One Guard

Chapter 837

Chapter 828 : Pros and cons of race

When the game reached the last three minutes of the fourth quarter, the ratings of this game had begun to plummet. The 32 points difference completely lost the suspense in the duel. In competitive sports, games without suspense are often the most boring. Therefore, many fans have chosen to switch channels.

At this time, Mudiay, Kuzma and Mitchell are still active on the court. The Eagles have no choice but to take them, and even without Yiyang and Hayward themselves, the Eagles are already defeated.

“Although the Hawks’ goal this season is to rebuild, I have to say that the difference in strength between the two sides is still beyond my imagination.”

“The Mavericks have shown terrible strength on both ends of the offense and defense. The goal of this group of guys is the championship. They will not allow themselves to lose to an underdog.”

“Perhaps this is a microcosm of the huge gap between the strengths and weaknesses of the NBA this season. The strong ones are too strong, and the weak ones are too weak. A team like the Mavericks can only compete with equally strong opponents in order to be called a game.”

Mike Brin and Kevin Harlan undoubtedly did not express feelings about the Mavericks’ toughness. After half of the third quarter, the main players such as Yiyang and Hayward never played again. Even so, the Eagles, let alone a comeback, they can’t even close the points difference.

The performance of the three newcomers of the Mavericks is amazing. The tacit understanding between Yiyang and Hayward is amazing, and Gobert’s continuous improvement is equally amazing.

Budenhorse and Carlisle became the two easiest players in the game, one because the victory was set, and the other because they were already unable to recover.

The electronic buzzer that represents the end of the game finally sounded, and to Budenhorzer, it was simply the sound of nature. This sound does not mean that the game is over, but that this brutal massacre is finally over.

“126 to 93, the Dallas Mavericks did not hesitate to dismember the Eagles with a 33-point gap at home!”

“I think this will become the norm for the Hawks this season. This is the price to be paid for deciding to rebuild. Atlanta fans, maybe you have to be mentally prepared!”

Schroeder shook his head in disappointment and walked out of the court slowly. Although the eldest brother Nowitzki comforted himself for a while, Schroeder’s heart was still depressed.

In this game, under Yiyang’s defense, Schroeder only scored 13 points and 3 assists, and his shooting percentage was just over 30%. And what about Yiyang? With 28 points and 12 assists, Schroeder burst into scum. The most important thing is that Yiyang did all of this by still playing in a leisurely manner.

If Yiyang gets serious, the eagle’s death may be even worse.

The idea of ​​becoming famous in Yiyang is really dangerous.

Unlike Schroder, the three young Mavericks had confident smiles on their faces, and they hugged Yiyang tightly after they left the field.

Mudiay had 12 points and 5 assists, Mitchell had 16 points, and Kuzma had 14 points. All three rookies scored in double figures, and the efficiency was good. What makes Yiyang most delighted is that they get so many points not by fighting alone, but by mutual cooperation. The three of them almost formed a small system in the second team. In this way, the Mavericks second team’s offensive power will not be underestimated in the league.

With Yiyang and three rookies, Hayward scored 20 points, Dirk 15 points, and Deron also scored 11 points. Seven of the Mavericks team scored in double figures, and more points bloomed, making the Hawks’ defense become useless.

“Seven people scored in double figures, what a terrifying firepower! Mitchell and Kuzma, as first-year rookies, actually scored in double digits in the first game. It’s incredible, I don’t know the Mavericks this summer What did you do to them. All I know is that these two rookies will surprise us!”

Before entering the player channel, ESPN live reporters found Yiyang on the sidelines. This guy who lost the championship and MVP last season reminds everyone of the horror he ruled the league today.

“Congratulations, this is a hearty victory. In your opinion, will the Mavericks’ season be as smooth as this game?”

The reporter’s question is very simple, and it doesn’t make things difficult for Yiyang. Yiyang approached the microphone and stared at the camera seriously.

“All other teams in the league should be prepared. Our rule is not over yet!”

After Yiyang finished speaking, he turned and left, while the reporter who interviewed Yiyang got goose bumps all over his body. This guy is really bold!

At the same time, Chris Paul, who watched the game at home, also smiled helplessly. I had known that I would not recommend that kid Mitchell to Yiyang. His growth in the Mavericks seems to have exceeded expectations…

The Mavericks slaughtered the Eagles and became the biggest game of the day. After the game, Yiyang and Mavericks were immediately pushed to the forefront. The Dallas Mavericks, who could arouse discussion around the world as long as they casually lift their ass, are finally back.

“It’s just a victory over the Hawks. All teams in the league have the strength to defeat the Hawks. This does not explain the problem at all.”

“Yes, what he said in an interview on the sidelines after the game was too rampant. Did he think he lived three or four years ago?”

“The Mavericks won beautifully, but the Hawks are not an opponent that can highlight their strength. Regarding the question of how far the Mavericks can go this season, we will wait to watch a few more games before discussing it.”

The Mavericks have caused heated discussions, but not everyone is optimistic about them. The whole people is the enemy, Yiyang and the others have long been used to this kind of thing that is still being scolded after victory. What Carlisle is worried about now is the state of the three young people, after all, they have never withstood the pressure of playing on a championship team.

