One Pet Gets Married

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

“You, don’t come here!” Song Xi was surprised, and instantly stretched out her hand, pushing Tang Youan’s shoulder.

Just after the shower, Tang Youan’s body was still warm. When he touched his fingertips, and the temperature was infiltrating along the texture of his skin a little bit, Song Xici’s brain suddenly burst out, “Nephrite fragrant. “These words.

Shaking her head, Song Xici slapped her forehead and slapped her throat, and issued a no-touch order to her: “From now on, no matter where you are, you must keep me one meter away!”

I thought she was an ancient wild girl, she would be a good girl, and it would be more difficult to understand and accept those of the same sex, so she came here wrapped in a bath towel so courageously, didn’t it turn out to be true? !

Tang Youan was shocked when she saw her reaction so much, he straightened up slowly, then took a step back, and said, “If you offend, I’m really sorry. But, can I ask, where am I? Annoyed Miss Song?”

“You…you still ask me? You know what you did just now…”

“Huh?” Tang Youan really didn’t understand what she had done just now.

“It’s very overbearing president, so what, it makes me think you are going to pick me up!” Song Xici’s eyes were round and round.

“Soak…” Tang Youan looked at the bathtub next to him, and then suddenly frowned, “Xi’s words are heavy, am I the one who is kind and revengeful?! How can I immerse the girl in the water?!”

After listening to Song Xici, he looked at her and opened his mouth, unable to say a word for a long time.

How does she express, this bubble is not the other bubble?

“No… the bubble here doesn’t mean that, that is, your behavior and words just now make you think you have a strong desire for me. If you really do, I will divorce you immediately, throw you on the street, and let you do this. An idiot who still knows very little about modern society was picked up for research and anatomy!” Song Xici felt that not long after he had been with her, the IQ line had begun to become wobbly and abnormal.

Hearing this, Tang Youan let out a sigh of relief: “It turns out that it was so… I just asked like that, but because I had heard of such theories before, and Xi Ci’s body was just so fragrant, so I asked… ”

Song Xici was stunned for a second, feeling that his IQ had indeed gone offline: “Yes, is that right?”

Tang Youan looked at her, smiled softly, and nodded.

“Fuck…” Song Xici blushed instantly to the root of his neck. I have been thinking about it for a long time, which is really messy.

“Xi Ci, please rest assured, I will never do anything you forbid me to do.” Tang Youan said again.

“Oh…then, that’s OK…” Song Xici nodded.

“It’s just that Xi Ci’s face is so red suddenly, but because of physical discomfort? Is it often like this? I…”

“No…no, oh, don’t show me your face! I’m going to sleep, good night!” After Song Xici finished speaking, he ran out like he did.

Tang Youan looked at her back and squinted slightly. Recently… there shouldn’t be any bad omens. Thinking of this, Tang Youan smiled, then turned around, fumbled for a moment at the switch, turned off the light, and then walked out.

However, when she went out, she looked back at the room.

Here, it can be described as wonderful. There is such a lighting thing.

On the other side, Song Xi resigned and returned to her room, closed the door and changed into her pajamas, and fell on the bed. This was when she let out a sigh of relief.

Oh shit. That guy didn’t play cards according to common sense at all, and it was a loss of life!

No matter, go to sleep.

After putting on a Naruto blindfold, Song Xici reached out and turned off the light.

After Tang Youan returned to the room, he continued to play with the thing called “mobile phone”.

I saw many small colorful squares on the screen, and some of the small squares were also marked with red numbers in the upper right corner. I don’t know what they mean.

I wanted to check it out one by one, but I couldn’t stand the drowsiness, so I had to sleep.

This bed was the best and softest bed she had ever slept in. Tang Youan fell asleep very sweetly after falling down and putting on the quilt.

When I woke up the next day, it was dawn.

The cold sunlight poured in from the window, reflecting the room brightly. So Tang Youan got up, opened the “closet door” and walked in.

The structure in this room is also ingenious. There is a hidden house in the room. She was actually quite surprised when she first saw it.

After entering, I saw that the left side is full of format clothes, each season is a row, and the right side is a row of shoes.

All kinds of bags, rucksacks, etc. are in a row, accessories are in a row and so on.

It’s as extravagant as an emperor and grandson. Tang Youan never expected that he would have obtained this for nothing in his death.

Finally, Tang Youan took out the clothes at random and put on them, then opened the bedroom door and walked out.

But Song Xici at this time still slept very sweetly.

After all, a few days ago, she had been shooting back and forth between the two crews of “The Mermaid in the Blue Sea” and “I Asked to Marry”. She was busy and didn’t sleep well. Therefore, it is rare to have time now, and of course I must make it up.

Tang Youan originally wanted to find her, but he was afraid that he might annoy her accidentally, so he finally gave up.

After all, I just came here, as if I had done a few wrong things.

But, I was hungry. Moreover, people should eat regularly. She felt that this matter should also be important to Song Xici.

