One Pet Gets Married

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 (1)

“Here.” Tang Youan walked over, leaned down and picked up a lipstick, and handed it to Song Xici.

Song Xici was taken aback, and hurriedly took the lipstick from her hand, opened a small mirror with her back to her and started to touch up her lip makeup.

“Xi Ci.” Tang Youan called her.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing, just very happy.” Tang Youan walked to her.

The flush on Song Xici’s face hadn’t completely faded, so he couldn’t help holding the back of his cold hand to his cheek for a while.

“Then… I ask you, how did you feel when I kissed you and hugged you?” After a while, Song Xici put down his lipstick and tilted his head slightly.

After listening to Tang Youan, she was slightly startled. Then, she looked at the night sky, thought for a moment, then looked around, and said softly: “Just very happy. There is a feeling that we finally do not distinguish between you and me, and you finally regard me as a friend. ”

As a friend… I don’t know why. In this case, it sounds like it should make people feel at ease, but Song Xici just feels a little unhappy.

“So?” Song Xici asked, turning his head.

Tang Youan nodded: “Yes, very happy.”

“So, if you make other friends besides me, you will… do the same with them?” Song Xici turned his head to look at her.

Tang Youan looked at her, thought for a while, was about to speak, but was interrupted by Song Xi’s resignation.

Song Xici said: “This is pretty good, I just ask casually, don’t mind, you can do whatever you want.”

At this time, it was Song Xici’s turn to film. So Song Xici unbuttoned his coat, took off his coat, exhaled, smiled at Tang Youan, and walked over there.

Tang Youan looked at her back, lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally sat down on a stool. She could perceive that Song Xici seemed a little weird, but she didn’t know exactly where it was.

After Song Xici walked to the director’s side, he smiled again, and walked to the person who played the opposite role with her, ready to shoot.

Before the director shouted “Action”, Song Xici glanced at Tang Youan who was standing in the distance, then pressed her lower lip, and then withdrew her gaze.

However, the shooting was not particularly smooth this time, and Song Xi resigned a few times. But fortunately, the director applauded the last time she performed above her level.

Then on the way back, Song Xici became a little bored.

Tang Youan couldn’t help it, so he asked, “What’s the matter? Is it because the shooting didn’t go well?”

“No, nothing.” Song Xici shook his head.

Seeing that she didn’t seem to want to talk, Tang Youan didn’t say anything.

When he got home, Song Xi Cici finished feeding the fish, and then stood there and watched for a while.

“Xi Ci, are you free tomorrow?” Suddenly, Tang Youan stood beside her and asked.

“What?” Song Xici turned to look at her.

“Tomorrow I’ll be fine, Xiaobao and Li Man asked me to go out to play, do you want to go out together?” Tang Youan smiled, “After I came here, it seems that I haven’t been out to meet the world very much. Chengri’s family crew is two o’clock and one line.”

“Oh… I will be free tomorrow, but… I have an appointment with my girlfriend.” Song Xici said.

“This way…” Tang You exhaled in comfort.

“Right.” Song Xici nodded.

“Okay. You look a little tired tonight, wait a while and go to bed early, don’t be too late.” Tang Youan said.

“Well,” Song Xici nodded, “You too, go to bed early.”

After that, Song Xici glanced at Tang Youan’s back, and threw the fish food aside, then turned around and punched the grass carp.


The next day.

When Song Xici got up, Tang Youan was already out.

When she finished washing her face and brushing her teeth and walked to the dining table, she saw that breakfast had already been set up above. A small plate of fruit and vegetable salad, two slices of fried toast, a poached egg, and a cup of warm milk.

Sitting at the dining table, Song Xici tucked the belt of his pajamas, took a sip of the cup of milk, licked his lips and put it down, then looked at the food in a daze.

Ever since Tang Youan found out that she had stomach problems, she always cooked breakfast for herself. If the time is not coincident, they will call to urge them. People who don’t know will really think that they are very loving couples.

After eating breakfast and cleaning the tableware, Song Xici bit her lip and looked at the calendar, and found that today was the day to have dinner with two friends, Meng Meng and Zhou Yi, so he returned to the room and fell asleep again. feel.

It was not until the alarm rang that Song Xici revived and began to choose the clothes to wear today.

