One Guard

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 : Handover of No. 1

A tall, strong black guy walked out of Stevens’ office angrily. He looked displeased and didn’t seem to be in a good mood.

After a summer break, he returned to the court and was the first to be called by coach Stevens to talk. This guy was originally called by the head coach to go, hoping to give himself greater responsibility. After all, as a junior player, he was already a star in the Big Ten who averaged 11.4 points per game last season.

However, Stevens did not mention anything related to the game. His only purpose in finding himself was to hope that he could give up the Bulldogs’ number one jersey to a newcomer!

Shelvin Mark is not a bad-tempered player. Instead, he has always been the big brother in the team’s locker room and a symbol of Stevens’s maturity. So Mark hesitated for a while and then agreed to Stevens’ request.

Although Mark agreed to this request amicably, he was very unhappy in his heart.

If the newcomer to Butler University this year is John Wall, Mark is absolutely willing to give up the number. But the guy who “snatched” his number one jersey, Mark hadn’t even heard of it before!

Stevens may think that changing the number is nothing for the players, but for young and energetic college players, the number on them is their logo, a symbol that can represent their personality and identity! Now, to ask Mark to tear off his logo and paste it on others, of course Mark would not be happy.

Some depressed Mark pushed open the locker room door, but when he walked into the locker room, he found that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong.

Butler University players always get along very happily, and the locker room is always full of laughter. But at this moment, the entire locker room is terribly quiet.

As the team’s oldest player and captain, Mark is the agent of the entire locker room. After he noticed the difference, he first looked at his teammates, only to find that his teammates were all looking at the same place.

Shervin Mark followed the eyes of his teammates and found that in front of the locker near the bathroom, there was sitting… a black-haired, yellow-skinned Asian guy!

Now, even Mark forgot to speak. Although the United States is a multi-ethnic country, from small to large, this group of players rarely see Asians in the locker room of a basketball team. Suddenly there was such a “different species” among them, and their curiosity naturally made them focus on Yiyang.

After   , quiet became a whisper. The players of the former Bulldogs began to discuss Yiyang in a low voice. Mark sat in front of his cabinet and scanned the locker room. This year, the team’s personnel did not seem to have changed much compared to last year. Could it be that this Asian is the guy who “snatched” his jersey! ? What is this guy capable of?

“What the **** are you looking at!? Haven’t you seen an Asian!?” Suddenly! There was a loud noise in the dressing room, and Yiyang punched the cabinet and yelled at a big white man with natural curly hair.

The big man who was yelled at was the starting center of the Bulldogs, Matt Howard. This guy is not to say, the height is also above 2.05. But Yiyang was not afraid. In the Wood District, he had defeated countless guys taller and taller than him.

Because he has never seen a teammate of the yellow race, this big white guy has indeed stared at Yiyang with curious eyes for a while. This kind of gaze often makes Yiyang very uncomfortable. Yiyang originally thought everything would be different after arriving at university, but who knows, everything is no different from high school. He is here, he will always be that strange, he is here, he will never find a sense of belonging!

“Hey, relax buddy. I can assure you that Matt has absolutely no malice. He is a well-known honest man in our locker room. Don’t worry about it, friend.” As the leader of the team, Shelvin Mark certainly can’t Let Butler University’s locker room atmosphere become fragmented.

He took the initiative to walk in front of Yiyang and stretched out his right hand. “My name is Shelvin Mark, the captain of the Butler University Bulldogs team. I hope we can respect each other, okay?”

“Respect each other? Haha. Since I came in, your animal-looking eyes have not moved away from me! If you call this respect, then I will say hello just now!” Yang slammed Mark’s shoulder and walked straight out of the locker room. Only Mark was left, and still facelessly raised his right hand and froze in place.

Yiyang, who lived in a place like the Wood District after losing his father’s asylum, has long forgotten how to write the word friendly. In the Wood District, fierceness and fists are the way to survive. friendly? There is no such thing in that ghost place.

Yiyang doesn’t like to be seen as a monster. He has been like this since high school. Every time he was insulted, Yiyang, who lacked his father’s education, would choose to use a fight to solve the problem. That’s why Yiyang, who was annoyed in the locker room, made such a rude move. He didn’t do anything directly with Mark, and he was already very restrained.

are all angry young people. Although Shelvin Mark has always maintained the image of a mature captain, he was also completely irritated by what Yiyang did just now.

was already very upset by giving the jersey number to the kid Mark, and now he is still playing his temper in the locker room, which makes Mark intolerable!