So Tang Youan waited and waited while holding his mobile phone. When the sun was three poles up, but before Song Xici got up, he walked back and forth in the whole house.

Finally, couldn’t help it, Tang Youan went to knock on Song Xici’s door.

Then I knocked it three times, and finally, a weak “coming…” came from inside.

After the door was opened, Song Xici grabbed her mobile phone and slapped her head and looked at her: “What’s wrong…”

“It should be noon,” Tang Youan said euphemistically.

After listening to Song Xici, he glanced at his phone: “It’s half past eleven… and then?”

“I’m hungry… No, I’m hungry.” Tang Youan said.

“Oh…” After listening to Song Xici, he nodded, then walked out erraticly, “Well, I’ll cook for you, cook…Oh, my mother deserves…”

Song Xici has always seldom ordered takeaways. One is because he always encounters a takeaway boy who is too excited after seeing her. The other is that the takeaway is not clean and her stomach is not good, so he can make do with it in the crew, but basically at home I’ll still do it myself. So yesterday afternoon I asked Chen Shihan to buy some vegetables.

“Why don’t I cook for you? You can rest for a while and raise your spirits.” Tang Youan saw that she still had a deep tiredness that couldn’t be hidden on her face, so she proposed.

“You really know how to cook?!” Song Xici asked.

“Understand a little bit.” Tang Youan replied.

“That… OK!” Song Xici wanted to know what the ancient people made, what exactly was it like.

After that, Song Xici led Tang Youan to the kitchen again, demonstrating how to use natural gas, faucets, etc. again.

“Wait. You won’t burn the house for me, will you? Come and show me everything I taught you just now!” Song Xici was still uneasy.

“Okay.” Tang Youan nodded, and then did it all the way she did.

Fortunately, Tang Youan’s brain is very bright, and he will learn it soon, which is also worry-free.

“Xici, what do you want to eat?” Tang Youan asked afterwards.

“Um…whatever, two dishes and one soup will do. Remember one meat and one vegetarian, then, meat dishes are fish! I love fish the most! Everything is in the refrigerator.” Song Xici pointed to the refrigerator.

“Good.” Tang Youan nodded.

“Then I’m going to get some sleep first.” Song Xici said.

“Go ahead.” Tang Youan nodded.

So, after teaching Tang Youan how to use the kitchen, Song Xici couldn’t stand it anymore, and then went back to his room to sleep.

Tang Youan went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to read it all over.

I saw a handful of small green vegetables and some vegetables she hadn’t seen before, and then some hard things were placed below. I couldn’t see what it was. In short, no fish was found.

I wanted to ask where Song Xi Ciyu was, but seeing that she was asleep, it was hard to ask, so Tang Youan went upstairs and opened the door of Song Xi Ci’s room and walked down again.

After a moment of contemplation, Tang Youan suddenly had an inspiration: That’s it.

I don’t know how long it took, and bursts of fragrance came out of the kitchen and spread to every corner.

When Song Xici smelled the scent, she was so hungry. Before Tang Youan could call her, she woke up with a sense of smell, brushed her teeth in a daze, and walked downstairs, and then she was like a wolf. Pounced on the dining table like a tiger.

Two dishes and one soup. A small cabbage soup, a cold cucumber, and a plate of fish, which looks the most delicious.

I saw two or three palm-sized fish lying on the white porcelain plate, with a circle of brightly colored sauce, sprinkled with chopped green onion, **** and other things, which seemed to appetite.

“Xi Ci, please.” Tang Youan said, and put a bowl of rice full of rice in front of her.

“Thanks!” Song Xici held the rice, smiled at her, and put a chopstick fish in his mouth.

I have to say that this fish was processed perfectly by her. The skin is crispy and the meat inside is tender. It is wrapped in a little sauce and served with a small tuft of rice. It tastes really delicious.

“I declare that you are the xth special chef!” Song Xi couldn’t help putting down the dishes, stretched out her hand, and made a gesture of putting a hat on her.

Did she accidentally pick up a treasure?

“Thank you Xici for the compliment.” Tang Youan still smiled gently.

Song Xici held up his chopsticks again, and then prepared to pick up the fish again. But this time, her chopsticks only reached the air, and she stopped again, and then looked up at Tang Youan: “Wait a minute, I don’t remember I bought this kind of fish! My refrigerator has been killed by the fish seller. The grass carps are clean and well sliced. Where did you get these little fishes? Did you go out?!”

Hearing this, Tang Youan was stunned while holding his chopsticks, and shook his head: “Zai Xia never went out.”

“Then you are telling me, where did you get this?!” Song Xici hurriedly continued to ask.

So, Tang Youan slowly put down his chopsticks, turned his head, froze, and then looked at the fish tank on the side of the hall.

“Da, Da Mao Er Mao San Mao…” Song Xici fainted, and his chopsticks fell on the table, “You died terribly…”

The author has something to say: I came back late today…

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