Bringing the clothes in front of him and comparing them one by one, Song Xici finally put on a black turtleneck sweater and smoky-grey coat, curled his hair with an electric roller, put on a little makeup, and went out. A place for three people to meet.

The cold in winter is accompanied by the passage of time, and a day is better than a day. At the moment he got out of the car, Song Xici shivered from the cold.

The place for dinner is an old Chinese restaurant, which looks antique by looking at the plaque.

When the appointed box opens the door, there is a smell of incense escaping, and the entrance is a screen with double-sided embroidery embroidered with the picture of Chang’e flying to the moon. The stitches are delicate and lifelike.

As soon as Song Xici was led into the room by the waiter, he saw Meng Meng and Zhou Yi sitting there.

“Xi Cixixi, come on!” Meng Meng got up and waved frantically at her.

After a few months, Meng Meng looked white again. Today, she is wearing an emerald coat, a ruby ​​ring on her finger, and her hair is made into VIP rolls. If most people dress up like this, she might be said to be indecent and ugly, but she has a retro beauty on her body. .

Song Xici smiled, hurriedly speeded up his pace, then jumped, stood in front of her, and hugged Meng Meng abruptly with another bear hug.

“Ah, Meng Meng, I want to kill you!” Song Xici said.

“Haha, speaking of it, it’s really rare. It’s no longer than when I was studying at the beginning. If you want to see you, a busy person, you have to make an appointment!” Meng Mengkan said.

“Haha, where…” After Song Xici released her, he looked at Zhou Yi again: “Zhou Yi, you don’t even tell me when you return to China, and you still consider me a friend?! Have you forgotten that we used to be a campus? Three Musketeers?”

“I just came back, and I was dealing with my father’s company, and I knew you were busy too, so I didn’t contact you.”

Zhou Yi sat opposite, wearing a pinched black British coat with a high ponytail, wearing a silver earline on his right ear, light makeup on his face, deep brows and full lips.

She is good-looking and belongs to the kind that is aggressive and will make some straight girls envy and hate. But she didn’t have much expression, she didn’t know, and thought she was a cold-blooded killer.

In addition, her temperament has always been cold, and her voice is always the same, and she will always give people a feeling of unwavering. Therefore, when she is studying, most people will inevitably feel a little timid and dare not get too close, so she is basically alone. Many people come and go alone.

It was also an accident that Song Xici and Meng Meng would play with her.

It was a dark and windy night. Song Xici and Meng Meng were outside drinking and chatting about each other’s family troubles. When they were so drunk and hooked back to school, they met two or three wretches. male.

Just when the two of them felt they were going to die, the sound of high-heeled shoes suddenly came from nearby. After that, the sound of high heels stopped abruptly. Song Xici and Meng Meng raised their heads and saw a tall, thin, beautiful and handsome girl with a high ponytail with a bulge and slouch, sweeping with her long legs in high heels. Beat one of them to the ground and scream.

At that time, Song Xici and Meng Meng couldn’t help but sat beside them, clapping and applauding.

Later, when Song Xici and Meng Meng woke up, they started looking for Zhou Yi all over the campus, taking her to dinner and singing and playing video games. Inexplicably, the three of them played together like this and became a school. The famous Three Musketeers on campus.

It’s just that in recent years, due to personality reasons and time lag, Zhou Yi still rarely bubbling up and chatting with them on the Internet.

“Let’s order the food first.” Zhou Yi finished speaking, pressing the recipe on the table and pushing it to Song Xici.

“Ok.” Song Xici made a gesture.

After ordering the meal, Song Xici thought for a while, and then asked Zhou Yi: “You still decided to do it under your father’s hands?”

“Fatty water does not flow to outsiders’ fields.” After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he picked up the teapot, poured himself a glass of water slowly, rinsed it, and poured it into a small bucket on the side.

“It’s awesome, but it seems that among the three of us, I am the least promising, right?” Meng Meng said with a knock on the seeds.

“What’s unpromising?” Song Xici glanced at her.

“It was originally. Look at you, big star, needless to say. Zhou Yi, I will be the boss soon, how great! I…Taobao store operation…Although it is a crown store…but…” Meng Meng finally sighed. Sigh, lie down on the table, “And there is no boyfriend yet…”

After listening to Song Xici, he laughed, then opened the bag, took out two VIP discount cards, and then gave one to Meng Meng and one to Zhou Yi: “Alright, don’t think about unhappy things, you If we really want to start our own business, can Zhou and I sit back and watch? By the way, this is a dessert shop opened by friends in my circle. This is a VIP discount annual card, which is 20% off!”

