One Guard

Chapter 16

Chapter 15 :contempt

A boy, with the sunny smile of a Chicagoan, appeared among the crowd already waiting outside the basketball hall.

Fans and reporters flocked to surround the sunny boy. The boy didn’t rush, he expertly signed his fans, and calmly faced the reporters’ microphones and cameras.

The boy was able to deal with all the questions asked by the reporters. He has been a basketball star since high school, and he has been used to such a scene many years ago.

“Evan! Evan! I’m a reporter from the Ohio Sun, can you please answer me a question about the next game?” A fat reporter struggling to push through the crowd and squeeze in front of the boy named Evan.

“Of course, Claude, what do you want to ask today?”

“The next game, you and your team are about to play against Butler University at home. We all know that Gordon Hayward, the star of Butler University, is a very powerful small forward. And now, Butler The university’s No. 1 rookie also showed a good performance. Do you think the new combination of Ye and Hayward will cause trouble for your home court?” Claude finished speaking, and extended the microphone to the big boy’s mouth. before.

“Sorry sir, you just said… who did you mean Hayward?” The boy interviewed knew Gordon Hayward, a genius known as the “first white small forward”. Last season, he also played against Hayward. I have to admit that that elegant-looking white forward does have a good job on the basketball court.

But for the name that appeared behind Hayward, the boy rummaged through his memory, but he still couldn’t connect the strange name with anyone.

“Also, a newcomer from Butler University, who serves as a point guard. In the last game, he also scored 15 assists alone, leading Butler University to a 26-point victory over the city rivals Indiana University Mountainers. And Harlan Gaudí, there is no resistance in front of Yi.” The reporter continued to add that Evan’s surprised expression made the fat reporter very satisfied.

It is not easy to score 15 assists in just 40 minutes of NCAA game time. Evan wrote down the name Yi. It seems that this number one rookie is worthy of their study before the game…


In the training ground of the Bulldogs team, the players are conducting planned training under the leadership of various coaches.

The big win in the season opener did not relax Stevens and the players. On the contrary, this group of guys who have tasted the sweetness are working harder than before.

Yiyang, under the guidance of shooting coach Burris, still focuses on his training.

Yiyang’s basic skills are actually very good, so his shooting style was quickly changed by Burris. However, Yiyang, who had been throwing the ball for so many years in the previous posture, suddenly changed his feelings, and on the contrary, he was very aggrieved.

Judging from the current situation, Yiyang’s shooting percentage has not improved much. After all, shooting in a relatively unfamiliar position is very uncomfortable.

But Burris and Stevens both know that no player can make it to the sky in one step. Yiyang can now change his actions and get rid of the bad problems left on the street courts, which is already an improvement.

When Yiyang gets used to this kind of formal shooting, his shooting percentage will go up sooner or later.

Stevens is not worried about Yiyang now, he knows that kid will train himself very well. As for the rest of the Bulldogs team, the state is also very hot, so he doesn’t need to worry about it.

What makes Stevens feel big now is the second game of the season for the Bulldogs, the first away game. Their opponent in this game will be the Ohio State Buckeyes.

This team may not have much glorious history, but because of the appearance of one person, the Acorns have been very different from then on.

Evan Turner, a truly all-around talented player, the hottest candidate for the 2010 NBA Draft, he is known as the successor to Tracy McGrady. Last season, he averaged 17.5 points, 7.5 rebounds and 5.8 assists per game, all-around data, among which the points ranked first in the Big Ten league.

has not yet entered the professional basketball field, but Turner has already won various awards. Now in his junior year, he is definitely one of the hottest stars in the entire NCAA league.

Compared with Evan Turner, Harlan Gaudi is not a star at all. Immediately after the team’s victory, they ran into such a strong opponent, and it’s no wonder that Stevens now feels a headache.

In the next game, Hayward and Turner will face each other, and these two guys are likely to show off. To really change the game situation and break the balance on the court, Stevens has to rely on people outside of Hayward.

