One Guard

Chapter 24

Chapter 23 : 10 feet of fighting spirit

Crazy March, this is the most perfect comment on the ncaa’s 68 strongest battle, the most veritable description. Crazy is the only theme in this March.

From the opener to the final day, there is only a short period of twenty days. All the best college basketball players in the United States gathered here to compete for the final victory in the most tragic way in twenty days.

???? From the first to the final, the road to becoming a champion only requires six games. You can raise the trophy that symbolizes the highest honor as long as you have six victories. But these six games will definitely be the six most intense games of the entire NCAA season!

At this time of year, all basketball players will be attracted by March Crazy. Even the NBA cannot compare with March Madness in terms of attention.

Fans, scouts, managers, and even NBA players will be intoxicated for March Madness.

This is a cruel battlefield, whether you are North Carolina or Duke, as long as you lose a game, you will not have any chance to start again.

When all these elements are softened together, it forms the most beautiful basketball game!

In addition to the players, the coaches and scouts of each team will also become quite busy. They must collect information about their opponents as much as possible, after all, the NCAA team base is much larger than the NBA. The opponent standing in front of you, you may not even have played against it for several years.

This year, as the champions of the Big Ten League, the Bulldogs have naturally become the focus of observation for other teams.

The Butler Bulldogs are not a traditional NCAA basketball tycoon. They did not formally enter the league’s camp until 1962. They are just a small school team, but this season, the young coach Stevens took him. Of Cinderella is marching towards the Indiana legend in 1954.

On the training ground, everyone is preparing for the battle in an orderly manner. In addition to shooting, Yiyang now spends more and more time training in the strength room.

In March Madness, the intensity of the competition must be completely different from before. The intensity of physical confrontation that Yiyang will suffer will also suddenly increase. Of course, Stevens did not just let Yiyang train for March Madness. After the NBA draft, Yiyang must also use a stronger body to prepare.

An hour ago, the Bulldogs had learned of their opponents in the first round. The University of Texas, the Bulldogs will compete for the spot in the first round!

The players who trained all morning finally got a two-hour break, but at the end of the training, Yiyang found that the expressions of his teammates were still serious.

This situation has never been seen by Yiyang before. In fact, Yiyang did not have a very clear concept of the March Madness event. After all, before, he paid more attention to NBA games than NCAA.

“Gordon.” Just as Hayward was about to go to the restaurant to have a meal, he heard Yiyang voluntarily stop himself from behind.

“Hey buddy, are you going to eat together?” Hayward turned around and hugged Yiyang.

“March Crazy…what is it like?”

Hayward was taken aback for a moment, then his expression became serious again. “Last year our results in the Big Ten League were also very good, but March Madness let us know what a real game is. We lost and were eliminated early and went home. At that time, Coach Stevens told We, he said, this season, we have done everything we should do, and now we have lost this ball, all our goals have been completed. Don’t be sad, because next year, we will win them all!”

Hayward finished speaking, staring at Yiyang for a few seconds. “Try your best to win everything, this is March Madness, man! We can do it, right?” The white small forward stretched out his left fist.

“Of course it can.” Yiyang’s fist slightly collided with Hayward.

After the two-hour break, the players returned to the court one after another. In the first training session in the afternoon, Stevens intends to hold a tactical meeting to give players a comprehensive understanding of their opponents.

Originally, Stevens also expected a “soft persimmon” in the first round, such as MIT or something.

But unfortunately, the appearance of the University of Texas made the Bulldogs’ March crazy journey full of thorns at the beginning.

Stevens pressed the start button, and the image of the projector was projected onto the white screen. The players watched attentively, and a game at the University of Texas was slowly unfolding.

Yiyang, who was originally “facially paralyzed”, frowned when watching the video of the game.

The University of Texas lineup is full of stars. At the small forward position, they have a sporty perimeter that is likely to be selected in the first round this year, Mike James. Presumably this guy with an NBA-level body will definitely cause great trouble to Hayward.

As for the center, the height of 2.11 meters and the weight of 129 kilograms after losing weight of the meat-shield inner Dexter Pittman will also make the three-second zone of the University of Texas extremely tight. Matt Howard, who is relatively thin, has encountered a real challenge.

Power forward Derek Careycott, a star player who was stronger than Oden and Durant in his freshman year in high school. Although he doesn’t have much talent to squeeze as a junior, there is no doubt that Willie Wesley wants to eat this opponent, it is not that simple.

But in the star-studded lineup of the University of Texas, the most dazzling guy is the shortest guy on the court. And this is exactly why Yiyang frowned.

Avery Bradley, and Yiyang are also newcomers who only entered the NCAA this year, a point guard who was considered by ESPN to be as famous as John Wall in high school. Bradley averaged 11.6 points, 2.9 rebounds and 2.1 assists per game this season, and was selected as the best rookie team in the division and was nominated for the best team in the division.

Don’t look at Bradley’s statistics as Yiyang is not gorgeous, and the honor is not as much as Yiyang. After all, Yiyang is the player who was selected as the best team in the division, not just a nomination.

But Bradley really scored really well, the data can’t be reflected. The current Celtics coach Doug Rivers once said in an interview. “Avery is now an NBA-level perimeter defender. He can guard any number one player in the NCAA league.”

Yes, that suffocating defense with the ball is what makes Bradley really terrible! For Yiyang, encountering such a strong defensive matchup is bound to become a huge challenge!

After playing the game video, Stevens turned off the projector. But Yiyang is still full of images of Bradley in the game.

Looking at Yiyang’s seriously thinking expression, Stevens’s heart is full of boundless expectations.

From the first game against Harangudi to the present, Yiyang can be said to have played fairly easily. In the entire Big Ten League, there is no point guard that can make Yiyang nervous.

Now Bradley’s solid defense will definitely make Yiyang encounter unprecedented problems. Genius knows how powerful Yiyang can burst out after encountering trouble!

Stevens is looking forward to it because Yiyang, this guy, might surprise himself!

Without giving him some pressure, how can this kid play higher?

“Now, you all know how easy your opponents are to bully.” Stevens’s voice made the players stop the discussion.

“Give me to the training ground and spend 120% of the effort to fight! Even if the **** Jordan is standing in front of you wearing a jersey, you have to swallow Jordan for me! Win it all! This year, ours The goal is the NCAA Championship championship! Let’s go, don’t dawdle, show your energy, guys!” This young marshal’s words are full of power that can make young people excited!

“Roar!” At this moment, Yiyang suddenly roared. The fighting intent in this guy’s heart broke out at this moment, and he clenched his fists and rushed to the training ground first. Yiyang’s abnormal behavior made his teammates even more excited.

Even the cold Yiyang was ignited, and the others were simply a gunpowder barrel that could explode at any time!

Stevens, who stayed in the office, smiled with satisfaction. Rivers said Bradley has an NBA-level defense?

Then Yiyang will let everyone see what a real NBA level is!

March Madness has come, and for anyone, they have no choice but to fight.

Either be killed, or kill the opponent. Yiyang from the Wood District is not a lamb to be slaughtered.

March Madness, you may not be too crazy for yellow lightning!

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