But fortunately, everything was normal for the three little guys in the next day’s training. They were indeed affected, and they became even more angry. And because of this, their condition is better.

Using actions to break the doubt is also a valuable asset given to them by Yiyang.

But what is surprising is that in today’s training, Yiyang’s state is surprisingly poor. It seems that Yiyang is absent from the center of the training ground and is not as focused as usual.

Carlisle thought Yiyang had injuries at first, but Benjamin found nothing after examining it. Moreover, Yiyang had very few words today, and seemed to have changed back to the silent boy when he first joined the alliance.

It was not until the end of the training that Carlisle finally knew the reason for Yiyang’s poor state.

“Are you going to New York?”

“Yes, don’t worry, I promise to come back before training tomorrow!” Yiyang faced Carlisle and applied to leave the team temporarily.

“For Jeremy?” Carlisle asked tentatively, what can attract Yiyang to New York? In Carlisle’s view, there is only Jeremy Lin!

In the first game of the regular season, Jeremy was reimbursed for the season. When he fell to the ground and cried out the phrase “I’m done,” Carlisle felt a little sad. This season has just begun, but for Jeremy Lin, it is already over.

Jeremy Lin and Yiyang are good friends, and Carlisle knows it too. This summer, Yiyang also recruited Jeremy Lin. But the Nets didn’t let anyone trade, so they didn’t stop at the end.

“Yes, I just want to see him. You know, a basketball player doesn’t have the same expression as yesterday. I think he… must be very painful now.” No wonder Yiyang is not in a high mood. It turned out to have been worried about Jeremy Lin.

“It doesn’t matter, tomorrow’s opponent, the king, is not strong. I think we can easily win without you. You just stay in New York for a day. You don’t need to rush.”

“No! To play the Kings game tomorrow, I hope you don’t replace me early! You used to ask me if I want to play another 50 or 60 minutes. Now I answer you in advance, yes!”

Carlisle was stunned. There is no deep hatred between Yiyang and King Sacramento?


At the beginning of this year’s regular season, the league fell into an injury circle. Batch after batch of players suffered serious injuries. As of the end of the game on October 19, the number of wounded in the league has reached 54 in three days, covering almost all teams. Among them, 6 of the Suns and 5 of the Heat were in the forefront. Most of the injuries were ankles and knees. And these injured list, there is no lack of the main team of each team.

Fortunately for Yiyang, so far, the Mavericks have not experienced injuries. Unfortunately, his good friend Jeremy Lin is also on the injured list.

When Yiyang saw Jeremy Lin in a local medical institution in Brooklyn that specializes in athletes’ injuries, the face of this Asian with dreadlocks was lifeless. The new season has just started two quarters and it is over. For any professional player, this is an unacceptable pain. Jeremy Lin’s injury results have come out, and the left knee ligament is ruptured. This not only means that Jeremy Lin will be completely reimbursed for the new season, but it will even have an impact on his future.

“I said, you don’t use it, I’m actually fine.” Seeing Yiyang walk into the ward, Jeremy Lin forced a smile at his good friend.

“I just want to tell you, don’t fall down, Jeremy. You have come to this day and you can’t give up. That summer seven years ago, you almost gave up professional basketball. But in the end, you chose to persevere. As a result, you As a result, you are now a world-famous star, Jeremy.” Yiyang did not talk nonsense with Jeremy Lin, but went straight to the subject.

He wouldn’t talk to Jeremy Lin about the principles of spiritual chicken soup, and Yiyang’s speech has always been straightforward and brief.

Seven years ago Jeremy Lin and Yiyang played for the Mavericks in the summer league. In the summer league, Jeremy Lin’s performance was actually pretty good, and in one of them he played against Wall, the number one pick. But in the end, the Mavericks did not sign with Jeremy Lin. At that time, Jeremy Lin almost gave up professional basketball.

But Yiyang encouraged him and let him go on. As a result, this guy was struggling with signing and layoffs, and finally in New York, he seized the opportunity in his life!

If it weren’t for Yiyang, Jeremy Lin’s name might not be known at all. Now, when Jeremy Lin is facing the second biggest setback in his career, Yiyang is here again.

“Do you think I will fall? No, I am not as vulnerable as I was seven years ago. At the moment of injury yesterday, my expression was a bit gaffe. But I’m really fine. Basketball is my life. I will give up. Your own life?”

Jeremy Lin shook his head. In front of a guy like Yiyang, you are ashamed to say to give up.

“That’s good, Jeremy, I just want to confirm this. By the way, John Smith, I’ll fix it for you tomorrow.” Yiyang, who was sitting on Jeremy Lin’s bed, smirked.

“What are you going to do!?” Jeremy Lin hated John Smith’s commentary. When he was injured yesterday, this guy shouldn’t say that about Asian players. But what can Yiyang do? Hit him?

“Look at Jeremy Lin’s appearance, crying like a twat, and other people didn’t cry like him when they were injured. Asians are so fragile. I said that yellow people are not suitable for the NBA. Right buddy?”

Yiyang was also extremely angry with John Smith’s remarks, which touched his bottom line.

“What else can I do? I just want him to see if the yellow race is suitable for the NBA.”

This guy Yiyang is stingy.

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