One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2968: All members of the holy demons end

"Su Lang!"

"You send people to maintain the endless universe while sending people to participate in the war. It seems that you want to preserve the endless universe and seize the page of eternal life, seeking transcendence!"

"Unfortunately, you are just being whimsical, and the endless universe can't keep it!"

"Come on, go all out, participate in the war, we will win and lose!!"

Master Yu Jing is also in charge of Wan Mang Hua Zhou Zhu. While grinding foreign workers, he sneered at Su Lang clone.

For the words of Master Yu Jing.

Su Lang's clone did not answer, he would not admit the true identity of his clone.

at this time!

In the battlefield of Lingxu Fragmented Domain, a large number of pages of immortality appeared again!

These pages are so conspicuous in the pure white world of white world!

Not bad.

Jing Yunzi and others once again threw out a large number of pages of immortality!

of course.

Only Su Lang and them knew their plan.

In the eyes of the rest of the Sacred Demon Sect, those pages of eternal life appear naturally.

"The page of immortality has appeared again!"

"This time there are more appearances than before!"

"There are so many pages of immortality. Everyone is okay. Let's go up and fight for it!"

"If you don't go, the page of eternal life will be robbed, I don't want to watch others detached myself, but I can only fall!"

"No matter how much, now the endless universe is about to collapse, the only hope for survival is the page of eternal life, everyone, I am going!!"


In the Sacred Demon Sect, the ancestors of the radical sect took the lead in making a choice!

They directly gave up on the Zhou Zhu and disappeared from the same place, aggressively entering the battlefield of Lingxu Fragmented Realm!

"Hurry up!"

"The ancestors have all acted, let's hurry up!"

"The endless universe can't be saved. I have tried my best. I have a clear conscience. Now it's time to think about myself!"

"Everyone, let's go in and fight for the pages of eternal life together. The more pages of eternal life we ​​get, the greater the hope of detachment!"


The members of the Sacred Demon Sect, seeing that the most powerful people in the teaching have given up resisting the Universe White Realm, they immediately made their own choices.

In an instant.

Ninety-nine percent of the entire Sacred Demon Cult gave up Wan Mang's Zhou Zhu and entered the battlefield of Lingxu Fragmented Domain!

It even includes a conservative ancestor.


Only a few people, such as Su Lang Clone and Yuan Meng Zhou Emperor, remained in the same place.

The energy obtained from the enchanting Zhouzhu suddenly dropped, like a huge boulder turned into a huge bubble, and it was directly pushed out by Huanyu Baijie hundreds of distances in the natural universe!

"Su Lang!"

"Give up! Hahahaha!"

Master Yu Jing stared at Su Lang, his sneer became louder and louder and more frantic!

"Su Lang...Shu Lin, are you really Su Lang!"

"Forget it, it's useless to say these now, the endless universe can't be kept!"

"Beyond...oh, for countless years, I have also received many pages of immortality, but I still can't see hope."

"If not, let's fall with the annihilation of the endless universe!"


Yuan Meng let out a wry smile, her eyes filled with frustration and laziness.

She gave up on instilling power into Wan Manghua Zhouzhu, and danced in the torrent of power in the universal white world...

"Master Yuanmeng!"

"Don't give up!"

"If there is a page of immortality, there is hope of detachment. There are so many pages of immortality in this great battle, and there must be something that suits you!"

Master Yu Jing immediately persuaded that he did not want a master as big as Emperor Yuan Meng Zhou not to participate in the war.

"Daoist Yuanmeng."

"The endless universe is not without hope."

"Because, my strength is more than that!"

The avatar of Su Lang smiled slightly, and a breath far surpassing the top level of the Nine Universes burst out suddenly, and he released all his power! !

As soon as this breath descended, everyone present instantly stood upright!


"You! You! Are you the deity Su Lang!?"

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, more than a hundred times stronger than the average Nine Universe top powerhouse!"

Master Yujing's pupils shrunk like mung bean eyes, and his entire face was full of horror!

"Shu Lin!!"

"Could it be that you are really Su Lang!"

"What Master Yu Jing said is true. You have many top-level clones of the Nine Universes!?"


Emperor Yuan Meng Zhou and the others also looked at Su Lang's avatar in disbelief, each of them was shocked to numb their scalp!

The avatar of Su Lang was noncommittal, without saying a word, just staring at Master Yu Jing coldly!

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