“Ah, thank you!” Meng Meng laughed happily after getting it.

“Thank you,” Zhou Yi raised his head and looked at her again, “What’s going on between you and Tang Youan? It seems that I haven’t seen you ranting about her in the group for a while.”

“Will you still look through the records of our three little broken groups?” Meng Meng asked incredulously.

“Occasionally.” Zhou Yiyan was brief and concise.

After listening to Song Xici, he lowered his head and pulled the zipper of the bag a little bit, curled his lips and smiled: “That’s it. She has been a little more obedient recently.”

“Then you still want to divorce her?” Zhou Yi filled himself with a cup of tea again and took a sip.

“Huh?” Song Xici couldn’t help being stunned, rubbing the rim of the cup with her fingers unconsciously.

“Are you tempted?” Zhou Yi glanced at her fingers, then raised his eyes to stare at her face.

“Ha, how is it possible?!” Song Xici lifted his teacup and took a sip of water, “That would be ridiculous.”

At this time, the waiter walked in with the plate, put the dishes on the table one by one, and left again.

“Really?” Zhou Yi expressed suspicion. “Actually, it is good to have a relationship.”

“What’s the meaning of falling in love? Even if you and I are happily in the early stage, you will be bored with each other later. Because of the hormonal relationship in the early stage, all the shortcomings of the other party will always be ignored, and the latter will be completely reversed. , Magnify all the shortcomings of each other, maybe even the other side’s holding chopsticks can not be used to the posture, let alone my possessive and cautious, anyway, it is a big basket of shortcomings, then people will definitely think oh my god. Why did you fall in love with this idiot in the first place…” Song Xici said a lot in one breath, and finally paused, relieved, and drank water.

Immediately afterwards, she continued: “In the end, you may even throw plates and bowls because of what you want to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so that two people’s life is not as good as one. And who knows if they will be deceived again… She and I are friends. She regards me as a friend. Me, I also… I don’t like women.”

“I think your love phobia may not be cured yet.” Zhou Yi said lightly.

After listening to Song Xi’s speech, he was stunned, and then grabbed his chopsticks and took a bite with a piece of ribs.

Meng Meng was sandwiched between the two, looking at this one and the other, and finally had the soup.

“You are too inferior and too sensitive. And, in fact, falling in love is not as unbearable as you think it is. In fact, it is just like the path of life. There are periods of plainness, periods of stumbling, and periods of happiness. Everything is unknown. You can’t stop thinking that something bad might happen ahead, right?” Zhou Yi said.

After listening, Meng Meng put down the spoon in the bowl and clapped his hands for Zhou Yi.

“Inferiority complex? Sensitive? But life is a must for me, love is not.” Song Xici suddenly raised his head and looked at her.

“If you are not tempted by someone, then love is optional. But if you are tempted by someone, then it will be so-called. After all, avoiding it all the time is harder than having a relationship with one’s heart. Too much.” Zhou Yi stared at her.

“What about you?” Song Xici asked suddenly.

“What am I?” Zhou Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

“You and Chang Ye broke up. How many years have passed. You are still single. Have you come out? Do you dare to accept a new relationship?” Song Xici smiled and shook his head, “Moreover, I saw it. Just being in love is boring, look at my parents, look at Zhang Ke and me, look at you and Chang Ye, who is happy with you around me?”

Meng Meng grumbled and drank the second bowl of soup. As a single dog who had been solo for half a lifetime, she did not dare to speak.

“I was cut off from the source of income at the time. My dad didn’t even let me in, but I was still optimistic, thinking about going back and slapping my face when Zhang Ke and I were struggling to come out. As a result, I struggled! I stay rooted in the studio all day long, wherever I need me, I will move bricks, and when no one needs me, I will write soft articles to make money, but he…he finds rich women in conferences…I didn’t even touch my fingers. Yang Chunshui, but for this **** love, I learned to cook. It took a lot of effort to make a lot of food and drink for people to wait. The food was cold. He called and said to break up…” Song Xici said At this point, there will be no more urge to cry, and she is not the ocean, not so flooded.

