One Guard

Chapter 857

Chapter 848 : Contrast and damage

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Paul George responded strongly, allowing the Thunder fans to sit back and relax. As long as the Big Three of the Thunder want to win, they must have a chance. When these three people are separated, they can all be alone. When they are together, there is no reason to become weaker!

Although the Thunder scored in time to equalize the score, Billy Donova still stood nervously on the sidelines, unable to sit down. Just now the Thunder scored a goal, but the offense is also very simple. To put it bluntly, it’s still a superstar singles in the middle distance. However, mid-range singles are now recognized as the least efficient offensive method in the league. Donovan can’t help but worry about how long the Thunder can last in this way? System, Donovan still needs the Big Three to play the system!

After one round, Carmelo Anthony beat Rudy Gay again and the Thunder scored again. It seems that the Big Three are aggressive today. However, Anthony’s offense is still a mid-range singles. So far, the Thunder have relied on the individual abilities of their stars to solve problems.

The personal abilities of the Big Three are beyond doubt, but basketball is not played like this. After all, it is a team sport of five people.

In the first quarter of the game, the Thunder and the Mavericks played inextricably. After 12 minutes of fighting, the Thunder even led by 25 to 23 by two points.

“It’s very strange that the Thunder have taken the lead, but their offense is as uncomfortable as constipation. The Dallas Mavericks, who are in a backward position, play very smoothly on the offensive end.”

“That’s not surprising, Kenny. The Thunder only gave 3 assists in the first quarter. The Mavericks had 8 assists, which is almost three times the Thunder’s! The Thunder’s offense is a bit too dependent. The Big Three are now. Didn’t you find out? Most of their scores are obtained by Westbrook, Paul George and Anthony in turns in singles, and the rest is missed by Adams and Robertson. In this way, the Thunder’s offense is definitely not smooth. And it’s extremely difficult. They may still be ahead of the Mavericks in the first quarter. But I’m afraid it will be difficult for the Thunder to survive this way.” Chris Webber spread his hands. The Thunder’s data is obviously problematic. And this problem has existed since the beginning of the season.

Donovan’s tactics, Webb’s three fingers, can be counted, Westbrook singles, Melon singles and Pickle singles. Defense relies on the body, and there is no good system to support offense and defense.

Westbrook did pass the ball, but he also lost his own characteristics. Pass a few to George, pass a few to Anthony, and attack a few more when finished. Passing in order to pass the ball cannot tear the line of defense.

Billy Donovan naturally knew what was wrong with the team. Although the team is now leading, Donovan can’t laugh at all. After all, a temporary lead does not represent the final victory.

“Pick-and-roll! We need to play an efficient pick-and-roll! I used cover to end the offense at the mid-range and kept pressure on the Mavericks!” Donovan wrote anxiously on the tactical board, and the Big Three listened very carefully.

In the past few seasons, Westbrook has often used the pick-and-roll to get a chance to get out of the middle distance, which is also a common offensive method used by the zero guard. Now Donovan asks George and Anthony to do the same. He believes that if the three offensive points are used at the same time, the firepower will be able to drown the Mavericks.

But after the start of the second quarter, the result was not as smooth as Donovan thought.

Anthony held the ball at the top of the arc and Adams came to screen. After the cover, Anthony took a step and shot directly. At this time, Gobert contracted directly to the basket, and Hayward made up defense and interfered with Anthony’s shooting.

This is actually a defensive trap, creating the illusion of a misplaced offense for the Thunder’s giants. However, this is still a bad shot choice. Anthony shot and hit the iron, and the Thunder’s pick-and-roll was useless.

“We saw that the Thunder are also trying to make changes. But the effect is not very satisfactory.”

Yiyang didn’t close with Westbrook anymore. After he got the ball, he rushed to the front court and the Mavericks played a fast-paced offense and defense.

Facing Westbrook, Yiyang, who was moving at high speed, shook his upper body, and rushed past Westbrook easily with a one-handed change of direction that was too fast to catch.

After the breakthrough was successful, Hayward, who was seated in the right bottom corner, made a false pass, but in fact he made a layup. Adams, who was deceived by the fake action, reacted slowly by half a beat, and half a beat was more than enough for Yiyang.

Compared to the constipated offense of the Thunder, the Mavericks offense is as smooth as silk. It is not enough to have a coach who can speak well. A team must also have a group of players who can carry out all the coaching arrangements. Obviously, the execution ability of the Thunder is not at the same level as the Mavericks. Now, they can’t even play a simple pick-and-roll.

In the subsequent offense, Westbrook still did not hit the basket, but intended to continue to give the ball to George. But this time, George couldn’t even catch the ball safely.

Hayward stuck the bottom plate and pushed George as high as possible, unilaterally circling forward and interfering with the ball. Westbrook tried to lob, but didn’t have a chance, so he used a simple pick and roll to directly kill inside, but under the interference of Yiyang and Gobert’s joint interference, Westbrook’s forced shot missed.

