One Guard

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 : My name is Yiyang

Among the peers, Yiyang is definitely quite calm and calm. Living in the Wood District, he would encounter gang fights, robberies and even murders from time to time. For a child living in this environment, there seems to be nothing that can scare them and make them feel nervous. Even the time Yiyang robbed Hapi, this guy’s heartbeat still maintained a normal speed.

But today, when the overwhelming cheers came in from the crack of the locker room door, Yiyang was surprised to find that his heart was beating wildly!

NCAA First Division League, tens of thousands of live viewers, live TV, and much attention! These things are things that Yiyang has never experienced before!

“What’s wrong? Are you nervous?” Mark saw Yiyang sitting motionless with his hands clenched in his fists, so he went up and stabbed the newcomer with his elbows in the team, whom the coach had high hopes for.

“No, there is nothing to worry about.” Yiyang’s tone was still cold, as if Mark was a complete stranger.

Mark smiled. This is his third year in the NCAA. He has seen countless people’s first appearances in the NCAA arena. Yiyang’s current reaction is not to blame for being nervous!

“Hey! How are you preparing!” Stevens suddenly pushed in, and everyone’s eyes focused on him. Because the starting lineup for this game has not yet been determined.

“Very good, coach!” The players replied neatly and loudly, except for Yiyang.

“Also! How did you wear your jersey upside down!” At Stevens’s reminder, Yiyang found out that he had worn the jersey upside down.

He blushed and took off the jersey number one with his name on it, and put it on again. The Bulldogs players blushed one by one, but they didn’t dare to laugh out loud. After all, they don’t want to get hurt by fighting with their teammates in the locker room before the game.

“Okay, let’s all sit in our place! The Indiana University Mountainers have already started to warm up, and they seem to be eager to tear us apart! These guys seem to have forgotten whose home court is here! Next, I The starting list for this game will be announced!” As soon as Stevens said this, even Yiyang listened attentively. After training for so long, have you ever impressed the coach? This starting list is the most direct reflection.

Stevens has only announced the starter until now because he has been uncertain. Whether to use Yiyang, a rookie who has not played an NCAA game, or continue to use the experienced Norrid. After careful consideration, the young marshal has an answer.

“Center, Matt Howard!” Stevens read the list, and the white big man who averaged 10.3 points per game last season waved his fist.

“Power forward, Willie Wesley. Small forward, Gordon Hayward.” The combination of strikers is exactly the same as last year, with Willie in charge of defense and Hayward in charge of offense.

“Shooting guard, Shelvin Mark.” As the team captain and the team’s second scoring point after Hayward last season, Mark’s selection is beyond doubt. For now, the Bulldogs’ starting lineup is the same as last year.

“Point guard, Yiyang.” Stevens finished speaking and looked at the players underneath. Obviously, they are all a little surprised.

The team’s starting point guard Ronald Norrid’s eyes widened last season. Although Yiyang performed well in training camp, he has never been baptized by NCAA games. Is it really safe to let him control the ball like this? You know, this opener is a derby battle full of gunpowder! Moreover, the head star of the Mountainers happens to be a point guard!

“Is there any problem?” Stevens looked at the players and asked deliberately.


“Very good, I hope you have remembered everything I have taught you in the past few days. Luke Harlan Gaudi, a native Indianapolis star and a point guard. Also, your mission is very simple. Give I hit this local star!” Stevens knocked **** the tactical board. Although the Indiana University Mountainers have played many NBA stars, they also won the NCAA championship 5 times. But now, everything is not what it used to be.

Since their inside overlord D.J. White and powerful guard Eric Gordon joined the NBA, Indiana University has not played any more stars and its strength has been greatly reduced.

Now their star is the experienced junior point guard Luke Harangudi, who is very strong and has very precise shots. He has a clear mind when playing on the basketball court.

But Stevens knows that he can trust Yiyang, the new one of the Bulldogs, and it will definitely surprise everyone!

Luke Harangodi, get ready to welcome your new friend.


Wenxue squeezed into the stands, surrounded by Bulldogs fans wearing blue short sleeves. Although it was just an ordinary college game, the atmosphere of the stadium at this time reminded Wen Xue of the scene when she watched her husband play more than ten years ago.

Unexpectedly, their son actually embarked on the path of basketball.

On the field, the young and beautiful cheerleader girl has left the field, and the cheers of the fans rose by an octave. They know that it’s time for the Bulldogs players to play!

“Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome the owners of this stadium with the warmest applause! Butler University Bulldogs!” The live DJ deliberately prolonged the voice and successfully mobilized the atmosphere of the scene.

“Go on! Let’s go!” In the midst of the shouts, Shelvin Mark in the player tunnel beckoned to the players, and was the first to take the lead and ran out of the player tunnel!

Everyone ran out one by one, and Yiyang followed at the back of the team.

He felt that his heart was about to jump out, and the huge cheers on the stadium made his mind almost forget to think. Outside the player channel, it seems that there is always flashes of light. Compared with this narrow player channel, it seems like a whole new world outside!

“Let’s go! We can do it!” When it was Yiyang’s turn to run out, Stevens gave him a push. Yiyang burst into air and rushed out.

“Boom! Bulldog! Bulldog! Bulldog! Bulldog!” Suddenly, the shook voice of the earth rushed into Yiyang’s ears. He looked up and saw that the huge stands of the stadium were crowded with people!

The flashing lights were made in succession, and Yiyang was overwhelmed by the large number of people in the stands. At this moment, Shelvin Mark suddenly hugged Yiyang’s shoulders with both hands!

“Let’s go buddy! Go to the position and stand, the game is about to begin!” Mark shouted, making Yiyang, who had experienced this big scene for the first time, a little calmer. At this time, countless cameras have been aimed at this point guard with a special complexion. Many commentators have issued a question, who is this guy?