It’s just that I will remind myself over and over again that I can never do that again, absolutely not, any seedlings must be eliminated.

“I feel like I am so stupid and lost in love…” Finally, Song Xici raised his hand and stroked his forehead.

Probably because Song Xici wears a smiling mask on weekdays, no matter who it is to. Therefore, when these dusty chat boxes were opened, it was like the surging yellow river overflowing out of control.

After listening to Zhou Yi, he did not answer, and suddenly fell silent, grabbed his chopsticks, and snapped a piece of lotus root.

“Don’t worry, don’t think too much, I raised her as a girl…” After Song Xici took a deep breath, holding his chopsticks, he stuck a large piece of dragon fish into his mouth.

“Girl?!” Now, not only Meng Meng was frightened, but Zhou Yi was also shocked.

“Do you want to go to the hospital for an examination?” Zhou Yi suggested.

“Uh, my mind is a bit muddled, but it’s still not broken.” In the end, Song Xici looked down at the tea cup in front of him, awakened from his dream, and calmed down.

“Yeah.” Zhou Yi nodded.

“Oh, by the way, it’s rare to get together, let’s take a picture together!” At this moment, Meng Meng took out the phone and waved to Song Xici and Zhou Yi.

At this moment, Tang Youan was sitting in the back seat of Li Man’s car, looking sideways at the scenery outside.

The urban construction here is very beautiful, but the music in the car is a bit too noisy, and her temples are aching.

“Why, hey, Youan, where did you learn how to ride and shoot? Today you can save us a lot of face!” Li Man cut a super short hair, chewing gum in his mouth, talking to the noisy music in the car I lowered it down a bit, “Hahaha, do you see the slumped faces of those stupid donkeys later? Laughing!”

Just now when they rode and shoot arrows, Li Man had a conflict with another rich kid, so three people came out of the rich kid, and three people came out of Li Man to compete.

What I didn’t expect was that Tang Youan’s skill overpowered everyone to win.

“Yes! Sister An is so awesome today!” Shi Xiaobao gave her a blank look, and then continued to drink the probiotics in his hand.

“They are too bad.” Tang Youan turned his head and replied lightly.

This is indeed the case, the group of people on the other side are both cooking and cooking.

“Oh, why are you polite? It doesn’t look like you anymore!” Li Man turned the steering wheel and spit out. After all, in her impression, Tang Youan is a high-profile person in everything.

“What I said is nothing but facts.” Tang Youan replied.

“Come, come, eat!” At this moment, Tang Hongya, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around, handed a box of cut fruits to Shi Xiaobao, and gave her an orange.

“Sister An, come…” After that, Tang Hongya pushed the fruit box to Tang Youan again, crossed a piece of dragon fruit and handed it over.

“No, I don’t want to eat too much.” Tang Youan shook his head.

“Why? Didn’t you like this before?” Tang Hongya asked.

It seems that the original body should like to eat this pocked fruit… Thinking of this, in order not to show the filling, so Tang Youan took it over and ate it.

But what she didn’t expect was that she liked the taste of the pockmarked fruit.

So Tang Youan turned on the phone and wanted to send a message to Song Xi’s resignation, telling her that she had eaten a fruit with pockmarked seeds today, which was delicious, and wanted to know what it was, but she saw red dots in her circle of friends. Let’s open the circle of friends first.

Fairy sister: “I am very happy to see my good girlfriend! Today I only talk about my work, and no one is allowed to disturb, haha!”

The picture is a group photo of her and two women. In the photo, she is standing in the center, smiling happily.

Don’t bother? I am also included? Thinking of this, Tang Youan put down the phone again.

After the three of Song Xici and Meng Mengzhou had lunch, they decided to go to the movies together.

Since the movie to be watched is about to go off stage, and the stalls in many theaters are relatively large, Song Xici and the others bought the one at 4:30 in the afternoon, and it is now at 2:30 in the afternoon, and it will take two hours to wait. , I had to wander around.

This street, Song Xici’s impression of it is already so familiar that he can no longer be familiar with it. With his eyes closed, he knows which location is which shop. It has long lost its freshness, so when he walks around, he is half-hearted and thinks again. Go to Tang Youan.

What are they playing now? Is it fun? When playing, did she sway her face like herself in her mind?

Meng Meng, who is holding her arm by her side, seems to never get tired of shopping, and has been shopping for food, feeding Song Xici and Zhou Yi from time to time.

