One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 41: Setsuna

As I was walking back to the dormitory I sensed a very heavy Sword Aura. Unlike mana that everyone could use, Sword Aura was something only those dedicated to the sword could use. At least in this world, only people in the B class rank above could unleash Sword Aura. Some of them even when they were ranked A class weren't able to release Sword Aura since all they know were the techniques, they didn't truly understand the sword.

I ducked and rolled forward as a passing sword strike came towards me. I then took a stance as I looked at the person who attacked. It was a familiar face wearing a green uniform. It was my dorm mate Setsuna. Weren't the students wearing a green uniform supposed to be second to the weakest ranked students? Then how come this guy is strong? He wasn't comparable to the guys I beat at the mock battle.

"Why are you attacking me?" I looked at Setsuna with a glare. He didn't respond with words instead he once again attacked. His stance and the way he drew his curved sword from the sheet looked similar to my Moon Edge's style [Crescent Moon]. Though it was slightly slower, and the technique for drawing the sword was different.

I analyzed the move as I casually dodged the attacks. Since I was always sparring with Tsukiyomi who was faster, this kind of move looked too slow for me. Setsuna was now looking at me with a deeper frown on his face. He then unsheathed his weapon and made a peculiar stance.

The tip of Setsuna's sword was pointing at me, as the hilt of his sword was pushed to the back of his neck. This looks like it was going to be a stabbing strike, but the way he positioned himself was not part of any sword style I know of.

It happened in an instant, a flash of light passed through me as I evaded by moving my head to the right side. If not for his inexperienced in Sword Aura I wouldn't be able to guess where the strike would land much less avoid it. That strike was as fast as a strike from Tuskiyomi when she gets a bit serious.

This should be Setsuna's best strike as I see him looking at me in shock. He was about to try and back away, but it was too late. Moon Edge Style [Crescent Moon] with a speed that was faster than his, Setsuna was unable to dodge the attack and flew a few meters away before stopping on the ground then fainting.

Setsuna's POV:

I struck him using the fastest move I could muster, at my current skill level. But even with that, he was easily able to dodge. As I was about to back away I saw a sword flash coming my way. Unlike my [hidden blade] move, this one was faster. I was unable to detect it quickly enough and was about to get hit.

I tried to block using my sheath but the power behind this sword slash was amazing. Even though I was about to get hit I marveled at the degree of perfection in the strike. I was hit, and as I expected everything turned dark.

Edge's POV:

I used a full-powered strike, but Setsuna received no wounds at all. The barrier surrounding this school was amazing. Then how come the Alchemy Professor can harm himself? As I was thinking about the Professor's ability, I saw that Setsuna was about to wake up. I pointed my blade at his neck and once again asked.

"Why did you attack me?" Setsuna glared at me and answered. "Shouldn't you already know the answer?"

"Why would I be asking you, if I know the answer?" When I said that I saw a bit of confusion in Setsuna's eyes.

"If I meet the devil I shall cut him if I meet an immortal I shall cut him. None are my equal for I am the sword of heaven."

"What is that? Why are telling me these things?" I asked confused by what Setsuna just said.

"You really don't know?... Then that must mean you aren't part of the heavenly sword faction... Then how come you know the techniques?"

"Heavenly sword faction? Wait this is getting confusing. Can you start from the beginning, why did you attack me?"

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