“Oh? It seems that the young coach Stevens has hired a newcomer in the first game of the season! And this player, I have never seen or heard of it before! As everyone knows, Indiana University The mountain team’s top card is their No. 1 position, Luke Harangoldi. Coach Stevens put Norid on the bench, who performed well last season, and used a newcomer to face Harangoldi. , Is it really appropriate?” The on-site commentator issued a question, which is also the biggest doubt in the hearts of the fans.

This unheard of Asian point guard, how can he squeeze Norid to the bench.

Just as Yiyang was warming up with his legs, a white player with a face full of flesh, old-fashioned, tall and strong, came towards him.

Luke Haran Gaudi, if he does not appear here, Yiyang must have thought that this guy is already in his thirties. Harangodi is 1.98 meters tall and his weight has reached 110 kilograms! His strong and tall physique made him even a cameo as the No. 4 position for a period of time last season! This guy can be said to be a model of a real tank guard.

Yiyang, who is only 1.91 meters tall and weighs only 82 kilograms, stands in front of Harangodi, looking so weak. It’s as if Harangodi exerted force, Yiyang would be broken completely.

“An Asian? Hahahaha. Boy, this is not where you should be! Go home and ask your mother to ask her to feed you more meat!” Harangodi smiled and shook his head, to his own Stand in position and wait. During the period, he also cut his throat against Yiyang.

slaughter newcomers, this is what every NCAA player is willing to do. Harangudi feels very lucky that he ran into a soft persimmon in the first game.

Yiyang clenched his fists. What he hates most is that others talk about his race and skin color with his mother. If it were in high school, Harlan Gaudi might have tried Yiyang’s fist now.

Yiyang suppressed the anger in his heart and stood still at the designated location. He looked around, and his mother must be somewhere in the crowd.

Look good! I will tell you what exactly Asians can do on the basketball court!

“Beep!” The referee blew his whistle and threw the basketball high. The big white man of the Bulldogs, Matt Howard, first encountered basketball and photographed it in Yiyang’s hands.

When Yiyang received the ball, the cheers on the scene were obviously much smaller. Even the Bulldogs’ own fans have no idea about this number one guard.

Yiyang is not in a hurry, he has experienced countless times more embarrassing than this. The No. 1 guard just moved forward with the ball unhurriedly and gesticulated to direct the team’s offense.

Excited Luke Harangodi posted it just after Yiyang crossed the three-point line. He wanted to use his huge body to give Yiyang the “skinny monkey” a horror. Let him know that NCAA is not a place to play on the streets!

“Idiot.” Seeing Harlan Gaudi’s behavior, Shelvin Mark’s mouth curled slightly.

Speed ​​and athletic ability are the biggest shortcomings of Harangodi, a heavy guard. For Yiyang, the same thing is his greatest advantage! Mark can already imagine the surprised expression of Harangodi after being broken by Yiyang.

Harlan Gaudi’s oppressive defense really made Yiyang difficult to move, but soon Yiyang knew how to deal with this tall guy.

Yiyang took the ball back two steps, and Harangodi smiled triumphantly. “What’s the matter, kid? Scared? This is the NCAA! Go back to your field!”

After two steps back, Yiyang suddenly dribbled to the left! His instant acceleration is so fast! Let Harangodi’s triumphant smile freeze instantly!

“Whoo!” A gust of wind rolled up Harlan Gaudí’s jersey, and when he stepped forward, the number one of the Bulldogs had already passed himself clean.

“Oh my God! Unbelievable speed! This newcomer is like a bullet, passing by Haranguodi easily!” At this time, the caster’s skeptical eyes turned into amazement.

Yiyang continued to move towards the basket. Under the basket, the center forward of the mountain team was already in place, ready to protect the basket!

Yiyang did not become impatient because of Harangodi’s provocation. Although he wanted to humiliate the opponent, a breakthrough was enough to embarrass Harangodi! Score? The task of scoring is left to the genius named Hayward.

Facing the defense of the opposing center forward, Yiyang did not force a layup. Instead, after attracting the defense, Yiyang suddenly passed out.

Everyone’s eyes followed the orange basketball to the bottom corner, where Gordon Hayward, known as the NCAA’s No. 1 white small forward, was already in place!

“This is a **** number three tactic!” Stevens applauded with satisfaction. This is what a point guard should do! At first Stevens thought Yiyang wanted to play singles, but in the end he realized that Yiyang was acting according to plan! A point guard who can implement the arrangement of the head coach will definitely be loved by all coaches!

Hayward catches the basketball steadily and takes the shot calmly. Harlan Gaudi rushed to the basket, ready to scramble for rebounds. However, the basketball fell straight into the net!

“Nice offense! The Bulldogs made a good start this season with a three-pointer! This cooperation is wonderful. The Bulldogs No. 1 is the key figure in this offense…Yiyang! His name is Be Yiyang! Please shout and remember this name, his performance has made this team’s offensive smooth!” For the first time, the live commentator said Yiyang’s name in front of a national audience. This name appeared on the TV for the first time.

“It’s beautiful, buddy!” Hayward ran to Yiyang and stretched out his left hand.

Yiyang looked at Hayward, and then at Harlan Gaudi, who was blushing with rage. It seems…it seems to be the first time in history that a teammate came up to thank him after he passed a good ball.

“Cut.” Yiyang smiled slightly and gave Hayward a high-five!

“I’ll let you remember my name, silly big guy!” Seeing Haran Gaudi, who came to hold the ball aggressively, Yiyang opened his arms and prepared to defend!

I seem to like to fight for this team more and more!

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