One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2961: The fall of a large number of eternal strong


"I didn't expect Su Lang to be able to fight like this, okay, the more I can fight, the more I like it!"

Mo Yazi looked at the battlefield ahead and laughed wildly, looking at Su Lang's avatar as the Blue Star Zhou Emperor coldly.


"In the past few years, there have been some strong people in the endless universe!"

"That Su Lang, the leader of the Xuanyu Alliance, and Jing Yunzi are all good opponents. The old man has been silent for countless years, and it's really tickle!"

A squat body with a slight distortion, the top powerhouse of the Nine Universes who had apparently tried the Page of Immortality hummed coldly.

"It's not yet time for us to take action."

"There are not enough pages of eternal life, let them fight for a while and collect the pages of eternal life together so that we can take them all at once!"

A skinny, long-faced, gray-haired old man sneered.


"According to the description of ancient books, the frequency of the page of eternal life will soon skyrocket!"

Mo Yazi smiled, and casually said his fabricated lie.


The extra pages of eternal life were prepared by the three of them in advance!

The next moment!

Sure enough, an old monster of Zun Zunzhen saw that in the battlefield intertwined with the white light of the universe and the fragments of the universe, suddenly more pages of immortality appeared!

These ones.

It's just a part of a large number of pages of immortality prepared by Jing Yunzi, Xuan Xinyuan, and Mo Yazi.

"More pages of immortality have appeared!"

An old man with black air all over his body laughed wildly, "Hahaha, look, they are fighting more and more fiercely!"

The others also showed greed and excitement.

But they all suppressed the impulse in their hearts and didn't make a move for the time being.

They have to wait for the Xuanyu Alliance and the Shocking Cloud Alliance to break the blood, and when the pages of immortality are almost collected, they also need to see the movements of the three ancient forces such as the Ming Secret Universe.

"Warriors of the Holy Demon Sect."

"You guys, how long can you bear it?"

Mo Yazi looked at a shattered high-level universe in the distance, where the holy demon universe was currently located.

at the same time.

In the battlefield of Jingyun Alliance and Xuanyu Alliance.

As more pages of immortality appeared, the battle became more intense, and there were even more than one teammate backstab incidents!

In an instant, a large number of eternal powers fell!

However, it was not Su Lang's direct subordinates who fell.

They are all people who are far-sighted and Fang Gan's group of people who don't stand firm.

In the battlefield.

The most intense is nothing more than the battle between the clone controlled by Su Lang and Jing Yunzi!

The avatar Aotian Eternal Emperor is also facing Xuan Xinyuan, and the two sides have a good relationship with each other!

Originally, both Xuan Xinyuan and Jing Yunzi were just senior powerhouses of the Nine Universes.

But at this time they may have received the power infused by the deity, and they have become the top level powerhouses of the Nine Universes!

Su Lang currently chooses to hide the clumsy, and with the power of the Nine Universe Eternal Realm, he is temporarily unable to win it.

But Su Lang didn't even have the idea of ​​ending the battle. The situation between the Zangzhen Sect and the three ancient forces is still unclear.

The other side.

"Hurry up!!"

"Stop the expansion of the Universe White World!"

"All potential elders of the universe, act now!!"

"Hua Zhou Zhu! Hongmeng Hua Zhou Zhu! Quick!"


A messy void, a riddled with holes in the Ming Secret Universe is constantly being torn apart by the Universe White Realm!

But the powerhouses of the Ming Secret Cosmos have no longer been able to take care of the Ming Secret Cosmos.

Because the Universe White Realm has long since expanded to farther places, it is crazily eroding countless natural universes in the endless universe!

Therefore, their goal is to prevent the marginal expansion of the Universe White World.

at this time.

The Ming Secret Universe has a total of sixteen potential elders in charge of the universe, including Su Lang, surrounded by the Hongmenghua Zhouzhu with anxious expressions.

"Everyone, listen to me!"

"Not long ago, I placed a large number of teleportation anchors around the edge of the Lingxu Fragmented Domain!"

Su Lang looked serious and said, "Everyone stand here, I will take you over!"


Wu Qianfei eagerly said, "Elder Su Lang, hurry up!"

"Hurry up!"

Li Zhongling also had a quick tone, constantly urging.

The other elders did not have that good relationship with Su Lang, but they also chose to believe in Su Lang.

They came around one after another, looking at Su Lang fixedly with a pair of eyes.


Su Lang used the power of time and space to hold the crowd, and immediately activated the clone replacement function!


He brought the fifteen powerful masters of the Ming Secret Universe to the edge of the expansion of the Universe White World!

The natural universe here is like a desert in a monstrous flood, being quickly eroded and submerged.

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