“Fuck! Who does that monkey think he is!” Mark, who is 1.91 meters tall and weighs 96 kilograms, is a typical heavy guard. In his opinion, Yiyang’s thin body can’t burst out any power at all.

He put on his training suit and rushed directly into the court. On the court, Yiyang is warming up. Seeing Mark walk out angrily, he ignored it either.

“Smelly boy!” Mark yelled, pointing to Anjie’s nose. “Don’t be so proud! I’ll play against you for 21 points. If you lose, you’ll apologize to Matt and me! How about it!? It’s fair!”

Yiyang was still warming up on his own, without even looking at Mark. “What if I win?”

The players on the scene opened their mouths. Mark is one of the best guards in the Big Ten. Many experts also predict that Mark will definitely be able to occupy a place on the NBA stage in the future. And now, the little-known Asian boy in front of me, actually wants to beat him in a heads-up?

“If I lose, I **** take you the captain!” Mark was also angry, and his voice made the entire training field become hot.

Stevens in the office quietly opened a crack in the door after hearing the quarrel, but did not come forward to stop it. The children’s affairs still have to be solved by the children themselves. When the time is right, he will naturally appear as a coach.

“I don’t want your captain, but I accept your challenge!” After Yiyang finished the activity, he staggered and walked toward Mark fiercely. Teaching those who look down on him by playing basketball is Yiyang’s favorite thing!

The players immediately formed a circle, leaving room for Yiyang and Mark to half the game.

The rule of 21-point bullfighting on the street is very simple. A goal is counted as one point, and a goal from outside the three-point line counts as two points. Whoever scores 21 points first wins. If the score is equal or only one point difference after 21 points, the game will continue until the point difference is widened to two points.

In order to show his humility, Mark asked Yiyang to attack first. The players started booing, but they were basically cheering for Mark.

Yiyang has long been accustomed to these sounds. He used to be booed at home when he played in high school. These humiliations are nothing to him. Yiyang was not polite, so he picked up the basketball and got out of it.

From his skillful dribbling, Mark can tell that this Asian still has two brushes. At least his basic skills are better than most student players.

But there is a problem, this yellow-skinned guy has too many unnecessary fancy moves. In the NCAA arena, this kind of insignificant action, but it will make him pay the price!

Mark saw the right time and suddenly rushed forward! For this steal attempt, he is bound to win!

At the moment when Mark was about to poke the basketball away, Yiyang flexibly pulled the basketball, quickly changed its direction, and accelerated instantly! Mark jumped for a moment, only to feel a gust of wind on his cheek, and then, “Huh!”

Yiyang completed the breakthrough easily and made a layup easily.

“It’s 1 to 0, Captain.” Yiyang smiled from Chong Mark, but this is definitely not to express friendship!

“You…did you see…” Matt Howard, the white center who just stared at Yiyang, couldn’t help but open his mouth.

“It’s so fast!” Even the current star Gordon Hayward of Butler University praised Yiyang’s breakthrough.

Shervin Mark’s forehead shed large sweat particles, cold sweat. In the NCAA for more than two years, he has seen countless so-called talented guards. But the instantaneous burst speed can be as fast as Yiyang, which is really unusual.

Yiyang has been running around on the basketball court since he was a child, and he knows systematic and professional training methods, coupled with the excellent body inherited from his father, so that he will suddenly lose his temper in this Big Ten star guard!

In the second round, change Mark to attack. Mark’s weight of 96 kg really puts a lot of pressure on Yiyang. Always a player who has experienced the NCAA baptism for two years, Mark’s dribble is not as good as Yiyang, but it is more stable.

This guy sat back all the way from near the free throw line, hitting his back to the three-second zone. Then easily hook and save face for yourself.

Stevens, who watched this scene, shook his head. Yiyang’s somewhat thin figure would indeed put him at a disadvantage in the confrontation. Especially when encountering a heavy guard like Mark, the disadvantage will be more obvious.

But it’s okay, the game is not over yet. Stevens believes that both Yiyang and Mark can perform better.

The third goal. This time, Mark deliberately put Yiyang a step in order to prevent that guy from hitting the basket.

