One Guard

Chapter 27

Chapter 26 : Pass all of you

Bradley panted heavily, and there were large drops of sweat on his forehead. Before the start of the game, Bradley never expected that he would be dragged so badly by a yellow-skinned guy.

In order to keep up with Yiyang’s footsteps, Bradley had to fly half the time on the defensive end. After the defense is over, this guy has to drag his unadjusted breath to carry the team’s offensive banner.

Bradley’s projection is the same as Yiyang, both of which are very unstable. So for him, the most effective way to attack is to break through!

The game lasted four minutes, but the Bulldogs’ defense still focused on shrinking the basket. At the beginning, Bradley and others were able to score the ball with the defense, but when the game continued to the present, Bradley obviously felt a little overwhelmed.

Coach Stevens specially emphasized before the start of the game that the Bulldogs must play tough today. Only by responding in a tough way on the defensive end will the Longhorns get into trouble.

Now, Yiyang, who opened his arms and crossed in front of Bradley, could feel that the speed of the zero dribble of the University of Texas was not as fast as before. Moreover, he has more and more flaws in his possession.

Although he played for four minutes, Yiyang didn’t even have a sweat on his face. From this we can see how huge the physical consumption of the players by the suicide breakthrough of the Longhorns is.

Bradley raised his head to find someone. At the moment his attention was removed from the ball, Yiyang suddenly rushed forward, and then with his better wingspan, he stabbed the basketball in Bradley’s hands!

Bradley immediately turned back and chased him back, but he was unable to catch up with Yiyang because of his physical exhaustion. Yiyang glanced back during the advancing process, and after confirming safety, he raised the basketball with both hands and jumped violently. A vigorously filling the box with both hands made the fans cheer excitedly!

“Hey! Great explosiveness! I also grabbed a basketball in the hands of Bradley, who is good at defending. This is really ironic! Now that both sides have a mistake, it can be regarded as even the matter!” Reggie Mi Le burst into laughter, and Yiyang and Bradley played back and forth, reminding this old former NBA superstar of the glory days of playing.

“Pause, pause!” Longhorns meritorious coach Rick Barnes had to call a timeout. If this continues, the University of Texas will be smoothed out!

“13 to 10, the two sides entered the first timeout after the game. With just a dunk, the Bulldogs succeeded in widening the point difference to 3 points! Hopefully, after the timeout is over, Deksa Sri Lanka can show a better performance.” Miller finished speaking, turned off the microphone, and drank saliva to lubricate a pipe. He must seize the time to rest, because the next game will only get more and more exciting!

“Good job! Good job! I’m going to fight like this!” Stevens was so happy on the sidelines that he just jumped up. He shook hands with the rest of the players one by one, especially when it was Yiyang’s turn. Increased his hand strength.

“How about Avery, I’m not wrong! The number one at Butler University is by no means a general! I want you to give him more physical contact and let him face you in a way he is not good at. ! Physical confrontation understand? Physical confrontation!” Barnes sat on the small bench and continued to yell in his hoarse voice.

“Mike, double-team him if necessary!” After that, Barnes turned his head and yelled at the team’s starting small forward.

“Double-teaming?” Mike James was completely stunned. Does Barnes want to let Butler University’s top scorer Hayward go to double-team Yiyang?

“Yes, but it’s not double-teaming all the time. If you also break through, you will double-team me without hesitation! Forcing him to make mistakes, we can get a chance to score easily!” Barnes doesn’t know his players The stamina consumption is huge, but there is no way. Whether it is Bradley or Mike James, whether it is Pittman or power forward Derek Careycott, or their shooting guard Rob Carter, neither of them Good at projection.

If you want to control the rhythm of the game as much as possible, the Longhorns can only use their impact to attack the basket. If you rely on shooting, you may have to look at the face of God.

The timeout for the timeout ended soon, and Yiyang never thought that all the tactics the opponent deployed during the timeout were to limit himself!

His threat to the Longhorns is even greater than Hayward!

As the game only lasted four minutes, neither side had any substitutions. The University of Texas, which was behind by three points, led the offensive, while the Bulldogs still put on a posture of not letting go.

Bradley just got outside the three-point line, he flicked it, and fed the basketball into the hands of their inside overlord Pittman.

Pittman’s huge size really makes him unmatched on the inside, but this guy’s physical fitness is also the worst on the court!

This guy continued to crush Matt Howard with his back singles, but when he was about to turn around, Hayward suddenly appeared, and with a hard shot, he cut off the basketball in Pittman’s hands.

Pittman’s movements were originally sluggish, but now that his physical energy has been greatly consumed, his turning around is even slower! This kind of opportunity, Hayward, who has quick eyes and quick hands, will not give up!

After Hayward succeeded in stealing, the Bulldogs immediately launched a conversion attack. Seeing that Yiyang was at the forefront, Hayward made a long pass directly, hoping that Yiyang could receive the basketball and end everything!

Of course, it is impossible for Bradley to watch Yiyang receive a basketball easy layup. He dragged a heavy pace and continued to accelerate, biting Yiyang to death!

Finally, Yiyang still received the basketball. When he received the ball, there was not much room for him to adjust. The No. 1 guard bit the bullet and jumped, and Bradley jumped up after him.

The bodies of the two people are close to each other in the air. This time, Yiyang seems to be unable to escape the fate of being blocked!

Yiyang raised the basketball and was about to make a layup. But at the moment Yiyang flew to the highest point, he suddenly took the basketball off, rounded his waist and completed a pass without looking behind him!

