One Guard

Chapter 33

Chapter 32 : Lightning score

“Oh, no…” When Hayward missed the big open shot, the Bulldogs fans in the stands let out a sigh.

“Damn it!” Hayward shook his hand dissatisfiedly, and quickly returned to defense. I don’t know why, Hayward obviously feels that there is no problem, but the basketball just can’t make it.

The Bulldogs wasted an opportunity here, and the Syracuse Oranges would not make the same mistake.

Wesley Johnson transferred the battlefield to the inside by means of fake shots. Unprepared Matt Howard was pushed out of the defensive position by opposing center Wright Philips. The latter can easily put the ball into the basket, and the Oranges take two more points!

In a blink of an eye, Syracuse University had a 7-0 offensive climax. Stevens did not call a timeout, but gestured at the players from the sidelines.

Yiyang took a big breath and tried to calm himself down. Stevens’s gesture signified that the Bulldogs began to implement the backup plan. This means that the scoring task of the Bulldogs is now on Yiyang’s shoulders!

“Continue to put pressure on him, don’t let your guard down!” On the other side, Syracuse University Oranges coach Jim Boheim also stood on the sidelines and shouted. He signaled to Wesley Johnson to continue to oppress Hayward, as long as the white small forward is watched to death, the Bulldogs offense will be half ruined!

Wesley Johnson did, and the other players on the Oranges are also adjusting their defensive positions based on Hayward’s running position.

Yiyang? The number one guard who is in possession of the ball is a very good passer. But everyone knows that he is not the Bulldogs’ first scoring point.

Willie Warren still blocked Yiyang aggressively, while Wesley Johnson followed Hayward at any cost.

Everyone is blocking the passing route between Yiyang and Hayward. They would rather let others get a chance than Hayward get the touch.

Yiyang waved his hand from the three-point line and signaled his teammates to pull away as much as possible. Jim Bohem frowned, is it possible that Yiyang intends to break the goal?

Yiyang began to change hands and dribble continuously, looking for a breakthrough rhythm. Willie Wesley pursed his lips, ready to move horizontally to block!

Within the three-point line, Hayward, who was hovering near the bottom line, suddenly ran back, throwing away Wesley Johnson and walking towards the left bottom corner.

At the same time, Yiyang put the racket to his left, kicked his legs suddenly, intending to break through!

Willie Warren, a black defender with the most athletic ability, did not react slowly. He quickly took a lateral step and blocked Yiyang’s breakthrough route.

In fact, Yiyang can completely change direction during the breakthrough, bypassing Willy Warren whose center of gravity is shaking. But he didn’t do it, because he knew that it was superfluous!

Yiyang rushed directly at Willy Warren, and Willy Warren’s extremely poor confrontation ability simply couldn’t stop Yiyang. He was like a praying man’s arm blocking a car, allowing Yiyang to kill in easily!

Since Hayward’s anti-running and Yiyang’s breakthrough were carried out almost at the same time, everyone believed that Yiyang’s ball would definitely be separated! The Bulldogs’ No. 3 tactic has long been thoroughly studied by Jim Boheim.

Because of this, when Yiyang broke through, no one came to make up the defense. Except for Wright Philips, the center of the Oranges, everyone was preventing Yiyang from breaking the goal, not preventing him from breaking.

All the gaps were blocked, Boheim would have to see how the Asian defender still passes.

But when Yiyang has broken through to a deep position, he doesn’t seem to have any intention of passing the ball! Is it possible that he wants to attack by himself with a center guarding the basket?

Yiyang directly took off against Philips, who was not prepared, and planned to force a layup. Philips didn’t expect the Asian defender to really rush up, so he instinctively took off to protect the basket, and he was undoubtedly called a defensive foul by the referee.

Although this goal failed to make progress, Yiyang still got a free throw opportunity. Surprisingly, this is the effect Yiyang needs.

“Yi’s breakthrough caused internal damage. Looking at Philips’ surprised expression, he might not have expected that he would dare to directly challenge his territory!” Reggie Miller nodded approvingly, at least the guy Yiyang is very brave. of. After all, not all defenders dared to jump and layup in front of a fierce big man like Philips.

Yiyang did not waste these two free throw opportunities. One semester’s shooting training has made Yiyang a great improvement. After hitting two free throws, the Bulldogs finally broke the scoring drought by relying on Yiyang’s breakthrough.

Although the ball was fouled, the players of the Oranges didn’t seem to care. They believe that because the passing route was completely blocked, Yiyang chose to force a layup when he was desperate. From another perspective, their defense is still very successful this time.

However, in the next round, Yiyang still decisively chose to break through. Willie Warren’s defense is basically useless in front of Yiyang, and the oranges’ defensive strategy has not changed. They continue to block the passing route instead of sending people to defend!

This time, Yiyang did not choose to rush to the basket again. With the lessons learned last time, Philips will not be fooled this time.

After the No. 1 guard quickly broke through, he suddenly stopped at a step inside the free throw line and pulled up the shot!

Philips jumped out, but the distance was too far to be an effective interference to Yiyang.

Shooting is not Yiyang’s strong point, but Yiyang is quite sure of a shot within the free throw line.

The orange basketball spins and falls into the net. The Bulldogs fans wearing blue short sleeves finally have a reason to cheer after being frustrated for a long time!

