One Guard

Chapter 187

Chapter 183 : A fist close at hand

The stadium was in chaos, and the noisy shouts of fans in the stands aggravated the chaotic atmosphere.

Hugging is nothing at all for Artest, a habitual offender. This guy spread his hand at the referee, as if to say that I was just a regular defensive action. In Artest’s eyes, hugs and throws are as common as saying hello to each other.

Artest’s innocent expression, if it weren’t just too big for the action just now, maybe the referee would have believed his nonsense.

But obviously the referee on duty didn’t plan to just let Artest go like this. He was about to give the Lakers a first-degree malicious foul, but the gesture was only halfway through, and the referee suddenly stopped his action and brought Running towards Artest with horrified eyes!

At the same time, several Mavericks players and Lakers players wearing golden jerseys began to pounce on this bewildered Lakers Titan. Artest noticed that people seemed to be looking behind him, so he turned his head subconsciously. It’s okay not to turn his head. When he turned his head, Artest saw a powerful fist suddenly hit his eyes!

Sweat dripped down Artest’s cheeks onto the wooden floor. This was not Artest’s tired sweat, but cold sweat that was frightened!

At this moment, Yiyang’s fist was only a few cents away from Artest’s nose. This “wild beast” that was still flaunting his might just stayed motionless, and he could even clearly see the clear lines on Yiyang’s fist. The fist stopped just like that, and stopped in front of his eyes.

Taking a closer look, Artest found that Terry was pulling Yiyang’s arm, and he didn’t let his fist hit him. If Terry is one second late, Artest’s face will “fully” catch this powerful punch! Although Artest is not afraid of fighting, he also knows that if the punch really hits himself, then his “handsome” face will be fully bloomed!

“Are you crazy!?” Seeing Yiyang still refused to let go, Terry yelled in the ear of the rookie.

At the same time, the players and referees on both sides have surrounded themselves, and the chaos of the scene has once again escalated.

The Mavericks players gathered around, planning to ask the referee and Artest for an explanation. The Lakers players were also quick-eyed and quick-handed, and quickly pulled Artest away, who was stunned in place. They all know Artest’s bad temper, and can fight with others for a little thing. The Lakers players don’t want the Staples Center to become the next Palace of Auburn Hills.

Although Artest is rude, he is still very important to the Lakers on the court. ? Artest, who reacted to the incident just now and cursed at Yiyang, was surrounded by the Lakers players, separating the angry Mavericks players. ?? The scene was messy, the referee had to blow his whistle vigorously again and again to remind the players to calm down. ?

Of course, Yiyang was naturally drawn to the outermost periphery of the crowd by Terry. This guy didn’t show a very angry expression. His indifferent appearance would make you think that all this has nothing to do with him. In fact, he is one of the protagonists of this conflict.

Yiyang would not write his anger on his face, nor would he spit out trash like Artest under the protection of his teammates?. But this guy’s fist is never soft!

Malicious fouls, this is the bottom line that Yiyang can tolerate. Artest’s hug and fall obviously exceeded Yiyang’s tolerance.

“Smelly boy, if you just hit him with that punch, then you don’t have to fight this game!” Terry was still yelling in Yiyang’s ear, and Terry was still in shock when he thought of the critical moment. If you take a step slower, God knows what kind of punishment Yiyang will be punished. It may not be as simple as one game suspension.

With the efforts of the referees, the players on both sides finally dispersed and did not continue to be entangled together. Kobe played a very good comprehensive role in it. He persuaded Nowitzki and others to leave because he knew it was Artest’s fault and the Lakers were at a disadvantage. But at the same time, Kobe is also sheltering his teammates and did not abandon him easily.

The reporters raised their cameras one by one, and the sound of the shutter “clicks” kept ringing. Where are the players who are clamoring on the court now, in the eyes of the reporters, it is clear that they are just green bills.

Seeing that the situation on the court was under control, the referee also made his own judgment. A first-degree malicious foul will not only cause Artest to be punished by the league after the game, but also give the Mavericks two free throws and one throw.

In order to calm the atmosphere, the scene of Yiyang dangling Fischer during the high-speed advancing process was replayed on the big screen, so that fans and players could focus on basketball as much as possible. It’s just that the “old fish” is pitiful, and his face is black all the way.

Of course, Nowitzki still feels dissatisfied with this sentence. He felt that Artest should be directly convicted of a second-degree malicious foul and directly expelled from the field.

“For the sake of God, George, if it weren’t for my teammate’s physical strength, that foul would be enough to hurt people!” The German was still pestering the referee.

“I know it is a very bad foul, but balancing the game is not an easy thing. I have already made a decision Dirk, go away!” No matter how great the player is, the referee must be tough. Only when you get up can you control the scene.

Carlisle’s fear of Yiyang hasn’t stabilized yet, so these two free throws were handed over to Terry, who was the calmest just now.

Terry made two free throws, reducing the difference between the two sides to only 3 points. The Mavericks also have an offensive opportunity to throw the ball, which also means that they are likely to tie the score in one fell swoop!

Just when the referee urged the Mavericks players to serve the sideline kick, Kobe pulled Artest aside and whispered a few words. At this moment, the fierce “beast” just nodded his head again and again, as if it were a docile little boy. Cat.