“You can still pass!?” Bradley quickly turned around after landing, he assured that Yiyang didn’t even look back after receiving the basketball! Who will pass this ball to?

Just when Bradley turned around, he only saw Shelvin Mark leaping high and completing a beautiful dunk under his nose.

“Boom!” The audience suddenly boiled, and it seemed that the momentum of the Bulldogs team was unstoppable!

Bradley’s surprised expression is exactly the same as the expressions of most fans in the stands. Is it possible that this Chinese really has eyes behind his back?

Indeed, Yiyang did not look back after receiving the ball. But before he catches the ball, he has already determined the running position of his teammates!

Yiyang is also forced to helplessly with this ball. If he does it hard, Bradley will dribble the ball out in all likelihood. But his overall view and passing skills have saved himself again!

“Pittman, what are you doing!? This is March Madness, March Madness! If we lose, we will go home! Each of your mistakes may push us into the abyss!” On the sidelines, grumpy Rick Barnes blushed with roar, the sturdy “Roshan” didn’t say a word, just silently lowered his head.

The timeout just ended, and the Bulldogs switched offense because of a mistake. Moreover, Bradley’s defense against Yiyang also failed again.

In fact, it is not that Bradley has become weaker, but that Yiyang has successfully turned corruption into a miracle, and will pass the doomed attack to life.

After   , the Longhorns power forward Derek Carecott, who is not good at offensively, tried a single game with Willie Wesley in the low post. But the rough technique of this guy made his forcible layup knock out.

Pittman, who could not run and jump, did not pose a threat to the rebound at all. Matt Howard protected the offensive rebound with a small gain, and then handed the ball to their number one master again.


As soon as he caught the ball, he heard Stevens yelling. He looked towards the bench in the direction of the voice, and saw Stevens pushing forward with his hands.

Yiyang retracted his gaze, and after that, proceeded at full speed!

“Stop him, stop him!” Bradley was the first person to react. He followed Yiyang and shouted at his teammates. Because Bradley found that he couldn’t complete the overtaking at all!

Mike James was the first to block up. He still remembers the arrangement of the head coach. Barnes gave him a chance to double-team!

There is Bradley on the left of Yiyang, and Mike James in front of him. It seems that he has been driven into desperation.

Yiyang suddenly slowed down, causing Bradley to run over. Mike James thought he had successfully interrupted Yiyang’s fast break, but he didn’t know that after a pause, Yiyang speeded up again! Mike James stretched out his hand, but only caught a gust of wind.

“God! What a beautiful emergency stop! This guy’s physical fitness is completely comparable to top black players!” Reggie Miller found that his scalp was numb, and the series of movements just now made by Yiyang are indeed Bravo.

After    Yiyang broke through Mike James who came up close, Bradley had to change his center of gravity to catch up again. This time, Jean Yiyang surpassed Bradley’s half body.

Yiyang continued to rush towards the three-point line. At this time, the Longhorns’ starting second position Rob Carter also stepped forward to stop him.

This time, Yiyang didn’t stop rushing, but used a beautiful back dribble while advancing at high speed, passing by Rob Carter!

“The second person!” Reggie Miller’s heart was pounding, and this yellow lightning had already connected two people!

Yiyang threw Robo away and successfully entered the penalty area from the side horns. Since Yiyang had been advancing at a high speed, even though he was slightly slowed down by two people, he was still the first one to rush.

At this time, Pittman’s big guy has just passed halftime, and Carycott is not much faster than Pittman.

The Longhorns have no one in the penalty area, only Mike James is trying to drive towards the basket.

Yiyang maintained his speed and always opened a half-length gap with Bradley. Between the lightning and flint, the No. 1 guard has reached the three-second zone. And Mike James, who is also good at running and jumping, also rushed back.

Yiyang didn’t hesitate, just take off! Bradley reacted quickly and jumped up almost at the same time as Yiyang. And Mike James also fought hard, hoping to stop Yiyang’s attack from the front.

Reggie Miller did not speak, Yiyang penetrated the entire defense line of the Longhorns and entered the penalty area, certainly not for the sake of risking!

Speaking of athletic ability, Mike James and Bradley are not bad at all. UU Reading these two guys rely on athletic ability to eat. So in the air, Yiyang didn’t seem to have any chance of scoring. His shooting space was completely sealed by James and Brad!

The three of them all flew to the highest point, and this attack seemed to end in failure! Just when they all started to fall, Yiyang also took the opportunity to win the basketball!

The yellow-skinned No. 1 defender hooked his waist in the air and put the basketball in his arms. After avoiding the defenses of Mike James and Bradley, he straightened up again, then lifted the basketball to a counter basket.

The basketball hits the backboard, and then gently refracts into the net!

“Unbelievable goal!!! God!! One person, he passed the entire defense of the Longhorns! From receiving the pass from the center to the final goal, no one can stop Yi! In the end, two people blocked the ball with a tie rod to layup and scored the ball! Oh my God! I still can’t believe what I just saw!” Reggie Miller opened his throat and shouted. The scene just now was really crazy. March Crazy, Crazy Lightning!

The yellow-skinned boy did not celebrate after landing, but silently hammered his own chest.

Stevens applauded Yiyang mechanically, because he was also stunned by what had just happened. At first, he pushed forward with both hands, just wanting Yiyang to speed up the rhythm and completely bring down the Longhorns. Unexpectedly, Yiyang actually offered him a quick break, perhaps the most exciting fast break he has ever seen in his coaching career.

“Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!…” The fans shouted hoarsely for Yiyang, and the whole stadium seemed to be shaking slightly.

March Crazy, now it has been completely ruled by Yiyang!

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