In the process of Westbrook’s breakthrough, with the exception of Adams who followed up, the other three of the Thunder just stood in place.

How can you get a system without running? Letting the Big Three hit the mid-range offense, Donovan is really violent.

This is a very common round in the game. The Mavericks gave a confrontation to prevent the Thunder players from receiving the ball in their comfortable offensive area, and tried to compress their round offensive time to reduce the opponent’s offensive success rate.

But after that, a more common way of playing than this is that the Thunder players hold the ball from the backcourt, put a one-block screen in the frontcourt, and throw off the defender and immediately stop the jumper to try to end the offense. A large number of offenses are ended by simple singles, there is no cross-cutting cooperation, only one-on-one standing firmly, boring and inefficient.

In the second quarter of the game, several of the Thunder’s favorite offensive methods: switching offenses, 098 points per round and 463% shooting. In individual singles, he scored 085 points per round and hit only 424%. The pick-and-roll ball-handler ended, scoring 083 points per round and shooting 365%. In either case, they all performed extremely badly.

So far, the Thunder’s offense has basically stopped. Donovan only hopes that the Thunder can use defense to stabilize the situation and make adjustments during the intermission. However, how could Yiyang, a huge “icebreaker”, be restricted by the Thunder’s defense?

Westbrook and Robertson double-teamed Yiyang. Yiyang passed the ball between Westbrook’s legs to Mitchell who cut into the penalty area. Mitchell made a layup and committed a foul to Adams and scored a three-pointer. opportunity.

Yiyang held the ball in the left corner, Kuzma hooked Yiyang a pick-and-roll, allowing Yiyang to match Anthony in a dislocation. Just when everyone thought Yiyang would return the ball to Kuzma in the shot, Yiyang suddenly accelerated without warning and flashed past Anthony.

Anthony looked like he was still sticking to Yiyang’s side, but in fact he had completely lost his position. After stepping into the penalty area, Yiyang did not hide and fight, but instead took the initiative to fight Anthony, gaining space for himself with a buttocks, and then succeeded in a layup before Adams rushed back.

With clear thinking and cleanliness, Yiyang scored again, and the Mavericks are gradually pulling the score apart.

Every pass, every breakthrough, every shot, before Yiyang did these, he had a precise plan in his mind. Therefore, every attack of Yiyang makes people feel pleasing to the eye, worthy of savoring like a work of art.

The offenses of the Mavericks and the Thunder are completely two extremes, one is simple and ugly, and the other is complex and efficient. In this game, even the Thunder fans saw the huge gap between Westbrook and Yiyang. The two people’s ability to control the game is completely different.

Relying on defense? Is Donovan reliable? In this era when the game is guided by offense, defense is also very important, but it is difficult to win the game by defense alone. The famous defensive coach Frank Vogel was fired by the Pacers because Larry Bird thought he would not attack. Now some famous defensive coaches in the league, such as Vogel and Tom Thibodeau mentioned above, have begun to try to transform, begin to emphasize offense, and begin to adapt to the era of running and bombing. So obviously, Donovan’s defensive way of stabilizing the situation is outdated.

The offense led by Yiyang allowed the Mavericks to widen the point difference to 11 points in 8 minutes! The current situation of the Big Three of the Thunder is that the three brothers divide the ball equally, and then rely on their own ability to play. It often happens that one person beats four people. And what about the Mavericks? With the Yiyang organization, all five Mavericks can participate in the offense. Whether it’s rookies like Mitchell and Kuzma or a center like Gobert who has no skills at all, they can score easily.

Gobert is still averaging 135 points per game this season. In addition to proving that the Frenchman is really good enough, it also proves from the side how powerful Yiyang is to create opportunities.

If Gobert is placed next to Westbrook, the French may not even be able to get 6 points per game.

After eight minutes of play in the second quarter, Carlisle waved his hand and the Mavericks entered the rotation time. The Big Three must take turns to withstand the pressure and have no time to rest.

“I also left unrestrainedly, leaving Westbrook on the field and having to stay on the field again and again to use his body to hard-cut the defense. The Mavericks were also revitalized by one person, but Westbrook was still stuck in passing for the pass. The stage of the ball. So, it is not unreasonable that Westbrook has been questioned after becoming an mvp last season. Judging from today’s performance, Oklahoma’s mvp can’t even touch Yiyang’s side! ”

Weber knew that he might be screamed by Thunder fans when he said that, but that’s the fact!

Two different guards brought two completely different games. Who is more qualified to become mvp, I believe that now fans all over the world know.

That sentence is right, there is no harm without comparison. The Thunder that gave Yiyang a headache at the beginning, but now it can’t bring any threat to this legendary star. (One Guard)

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