Nowitzki also pulled Yiyang to his side and whispered a few words. Yiyang didn’t have the rich expression of Artest, but listened quietly with his arms folded.

The two team leaders said the same thing, just to remind their teammates to focus on basketball and stop making trouble.

Artest is a fierce wing defender, and he may be helpful to defense with a bit of murderousness. But Yiyang is a point guard who controls the direction of the team. If he is not calm, it can be very tricky for the Mavericks.

When the Mavericks were about to prepare to serve, Kobe looked up at Yiyang. All of this started with Yiyang covering himself. That rookie actually really defended himself in the “next round”!

This time, Kobe couldn’t laugh.

Marion sent the ball from the sideline, and Yiyang steadily held the ball two steps away from the three-point line. It seems that everything is back to normal.

But people seem to have forgotten one of the traits of this guy Yiyang, he must pay his debts! A first-degree malicious foul, obviously unable to repay the damage to Yiyang that the hug fell. But now Yiyang doesn’t speak with his fists, but the basketball in his hands.

Seeing Nowitzki got rid of Gasol and went out of the three-point line, Yiyang immediately took the ball without hesitation.

The German just wanted to take a shot after receiving the ball, but found that the fierce Artest was back on defense.

Artest reinforces Nowitzki, so Kobe is going to seal Marion. Kobe closed Marion, Fischer immediately left Yiyang far away from the three-point line, and made up to Tenet. Gasol opened his arms across the three-point line, he came to defend Yiyang!

Contrary to Nowitzki’s downturn, the Spanish Tower was very excited today. His tight defense is also one of the reasons for Nowitzki’s poor performance.

Although it is a dislocation, Gasol is not so easy to deal with in the right state.

Nowitzki saw no chance and passed the ball to Terry. Yiyang was temporarily on the weak side and temporarily disappeared from the Lakers’ key defensive list.

When people’s focus was on Fischer and Terry, Yiyang suddenly started to move. With his extremely fast speed and flexible body, it was natural to throw off Gasol’s defense easily.

Terry forced a breakthrough along the bottom line, looking as if he was going to single Fischer. In fact, he saw Yiyang’s running position and was attracting defense for his teammates.

Seeing that Yiyang was about to go out of the three-point line, the Lakers’ defense began to shrink. Terry didn’t wait any longer, he suddenly stopped passing the ball and hit the ball again.

“What are you doing!? Outside the three-point line, outside the three-point line!” Bryant pushed Artest hard, and Artest realized that Yiyang had already got an open three-pointer! At this moment Artest is the player closest to Yiyang, he has the obligation to make up for Gasol!

This guy rushed over with a grin. If he was an ordinary rookie, he might have been frightened by Artest’s appearance.

But Yiyang is different, he is the successor appointed by Nowitzki!

Yiyang took off, not caring about Artest who pretended to be fierce. He recalled the night he lost to the Grizzlies, after the game, he made three-pointers from beyond the three-point line.

The No. 1 guard took the shot calmly, Artest’s defense was still a step slower. Yiyang felt that time had slowed down, and the surrounding area had become abnormally quiet, as if there was no sound.

Until I saw the basketball fall into the net and rubbed the net with a crisp sound.


“Yi’s second three-pointer tonight, the goal is scored, beautiful! Yi’s performance is very good, he helped the Mavericks equalize the score before the end of the first quarter!” Van Gundy yelled with excitement, many Lakers’ The fans even cast strange glances at him.

Artest shook his head unwillingly, but in the end he was scored by the rookie.

And Yiyang, this guy didn’t make any celebration. He just turned around immediately, ran back to his own half, ready to defend.

A rock-shattering adventure, an elegant and beautiful man, and finally, add that three-pointer that pierced the heart of the Lakers. Yiyang’s series of outstanding performances have wiped out the Lakers’ lead.

Kobe rubbed his hands and his expression was more serious than before. It seems that dealing with that rookie can’t just have a play mentality. Regarding Yiyang’s price tag, maybe Carlisle is not joking!

Artest’s hug can’t stop Yiyang, and Kobe’s breakthrough can’t stop Yiyang. Unless he is killed by basketball, Yiyang will never stop.

Phil Jackson was already standing on the sidelines with his arms folded, because he could no longer sit on the bench with peace of mind and “watch the fire from the other side”.

In the following game, Kobe played very seriously, allowing the Lakers to regain a weak lead.

Under the leadership of Yiyang, the UU Reading Mavericks team has not been thrown away again. Although unable to take the lead, it also forced the defending champion to be quite embarrassed.

At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers took the lead and walked off the field as they wished. 28 to 3, the defending champion led by 3 points.

But it is obvious that the 3 points advantage is not the result that Kobe and the “Zen Master” want.

Now everyone knows that the Mavericks will not be defeated so easily today. Although it is a fact that Nowitzki is still in a low state, if you can’t figure out the flower show, the defending champion will not be fully sure.

At this time, on the Mavericks bench, Carlisle beckoned Yiyang and Kidd.

“Jason, you will continue to play later and organize the team’s offense. Also…” Carlisle looked at Yiyang’s eyes and was a little worried at first, but immediately regained his composure.

“You play in the second position, if you run into Kobe, don’t be afraid, continue to play as usual!”

Nowitzki is right, Yiyang and Kobe are inevitable in this battle!

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