“My main reason is that except Chang Ye, I have lost the heartbeat function to anyone else.” As he walked, Zhou Yi suddenly spoke.

So Song Xici and Meng Meng turned their heads and looked at her together.

“Do you still love her?” Meng Meng asked.

“I don’t know. After all, I haven’t seen her for a long time, and I don’t know what will happen when I see her again. Many times, what people think of themselves is too far behind the reality. Like… even if it’s a good old series in the impression, When I look at it again, I may find that it may not be really that good-looking. I think it is good-looking in my memory, or it may be that I added some filters to it.” Zhou Yi looked down at the ground.

“A bit advanced. It seems to understand.” Meng Meng said, taking a bite of the ham in his hand.

“Isn’t Chang Ye now also in the entertainment industry? Have you watched her plays and the variety shows she participated in?” Song Xici asked.

Hearing this, Zhou Yi looked up at her, and shook his head for a moment.

“Yes, there are many layers of steel plates between the domestic and Hollywood circles, and they are airtight… You didn’t pay attention to these at first, plus being abroad all the year round, not knowing that she became a star, it is normal. Besides, she is also in China. She is not famous, although I am muddled now, she is even more muddled than me.” Song Xici turned her head.

Zhou also finished listening, stopped talking, just turned his head again.

Song Xici turned his head and looked at the phone in his hand.

Tang Youan, who usually calls or sends messages when there is nothing to do, has not harassed herself today. It seems that she should have had a good time.

“Hey, the time is almost here, walk around, let’s go to the theater!” Meng Meng suddenly yelled while Song Xici was looking at his mobile phone.

“Oh…” Song Xici nodded and raised his steps.

But at this moment, her mobile phone screen lit up, and Tang Youan’s name appeared above her.

So, Song Xici’s heart chuckles abruptly.

After that, she slid to unlock and put the phone to her ear: “Hello? What are you doing?”

“Just want to ask, what’s going on with you? Are you still playing together? If not, do you want to come over and eat together?” Tang Youan asked.

After listening to Song Xici, he held his mobile phone and looked back at Meng Meng and Zhou Yi. He raised his hand and scratched his hair: “We…”

“Are you busy?” Meng Meng asked.

“It’s not…” Song Xici shook his head, “It was she who told me to eat.”

“She?” Meng Meng smiled, “Tang Youan?”

“I promised you all to watch the movie, so I will tell Tang Youan…” Song Xici opened the phone and covered the microphone with his hand.

“No, go. Me and Meng Meng can watch it together,” Zhou Yi said at this time. “It’s just a movie, and it’s not an indispensable game activity.”


“Go and go! I wish you have fun and have fun!” Meng Meng smiled and patted her shoulder.

“Okay.” Finally, Song Xici nodded and put the phone to her ear again, “Give me the address you plan to go to.”

After watching Song Xici leave, Meng Meng stood beside Zhou Yi, squinting her eyes and drank milk tea: “I still think it’s tricky, maybe I don’t like it that much, but I really don’t believe it if she doesn’t care about Tang Youan. After all, if it’s just ordinary friends or something, she will leave us alone?”

After listening to Zhou Yi, he turned his head and looked at her without saying a word. He just walked to the shopping mall where the theater where they bought the tickets.

At this time, since Tang Youan took a seat in the restaurant, he took over the recipe and began to search for the dishes that Song Xici loves wholeheartedly.

Just now finally couldn’t hold back, she still called Song Xici.

Spicy crayfish, steamed tongs fish in black bean sauce, yam pork ribs soup… I ordered quite a lot without paying attention.

After ordering, Tang Youan closed the recipe and handed it to Li Man.

“Oh, order so many?” Li Man quipped.

“Xi Ci loves to eat these.” Tang Youan replied.

“By the way, you and her have been recently, really good?” Li Man glanced at the menu and looked up at her again.

“I have a good relationship with her, but…” Tang Youan frowned, “Sometimes I don’t understand her.”

“When?” Shi Xiaobao asked.

“Like last night, everyone was happy at first. She even hugged me and kissed me in public, but then she didn’t pay much attention to me,” Tang Youan said, “I don’t know what I did wrong. ”

“You shouldn’t, you must have done something!” Li Man turned to look at the waiter, “a plate of beef offal and a dry pot of bullfrog.”

