One Guard

Chapter 196

Chapter 192 : The last hit

The tit-for-tat performances of Yiyang and Wall kept the game in a very intense state, but the gap in the strength of the two teams cannot be made up by a rookie Wall.

In addition to Yiyang, Nowitzki and Terry are also very stable offensive points for the Mavericks. In addition to Wall on the Wizards side, the person with the highest shooting percentage today is Yi Jianlian.

The Wizards are now at the bottom of the league, not because of their bad luck, but because they are really weak. Lewis, the “Mr. Billion” has been embarrassed to reuse, and Nick Young’s efficiency as the team’s leading scoring team is terribly low. Yi Jianlian’s performance today is not bad, but he is still not the key to determining the team’s victory. The highlight of the entire Wizards team, only Wall!

However, under the powerful offensive of the Mavericks, Wall’s strength alone is like a man’s arm as a car, and it is insignificant. When the game progressed to the fourth quarter, the Mavericks had expanded the point difference to 10 points. And most importantly, the Wizards seem to be unable to do this!

“It’s very far from Charles. The Mavericks seem to have firmly controlled the situation from the beginning of the game. Now, the suspense of the game is not big. I just want Wall and He to get back on the court soon.” Kenny Smith The complaint is the voice of all the fans now. At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the coaches of both sides asked Yiyang and Wall to rest off the court. But replacing these two young guards is equivalent to replacing the only highlight of the game.

Maybe Nowitzki’s excellent performance is commendable, maybe the Croatian’s debut in the new club did make fans shine, but he, after all, is not the protagonist.

The fourth quarter of the game lasted more than five minutes, and the difference between the two sides has remained at 10 points. The Wizards didn’t get any breakthroughs, and the Mavericks didn’t crash.

Sanders naturally did not give up the game, but after allowing Nick Young to let go of his hands and feet to attack, he regretted the decision a bit.

Indeed, Nick Young’s score has risen again, so far he has scored 20 points, which is already a good number. But what about the hit rate? 0%, only 0%. And if this guy continues to be the main attacker, Sanders is very “confident”, this number will decline.

Shaking his head, Sanders walked up to Wall. Even if he is just a rookie, even if his scoring data is not as good as Nick Young. But now the only thing Sanders can count on is him.

On the court, Nick Young’s breakthrough caused Chandler’s defensive foul. The Wizards No. 1 stood on the free throw line, and the Mavericks No. 1 took off the training uniform and stood by the technical stage. Walking face to face with Yiyang is the Wizards No. 2 Wall.

“It’s been the last few minutes, dude, the game hasn’t been decided yet!” Wall stared at the court while his mouth was talking to Yiyang.

As soon as the voice of the champion fell, Nick Young’s first free throw also fell into the net. The game entered the dead-ball stage, and two young defenders played at the same time. This scene ignited the lifeless American Airlines Center Arena again!

“I also played with Wall at the same time. Coach Carlisle hopes to keep the advantage to the end. And Sanders’s purpose is very clear. He hopes Wall can lead the team to a miraculous reversal in the last 7 minutes!”

“The 10-point difference is not irreversible, and the 7 minutes is quite ample. Don’t yawn Charles, this game will become exciting again!”

On the TV, the commentators are telling fans how young and potential Yiyang and Wall are, and what kind of feat they have achieved among players of the same grade… It seems that these two guys are not playing, and the commentators don’t know what to say.

Carlisle just wants to take advantage of his team’s momentum has not disappeared, and then make persistent efforts to continue to open the score. Teams like the Wizards, if you don’t kill them completely, they will jump up and bite you.

As the game continues, everyone is worried about whether the young Wall can withstand the pressure and play a good headwind. Because now if he collapses, then the whole Wizard will collapse.

But when Wall stood calmly in front of Yiyang, people realized that this guy was simply a natural leader! He and Yiyang are very similar in many ways, and the fact that they are not surprised at critical moments is also one of the similarities.

Yiyang had to admit that Wall’s defense gave him a lot of pressure. When Wall stretched out his long arm to steal, Yiyang had to take a step back to ensure the safety of the basketball. That guy’s defensive range is too big, and he also has a strong body that Yiyang doesn’t have.

But Wall is always just a rookie, in terms of experience, this guy still lacks.

This time, Yiyang hit the ball to Terry, and Terry dropped the ball to Nowitzki.

The German did not suffer from the ups and downs again today. He is very stable on the offensive end. Had it not been for Sanders’ double-teaming tactic, the German might have scored another 0+ score today.

Nowitzki is holding the ball from the middle distance, so according to tactics, the Wizards did not double-team him. Sanders’ arrangement is to take double-teams only near the penalty area. So Nowitzki pushed back in two steps, looking like he was going to attack on his own!

Even Wall thought so, so when Yiyang suddenly disappeared from front of him with a back run, the champion actually reacted half a beat slowly.

Yiyang shook off Walldou to the mid-range position on the right, and Nowitzki, who pushed forward, immediately passed the ball.

Yiyang is about to shoot the ball. This guy’s jump shot from the mid-range position is already very lethal. So Wall did not reserve, and tried his best to take off and block.

When the champion flew, Yiyang’s feet fell back to the ground. There is no doubt that Wall was cheated.