So, the gaze of this young marshal couldn’t help but fall on Yiyang, who was shooting.

If Yiyang can increase his personal score on the basis of passing, then the Buckeyes will definitely be caught off guard. In the past few days of training, Stevens also specially formulated several offensive tactics for Yiyang. Obviously, he wanted Yiyang to take greater responsibility. I hope this group of children can reproduce everything they train on the basketball court.

This guy who is still doing the most basic training does not know that he has become the sharp knife in the hands of Stevens in the next game!


Playing away, this feeling is not unfamiliar. In high school, their team would go out to play an away game from time to time.

The experience of away games in high school is usually not good for Yiyang. A player who will be booed by the fans at home, where will he get better when he gets to the away game?

Sitting in the unfamiliar locker room, Stevens has already started writing and drawing on the tactical whiteboard, planning to make the final deployment.

He drew a big red circle on the name of Evan Turner. There is no doubt that this name will be the key to the Bulldogs’ victory in this game!

“No need for me to introduce him more, guys. Gordon, I want you to bite the score all the time on the court! Even if you can’t guard him, you can’t let him have a chance to guard you. Definitely, you must not let this It went well!” Stevens patted the tactical whiteboard hard, and Hayward nodded in response.

“Also! Today you continue to start and continue to control the ball! Remember, your first task on the court is to help your teammates find opportunities. When I need you to score, I will naturally tell you!” After that, Stevens again Pointed the finger at the real key of this game, Yiyang!

“Oh, I see.” Yiyang’s answer is still cold, but everyone has long been accustomed to this kid’s character.

After finishing all the decorations, Stevens looked at his watch. It was almost time, he pushed open the locker room door and waved his hand. This young marshal is ready to bring his players onto the field!

While waiting in the player channel, Yiyang has been jumping in excitement. People say that Evan Turner is an extremely powerful opponent and a popular candidate for the No. 1 pick in this year’s NBA Draft. In other words, Evan Turner’s level is the closest to the NBA level!

Yiyang can’t wait to try it out. He wants to see how far he is from professional basketball players!

Under such a layer of motivation, Yiyang looked much more positive than the previous game.

He followed closely at the end of the team and walked out of the player tunnel, but unlike the home game, this time, cheers were no longer rushing toward his face.

“You have so small eyes, can you see the scoreboard?”

“What is this Asian guy doing here?”

“Get out of this arena! Chicken fried rice! No one wants to see you!”

Those insults that make people feel familiar, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com appears again! At this moment, Yiyang seemed to have returned to his high school period. If Yiyang writes his own experience into a book, the title of the book is likely to be “Seven days teach you how to insult the Chinese.”

“These idiots!” Shelvin Mark gritted his teeth at the Acorns fans, but he couldn’t do anything.

Yiyang first looked around the stands, then, as if he had heard nothing, continued to warm up.

Such unbearable insults, Yiyang has long been used to listening. This is the away game! This is the living environment of a Chinese on the American basketball court!

Not far away, a strong player is staring at himself. Yiyang glared back, but the other party didn’t seem to intend to look away.

“Is that so? It doesn’t look as powerful as others said.” Looking at Yiyang, who was a little thin and not too high, Evan Turner’s first impression was mediocrity.

“Hey! Don’t worry about that Asian guy! Focus your attention on Gordon Hayward. If you fix him, we will fix the Bulldogs!” The Buckeyes coach seemed distracted by Turner. , He claps hard to remind his star.

Turner nodded and stood back to his position. The centers of both sides have stepped into the center circle, and the referee also walked up with the basketball.

Yiyang of course heard what the opponent’s coach had just yelled at, but after being underestimated, there was no disturbance in his inside line.

It’s not Yiyang who will suffer later, but the group of guys who haven’t looked at them squarely!

“Beep beep!” The referee whistled and the basketball jumped up.

Yiyang took a big breath, let everything start!

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