a person who can bury mines, he can naturally see Qin Yuan's tactics, but what makes his heart tremble is that he hadn't seen a land mine in this place just now.

   Looking at the metal detector that had been blown up, the old cat suddenly had a very ominous premonition in his heart.

When    just wanted to order to retreat, suddenly there were two explosions behind him.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   These three metal detectors are all scrapped, even these little brothers understand that they must have been taken by Qin Yuan!

   There was a cold sweat on the old cat's forehead, and he said to all his men:

   "Everyone stands still, we follow the direction we came from, stepping on the original footprints, and withdrawing little by little!"

   At this time, everyone became tense. Hearing the old cat's instructions, they began to walk slowly back according to the original footprints when they came in.

   But at this moment, Qin Yuan showed a sneer and gently pulled out a thread.

   "Do you think I am here, come as you want, and leave as you want?"

   At this time, a mercenary had just walked on the footprints he had just walked, with a thud, another landmine exploded!

   All the backs of everyone are blown up!

   Then why are there mines where they have stepped on?

   At this moment, everyone's heart seems to have fallen into the abyss!

   They are going to die!

   With the passage of time, an invisible pressure fell on these people's heads!

  They are not in a safe place right now, and there are many Yan Nation troops chasing them behind!

   If they spend too much time here, they might not be able to leave!

   Large beads of sweat continued to fall down, and soon they drenched their clothes, and stuck to the tiles on their body armor. UU Reading www.uukánshu. Com then gradually gets cold in the night breeze!

   At this time, recalling what they had mocked just now, only then did they understand why Yan Country is known as a forbidden place for mercenaries!

   "Fak! Fak! You have the ability to do a real job with us, what a trick to play in the dark!"

   At this time, a black brother completely collapsed, and he madly shot all the bullets of the rifle in his hand, as if it could kill Qin Yuan directly!

   But the gun in his hand didn't have many bullets at all, and soon there was an empty sound.

   This little black has been so scared that he has completely lost his mind, he can't cry without tears, ah yelling, just rushing into the jungle!

   And the people around looked at this Xiao Hei with great sympathy, because they all understood that doing so would be killing themselves.

   Soon this little black stopped his steps suddenly, his face was full of despair, he had already stepped on a landmine!

   Xiao Hei looked back at his companion, knelt down slowly, drew a cross on the position of the heart, and slowly raised his feet...

   The people around turned their heads aside, because they knew that this little black would be blown into a ball of blood.

   But after a while, the black man was surprised to find that although there was a click under his feet, the mine did not explode! !

   Xiaohei was instantly ecstatic, drawing a cross crazily on his chest. He didn't expect his luck to be so good. The first landmine was a dumb mine!

   But is it really that simple?

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