After ordering, Li Man handed the recipe to Shi Xiaobao.

“Will you order too much?” Shi Xiaobao asked.

“No, I have a friend coming later.” Li Man waved his hand.

“She asked me how I felt when she kissed me,” Tang Youan replied after considering Li Man’s previous question, “I said I was very happy.”

“Damn, then I’m a little confused, your wife is really hard to guess.” Li Man spread his hands.

After listening to Tang Youan, he sighed and did not answer.

“However, I think that it is also necessary to learn to fall in love. You, keep working hard!” Li Man said with a smile, and opened up with the king of Shi Xiaobao.

In love…

Although Tang Youan doesn’t know what love is, she knows that she can’t fall in love with Song Xici. Because Song Xici told herself many times that if she fell in love with her, she would terminate the contract early.

Song Xici is so resistant to this thing. If they get farther apart, I am afraid that in the end, they won’t even have to do it with their friends. She didn’t want to lose her friend Song Xici, even if she knew more people.

At this moment, the door of the box opened, and then a woman walked in.

“This period of traffic is really exhausting.” After the woman walked in with her delicate makeup and carrying a Hermes bag, she rubbed her neck and spit out.

“Haha, no way, who told you not to come earlier, right?” Li Man smiled, “I will introduce you to my new friend, Dongchen company veteran Dong Qianjin, Shen Ke.”

“Hello!” So Shi Xiaobao and Tang Hongya waved to her and laughed sweetly.

Shen Ke also responded with a smile. However, just when she was going to sit next to Li Man, her eyes were caught by Tang Youan, who was next to her.

When Li Man introduced herself just now, the young lady seemed to have no response?

So Shen Ke sat down directly next to Tang Youan, folded his hands under his chin and turned to look at her.

However, Tang Youan still just poured tea to herself. I have to say that Tang Youan’s profile is perfect, and Qingjun seems to be braving a fairy, many times better than what he looks on TV.

“Hi.” Finally, Shen Ke greeted her softly.

“Hello, something?” Tang Youan slowly said, clinging to the teacup.

“It’s okay, I just want to talk to you…” Shen Ke stretched out a hand to Tang Youan’s wrist and pressed down her hand holding the cup a little bit.

Tang Youan looked down at the tea cup, then looked at her face, and then withdrew his hand calmly: “What are you talking about?”

“I heard that you have changed personally recently, so I am a little curious,” Shen Ke also retracted his hand, “Why?”

“Do you think it has changed for the better or not?” Tang Youan looked into her eyes.

After hearing this, Shen Ke smiled softly: “Of course it has changed for the better…”

“Why does Miss Shen still have doubts? Isn’t it normal for people to go to higher places and water to flow to lower places?” Tang Youan raised his eyebrows.

“It’s normal…” Shen Ke squeezed a pair of chopsticks and played with her slender fingers, “It’s much more charming.”

“Then I will accept this compliment unceremoniously.” After Tang Youan finished speaking, he checked the phone time.

When Li Man and the others saw this, they looked at each other and couldn’t say anything. After all, Shen Ke’s family background is thicker than them.

At this time, the waiter brought all the dishes one after another.

Shen Ke looked around for a while, then picked up the chopsticks: “Go ahead.”

However, everyone started to eat, but Tang Youan didn’t move his chopsticks. So Shen Ke looked at Tang Youan after eating a piece of fish, “Why don’t you eat it?”

“My wife hasn’t arrived yet. You can eat first.” Tang Youan said.

“Wow, are you so good to her?” Shen Ke smiled, then picked up a piece of fish and fed it to Tang Youan’s lips, “It’s okay to take a bite, come. Enjoy your face, don’t be so insane.”

Hearing the words, Tang Youan looked at her sideways, and was about to say no. At this moment, the box door was pushed open by Song Xici.

“Sorry everyone, the road is too blocked…” Song Xici was panting while holding the doorknob. However, when she saw the scene before her eyes, she was stunned for an instant.

“Xi Ci!” Tang Youan laughed immediately after seeing her, and after leaving Shen Ke aside, he walked towards Song Xi Ci.

However, Song Xici didn’t know what was going on. Anyway, with a sore nose, he suddenly turned around and walked quickly across the corridor, stood at the elevator entrance, and pressed the down button.

