One Guard

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 : Trip to Long Beach

California’s sunshine always makes people feel at ease. The blue sky is set against white clouds, making this place a paradise for vacation. It is no wonder that every summer, California will become a mecca for people to travel. Even many NBA stars will choose to spend their holidays in California. Coupled with this year’s Los Angeles Lakers, led by Kobe and Gasol, won the first championship trophy after O’Neal left, which has added a lot of popularity to California.

A man in a suit and leather shoes walks in a long narrow alley. This dirty and gloomy alley does not match the sunny weather in California.

“Damn it! I knew it was for me to come to this place. I would definitely refuse that guy!” The man in suit and leather shoes cursed, as a well-dressed guy like him walked in a slum where people of color gathered. It is very eye-catching. After he walked into this alley, many people had already cast ill-intentioned glances at him.

Although both belong to California, the place where the man in suit and leather shoes is located is not the star-lit Los Angeles, but the satellite city of Los Angeles, Long Beach.

Long Beach is equally beautiful, and it also has the mesmerizingly good weather in California. But behind this glorious city, it has the highest crime rate in California.

This is also the reason why men keep swearing. People like him walking in the slums of Long Beach City are very likely to encounter accidents. To put it a bit exaggerated, he is now using his life to work!

Just as the man was looking around, at the corner in front, a few casual black men came out wearing hip-hop. And it was obvious that one of them was holding a pistol in his hand.

“Hey, look at this guy, what’s the matter with the white pig, are you lost?” A group of people looked at the man from a distance and couldn’t help laughing loudly.

“Calm, Hapi, you have to be calm…” The man kept comforting himself in his heart. He believed that as long as he did not speak, the other party would not hurt himself for no reason.

In Long Beach City, especially in places like the Wood District, shootings happen from time to time. In the United States, the hatred between races is much greater than people think. Now anything can happen to Harpy.

Hapi lowered his head and walked his own way, and the group of suspected gang members passed by. They looked up and down at this glamorously dressed “uninvited guest,” and from time to time they laughed exaggeratedly and commented on him. But Hapi felt fortunate that nothing happened!

The group of people just passed him by, nothing more. Happy now just wants to thank God, after he walks out of here, he will never come to such a place again in his life!

Watching the group of gang members slowly go away, Hapi also relaxed his guard. He continued searching according to the address in his hand, looking for a guy who was very interested in his employer.

As a scout for a college basketball team, Hapi should have a good understanding of all American basketball geniuses. But he has never heard of the name given to him by the team coach. In any case, the team coach is his boss. The coach said I need this person to play for me, and Harpy has to find this person. Even if he rummaged the entire Long Beach, Hapi had to do the same. After all, this is directly related to his job.

Just when Harpy was thinking about it, he felt that he was suddenly pushed hard. Hapi was pressed against the wall by this sudden force. If Hapi didn’t guess wrong, he should have been robbed by the fuck!

“Wallet!” Sure enough, a man’s roar came from behind Hapi, and a cold sharp knife had reached Hapi’s neck at this moment.

“Hey, you can say anything, do you put the knife down first, man.” Hapi’s face was against the wall, and he couldn’t see what the person who robbed him looked like. His left hand was pressed firmly behind his back by the incoming person, unable to move. He tried to break free, but he was afraid that the knife would pierce him at any time.

“Wallet!” The man behind him yelled again, and his knife-holding hand tightened. It seemed that this guy didn’t intend to give Harpy any leeway.

“Damn it, **** basketball genius!” Harpy cursed, groping in his suit pocket with his movable right hand.

“I took the money and returned the wallet. It contained photos of my family and various identification information. All you want is money, right!?” Hapy raised the wallet, and the wallet was taken away by the man behind him immediately.

“If you cooperate, I only take money. If you don’t cooperate, I might kill you!” The man continued to threaten, but it was obvious that this guy was a novice, because when he got his wallet, the knife He actually left Hapi’s neck!

Hapi took the opportunity to suddenly exert force and turned around abruptly. He was considered a basketball star in college, and he made these moves with ease.

The hijacker’s knife was photographed on the ground. Seeing that the situation was not right, the hijacker quickly took out the banknotes and threw down his wallet and ran away!

I have to admit that this robbing guy ran really fast. If you play basketball, it will definitely become a sharp knife in the conversion offense.

Harpy shook his head and picked up the purse that had been looted. He looked roughly, everything was there except money.

But to talk about the robber just now, he really left a deep impression on Harpy. Although he was wearing a bandit scarf and covered half of his face, it still couldn’t hide his yellow skin and outstanding height.

That’s right, it’s not a black man who just robbed Hapi, but an Asian who has just robbed him! As far as the face is concerned, the guy is quite young. And this Asian still has the braids that black people like to get. It can be said that it is for a sensitive scout like Harpy to remember.

“The children who live here…hey.” Harpy couldn’t help sighing. The status of Asians in the United States is not much higher than that of blacks. In addition to blacks, Asians and other people of color also account for a large proportion of such slums with a high crime rate.

Most of the children living here go astray, and some even face jail before they reach adulthood. Rather than being afraid, Hapi is now more sympathetic to the people living here.

After a frightening escape, Hapi knew that he couldn’t just wander around in this place forever. He must find the address as soon as possible and find out the basketball genius that the coach admires very much. Then settle everything, go back to Indianapolis, and tell his coach that he will never come to such a place again to find someone!

Ten minutes later, Hapi finally found out ecstatically that the apartment in front of him was exactly the same as the address written on the paper!

Downstairs of this apartment is a simple street basketball court surrounded by barbed wire. But Harpy knows how many NCAA superstars, even NBA superstars, came out of such a dilapidated basketball court.

Seeing the basketball court, Hapi finally got some comfort in his heart. At least later, what I want to see is a child who is playing hard, and I am very likely to change the destiny of that child.

“The fifth floor, room 507, UU reading is here!” After a long circle, Hapi finally came to the door of his destination. He tidyed up his suit, and the robbery that happened just now made his bow tie a bit messy.

“Where did you get the money?” Before Happy knocked on the door, a woman’s voice came from the room. But obviously, she didn’t speak English.

“I just went to a fast food restaurant to earn a part-time job, so don’t ask your mother. Let’s take the money and buy you a new pair of shoes. You can have a big meal at night.” Another man appeared in the room. Voice, but he doesn’t speak English either.

“Boom boom boom!” Harpy still knocked on the door, interrupting the conversation of the people in the room. In any case, he didn’t want to wait any longer.

“Who?” The man in the room asked nervously. This time, he spoke English.

“Is it Mrs. Yi’s house, please?” Hapi answered politely.

“Who are you looking for?” The man in the room asked again, but he didn’t seem to want to open the door.

“Yiyang, let me open the door and have a look.” The woman’s footsteps were getting closer and closer to Hapi, and she seemed to stop in front of the cat’s eyes and look at it. Finally, the door of the room finally opened.

Hapi smiled and was about to introduce herself to the lady who came to open the door. However, in the next second, his smile froze.

Because the Asian boy standing in the room at the moment has a whip clipper on his head, he is holding the green bandit scarf in his hand, and he is also wearing the black short-sleeved T-shirt. Harpy is sure that this boy is the one who just robbed himself!

“I was robbed by a **** basketball genius!? A basketball genius would become a robber!?” Harpy said to himself in surprise. Today’s experience is really amazing…

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