Break, take off, layup. After that, Yiyang’s series of actions were completed smoothly. Blatche, a second-round center with more offense than defense, has no time to make up for a defender who is so fast.

In this round of duel, Yiyang won. But this is only the epitome of the matchup between the two in the entire game, and then Wall will definitely fight back.

Sure enough, in the next round, Wall Shi made a pass but suddenly started to break through, deceiving Yiyang.

In fact, Yiyang’s reaction is not slow anymore, but Wall’s acceleration ability is very terrifying, as long as there is a trace of dazedness, it will be cleaned up.

Facing Nowitzki’s supplementary defense, Wall stretched his long arms and scored a layup. The champion really returned a goal, and the two were still tied!

In the seventh minute of the fourth quarter, Yiyang didn’t look at the back pass and Terry hit a three-pointer. But under the observation of the referee, Terry was sentenced to step on the line, which was only a two-pointer.

Just ten seconds later, Wall made a long pass from outside the three-point line to assist Blatche with a dunk in the air relay. Although there was no score, both Yiyang and Wall were behind the scoring. The two tied again, even the assists were taken care of.

The performance of the two guards is still equal, and the score of the two teams is still maintained at about 10 points.

In this way, the game progressed to the last two minutes. It seems that the Wizards have no chance to reverse. But Yiyang and Wall still played inextricably.

This time, it was the Wizards offense. Wall observed the situation in the half-time, except for Nick Young who is still asking for the ball, the other teammates really have no chance.

Yi Jianlian couldn’t get out of the position defended by Nowitzki, and Blatche couldn’t get a position under the confrontation with Chandler. As for Booker, on the offensive end, don’t expect that guy to make a difference.

There is no way, Wall can’t always hold the ball and Yiyang is so exhausted. In desperation, Wall had to hand the ball to Nick Young.

Nick Yang Gang hadn’t stabilized after receiving the basketball, but the fans in the American Airlines Center Arena made violent boos. There is no doubt that this guy is the “culprit” who interfered with the showdown between Yiyang and Wall today.

But Nick Young doesn’t care about these, he intends to use his height advantage to eat Terry.

However, how can Terry’s defense be shredded so easily. His follow-up defense made Nick Young not even get a chance, but Nick Young prefers to shoot those difficult balls.

As a result, Nick Young reappeared with the defensive jump shot.

But this time, Yi Jianlian made a contribution. He actively kicked off Nowitzki, rushed to the inside first, and won an offensive basketball for the Wizards!

After getting the ball, Yi Jianlian was double-teamed by Nowitzki and Chandler. After all, he is now at the basket and is the most threatening.

Yi Jianlian now seems to have no confidence in scoring in the NBA’s penalty area. He did not try to attack the frame at the basket, but hurriedly took the ball, allowing Wall to regain possession of the ball.

Wall suddenly catches the ball because he sees that Yiyang’s defensive position has not yet fully stood up. After all, no one would have imagined that the Wizards, who are at a disadvantage in this game, will get a second attack.

Wall finally made a smooth breakthrough, but the inside line was already overcrowded. He couldn’t layup and could only make a jump shot!

Just as Wall was about to make a move, his eyes suddenly went black! Yiyang caught up in time to interfere with Wall’s shot, and Wall was taken aback. Playing in the NBA for half a season, almost no guard can catch up after breaking through at full speed. However, Yiyang did it!

“Fast duel!” Barkley’s shout was the best interpretation of this attack and defense.

Yiyang’s sudden interference caused Wall, who was not stable enough in his shooting, to waste this opportunity that Yi Jianlian had hard to come up with.

This time, Chandler, who was in a good position, made no more mistakes and steadily protected the rebound.

Yiyang raised his hand for the ball, but Chandler dared not slack off. This time, Yiyang pushed forward at full speed as soon as he received the ball, and didn’t grind the position with Wall slowly.

Yiyang quickly passed through the crowd with the ball, and Wall followed closely behind him, distrustful. Two young guards staged an NBA version of speed and passion.

Yiyang quickly soared beyond the right three-point line, seemed to slow down, and seemed to be waiting for his teammates to settle down.

But if you have to wait for his teammates, Yiyang won’t be so fast at the beginning. After Yiyang paused for a while, he immediately started speeding up. This sudden breakthrough caused Wall to retreat quickly.

But just as Wall retreated, Yiyang, who broke through halfway through UU reading, suddenly stopped and retreated back to the three-point line.

Retreat step jumper, this is Yiyang’s favorite shooting rhythm, even if it is outside the three-point line! Seeing Yiyang stepping back, Wall took off directly. But his center of gravity changed rapidly and he didn’t fall firmly under his feet, and he tripped to the ground!

“Also, he dangled Wall!” Barkley stood up directly, his thick lips growing big.

Wall fell to the ground, Yiyang shot, all Mavericks fans raised their arms and stood up, and then-“Swipe!”

A three-pointer!


Basketball fiercely lifted the net, and thunderous applause and cheers rang out from the auditorium of the American Airlines Center Arena. ?? Yiyang clenched his fists and waved to the sky, and let out a low growl!

?? Under his feet, lies the champion who was defeated by his sword, John Wall…?

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