“What’s the matter with you?” At this moment, Tang Youan, who ran up, grabbed her arm.

“It’s okay, I just think you guys had a good time.” Song Xici took her hand away.


“Very good, very good, when I grow up, I know how to integrate into the society, I am very pleased for my mother! Since I still have things to do, I won’t play with you, let me go first, I wish you all have fun!” Song Xici said After that, after seeing the elevator door opened, he clasped the belt of the bag with one hand and walked in with his head buried.

Tang Youan hurried in without saying a word.

However, as the elevator descended, neither of them said a word.

After the elevator door opened, Song Xici walked forward on his own, without tilting his vision.

Finally, Tang Youan took her arm and pulled her to a corner of a wall hidden by green vegetation.

“I have not been here for a day or two. I have been studying hard and want to become what you expect, but I will inevitably miss out. When I went out with the master that year, I killed two people. , Master felt that my temperament was too hostile and my emotions were too weak. I ignored me for a long time, and then I never did this kind of thing again. So, if there is something about me that makes you unsatisfied, it’s a big deal. You can point it out. I can correct it, you don’t have to wrong yourself.” Tang Youan looked at her and said quietly.

“Out, go out, kill, kill two people?” Song Xici was stunned.

“Because of them, it’s time to kill,” Tang Youan finished, adding, “I thought it was time to kill.”

“Wait a minute! You, you tell me this… Don’t you be afraid that I will be scared and tell everyone about your situation at once? You know, in this society, the traverser is a stranger!” Song Xici said.

“Are you willing?” Tang Youan lowered his eyes and turned his head to look at her again.

“Then, how do you know that I am not willing?” Song Xici raised his chin slightly and looked at her steadily.

“I just inferred from the flustered look when you mistakenly thought I left last time,” Tang Youan smiled, and his eyes softened suddenly, “I’m not stupid. Otherwise, I would have provoked you a long time ago. It’s a disaster.”

It turns out that the perception is not based on the emotional system, but based on this kind of calculation? Song Xici looked at her, bit her lower lip, and couldn’t help thinking, this person really looked at her as an AI and couldn’t love it. Bah, why do you want this? !

“So, if you are dissatisfied with me, please tell me straight.” Tang Youan said.

“No, no dissatisfaction.” Song Xici shook his head.

“It’s not good to lie.” Tang Youan stared at her eyes.

“Where do I have it?!” Song Xici was excited, her voice higher.

“Hush—” At this moment, Tang Youan stretched out her hand to cover her lips, and the corners of her eyes swept around, “Outside, you can’t invite people to watch. If it is not matched, it should be against you again.”

Song Xici was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly looked around. Fortunately, no one looked over.

“The person Xi Ci doesn’t want me to get close to, I will never get close. What I don’t want me to do, I won’t do it either. And… just now, Shen Ke, the one with the fish, I don’t know her. , Didn’t talk to her very much, she insisted, and I didn’t plan to eat, and then you came.” Tang Youan put down his hands.

“What do you explain to me?” Song Xici pursed her lips.

Tang Youan looked at her and thought for a moment: “I don’t know. I just want to tell you the truth.”

Song Xici looked at her and lost words for a moment.

After that, Tang Youan smiled again: “Ah, are you hungry? Actually, I just ordered a lot of delicious food for you. I can’t eat it now. What should we do… Let’s find another one?”

As Tang Youan said, he let out a sigh of relief, and stood under a sign that was full of restaurants on each floor, and looked at it carefully.

“Oh… By the way, can we eat meat and crab pot? I heard the sister of the crew say that it is very delicious, and I have always wanted to take you to eat it.” Tang Youan suddenly said excitedly.

Song Xi’s resignation station was petrified for a long time, and then stiffly made a finger: “OK…”

Virtue turned into a child again in a second, Song Xici whined secretly.

After eating, Tang Youan forcibly packed the last remaining crab and took it out of the restaurant. Just when she went downstairs with Song Xici to buy pomazi fruit, Song Xici received a call from Ms. Lin Xing.

“Hello, mom?” Picking up the phone, Song Xici raised his hand and stroked his lips, “What’s the matter?”

“I’m at your house, how about you guys, when will you come back?” Lin Xing asked.

“So suddenly?” Song Xici was stunned.

“It’s so sudden.” Lin Xing replied.

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