Yiyang knows that his shooting is not stable enough. If he shoots rashly now, he will really fall into Mark’s trap.

He still alternated fast dribbles under his crotch to disrupt Mark’s defensive focus. Mark now dare not rush into the fight. Although the opponent’s actions are a little fancy, he is not a useless street player.

Yiyang saw that there was no way of forwarding, so he decided to break through from both sides

After taking two steps forward, he suddenly stopped and then retreated back, as if he was directly planning to take a step back and shoot!

Mark did not hesitate and immediately posted it. Although the passing ability of dealing with offense on the field is often criticized by people, Mark’s scoring and defensive ability is quite strong.

Yiyang’s retreat is nothing short of pediatrics for Mark.

Seeing Yiyang is ready to hold the ball with both hands and shoot, Mark jumped high. He must use a **** cover to teach this newcomer what is respect!

Everyone thought that Mark was done for the ball, and Matt Howard even closed his eyes and couldn’t bear to watch what happened next.

But while Mark was smiling in the air, his expression suddenly solidified! Yiyang didn’t shoot, but passed by Mark again after the jump.

The realistic step-back jumper just now is just a fake action of worshipping Buddha! Mark couldn’t believe that he was deceived by a guy who had never played NCAA!

Yiyang breaks like a stroll in a leisurely court, and then picks it at will. The basketball obediently falls into the net. His relaxed and relaxed expression seemed to be as common as eating and sleeping after Mark passed.

After    scored, Yiyang Chong Markby showed two fingers, indicating that he has scored two points and the provocation is still going on!

After the game, Mark continued to use his larger tonnage and stronger body to eat Yiyang. And Yiyang used his dazzling dribbling skills to break through and score frequently.

None of the two sides can defend anyone. It seems that this time the bullfight cannot be ended within 21 points.

When the score became 21 to 21, the cheers of the players watching the excitement were even higher. Stevens, who took a peek at the entire game, knew that it was time to come forward by himself.

“It seems that you are getting along very happily! Let me introduce, this is the new player who joined the team this year, Yiyang from Bayless High School!” Stevens walked into the court and invited Yiyang to end this. There is no bullfight in the field.

“Coach, we…” Mark still wants to continue fighting with Yiyang, and Yiyang also has this intention. But Stevens didn’t want these two guys to distinguish themselves. There are some things, it’s better to stop.

“Okay, I think you are almost warming up too. So starting today, our pre-season training camp is officially launched! The extent of your efforts now will directly determine how far we can go next season! All come together! , Let us feel the strength of each other!”

Stevens called the players together and they all put their hands together. Yiyang obviously didn’t want to join, but Stevens pushed hard, and then stuffed this “problem boy” into it.

“Huh, you played pretty well.” Yiyang just stood beside Mark, Mark Chong Yiyang squeezed a smile, then grabbed his hand and placed it on top.

“One, UU reading two, three!” Mark shouted.

“Bulldog!” Everyone pushed hard, and their palms suddenly separated. At that moment, Yiyang seemed to feel an unusual power.

This kind of atmosphere, Yiyang has never experienced since childhood. Just now, this boy who is as hard as a rock, a certain string in his heart seemed to be plucked…

“Go, go and train with them. Just stand here and watch, but you can’t learn anything.” After everyone was gone, Stevens patted Yiyang on the shoulder and pushed him again. Put.

Yiyang walked into the crowd at a loss. At this time, Shelvin Mark threw a jersey to Yiyang.

“Take it, kid. From now on, the Bulldogs’ number one jersey is yours.” Although there is no victory or defeat, it can make Shelvin Mark, a Big Ten star guard, play so hard, Yiyang’s. The level has been recognized by everyone.

Yiyang took over the jersey, and number one is his favorite number because he always likes to be the first. It turned out that this guy was stunned by this incident?

Although he did not say any words of thanks, Yiyang still put the jersey on his body and started training with the team.

Stevens stood on the sidelines with his hands in his arms, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly. A child who grew up in a single-parent family must have such problems. But it’s okay, Stevens believes that everything will be fine in the big family of the Bulldogs…

Yiyang, wearing the Bulldog’s No. 1 jersey, began to sweat in the NCAA-level formal training. I don’t know why, but Yiyang found out…

He found that he seemed to have a sense of belonging. Maybe this place is really not as bad as Long Beach?

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