“Also! His shooting moves are much softer than when he first entered the NCAA! Don’t underestimate this goal. Behind the goal, countless hours and sweat are bound to be spent!”

4 to 7, the Bulldogs moved two goals in a row, and both scores came from Yiyang. At this time, Jim Boheim couldn’t help frowning. Stevens, shouldn’t he…

Willie Warren, who was anxiously beaten by Yiyang, is now full of anger, and the yellow-skinned number one guard is too serious about himself. Yiyang has used Warren as a breakthrough twice in a row. This black defender, who has excellent athleticism and shooting ability, also intends to return Yiyang.

This small guard, who is also a freshman, did not pass the ball this time, but waved to Wright Philips. The latter understood, and immediately went to make a pick-and-roll for Warren.

“Do you want to break by yourself?” Yiyang naturally saw Philips running next to him. At Warren’s speed, if he had borrowed the pick and roll to break through, it would be really tricky.

Yiyang immediately began to plan in his mind, planning a plan to deal with Warren’s breakthrough.

Warren’s speed is very fast. If there is no pick-and-roll, Yiyang is confident that he can stop him. But if you want to bypass the pick-and-roll and go back, I’m afraid it will be difficult to catch up.

Between these electric flints, Willie Warren broke through quickly. Warren, who has been humiliated, can’t wait to give this number one guard some color!

Yiyang didn’t have time to think, he had to bypass the pick and roll immediately. Of course, Willie Warren will not waste this kind of performance opportunity.

When Yiyang bypassed the pick-and-roll, Warren had already surpassed Yiyang by a full position. This is Yiyang’s speed is fast enough, if it is someone else, Warren may have already cleaned the counterpoint!

Although Warren predicted that the draft is not high, his speed still made Reggie Miller take a breath. Maybe this guy shouldn’t play basketball, but should practice sprinting!

Yiyang can only follow Warren at best now, it is impossible to overtake to block.

But after two steps following Warren, Yiyang suddenly flashed his inspiration and stretched out his arm!

It is true that Willie Warren is very fast, but his ball handling at high speeds is not steady.

Taking advantage of his wingspan, Yiyang successfully stabbed Warren’s basketball from behind! Matt Howard reacted quickly and immediately fell to the ground and slammed the basketball into his arms.

Anxious Willie Warren didn’t hesitate, and threw himself on Matt, and the two fought fiercely. After that, more and more people participated in the competition, and the scene became very chaotic.

Just when everyone was squeezing together, the orange basketball slowly rolled out of the crowd!

Willie Warren made a leap directly on the floor after seeing the basketball, hoping to make up for this mistake. But just before his hand touched the basketball, the yellow-skinned number one guard picked up the basketball first!

After   , all the Bulldogs fans can do is shout. The yellow lightning pierced the audience and went straight to the basket. Yiyang took off from the sole of his foot after the free throw line. In the air, the yellow-skinned defender tried his best to stretch out his body. He raised the basketball with his right hand, as if Thor raised his hammer!

“Boom!” The huge sound ignited the passion of the whole stadium, and all the Bulldogs fans wearing blue short sleeves jumped up and cheered for their heroes.

“Lightning hit the arena again!” Reggie Miller shook his fist vigorously, and it was a pleasure to appreciate the strong slashes performed by the defenders!

“Ah!” After landing, the taciturn Yiyang also gave a rare low growl. This kind of passionate moment, even the coldest man, will be completely ignited!

Yiyang’s dunks not only allowed the Bulldogs to score 6 points in a row, but also completely changed the momentum of both players on the court.

Willie Warren wanted to return Yiyang a goal, but UU Reading unexpectedly created Yiyang’s wonderful performance.

The Bulldogs fans were jumping on the stands with great vigor. The Syracuse University fans wearing orange T-shirts were already submerged by the blue ocean.

“I have never seen such a Chinese defender!” Mou Ran in the media area was even more stunned, flying in the NCAA arena, no longer only black!

This dunk has undoubtedly boosted the morale of the Bulldogs. The Oranges wanted to use an offense to suppress the Bulldogs’ momentum. Unexpectedly, under Hayward’s crazy dog-like defense, Wesley Johnson missed the first goal of the day.

Yiyang, already extremely excited, leaped high and grabbed the rebound before Matt Howard and Wright Philips.

After   , the number one guard propelled the ball by himself. Even though the Oranges’ retreat speed is not slow, it still can’t allow them to complete the defense before Yiyang.

Yiyang rode a thousand, and layup directly against Willie Warren who was chasing him. The latter can almost fan the basketball, but almost and much worse, they are also losers!

The basketball was slid into the net by Yiyang, and at the same time, the referee’s hastily whistle sounded again. This time it was not a foul, but Syracuse University coach Jim Boheim had to stop the game.

That crazy number one guard has already scored a **** 8 points! He alone allowed the Bulldogs to complete the lead in an instant.

Boheim knows what he must do now. If he continues to let it go… If he continues to let it go, today, himself and the entire team will become a springboard on the road to Yiyang’s fame!

Crazy Bulldogs No. 1 has shown its edge, Hayward doesn’t feel good? It’s okay, I’ll take the heavy responsibility!

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