One Piece Fighting for Hegemony from Sharingan

Chapter 13 Revolutionary Army

Chapter 13 Revolutionary Army

In the captain's room, Leon meditated alone:

"The Lord of the Stars who does not belong to this era, the mysterious Lord outside the world, and the Void Emperor who controls destiny."

Familiar starlight flooded in, and Leon appeared in the sea of ​​stars in a blink of an eye.

Through the ever-changing star fog, he quickly found the target, which was surrounded by several bright stars, a huge cyan star.

After carefully comparing the distance and direction between the star and himself, Leon immediately returned to the real world.

"Send an order to go down and change course, we will go to Shuangyue Village next."

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel!"

In Shuangyue Village in the East China Sea, a domineering dragon-headed giant ship is quietly mooring at the port.

At this time, the pier was very lively, and many people were busy moving supplies to the dragon head giant ship.

There is no iconic flag flying on this dragon-headed giant ship, so it is impossible to tell what faction it belongs to.

Its hull is very huge, divided into several layers up and down, and the dense muzzle is even more powerful than most warships. It looks very difficult to provoke.

On the deck at the bow, "Dragon", the leader of the revolutionary army, had been standing quietly for a long time wearing a green hooded cloak.

Beside the "dragon", there is also a strange man with an extremely large face, which is far beyond normal proportions, also wearing a hood and cloak.

She is a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, Ambrio Ivankov.

"I didn't expect it! For a remote country in the East China Sea, you will come here in person. Is there anything special about this place for you?"


"Dragon" was silent for a moment, and did not answer Ivankov's question.

"This time is a great opportunity for the rise of the revolutionary army. We must not make any mistakes. Although the navy in the East China Sea and the world government are very weak, we cannot be careless..."


"Dragon" frowned and didn't continue talking. He turned his head and looked at the sea behind him.

I saw a warship appearing in the distance.

Ivankov also turned her head, and her face changed drastically after seeing this scene:
"It's the navy! Why did they come here? Could it be that the navy found us? Long, should we take action to kill them? It would be terrible if the navy found us!"

"Dragon" was about to agree to make a move, but saw the warship stop advancing.

Then a small sailboat was lowered from the warship and headed here with the wind.

The dragon's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's see what the other party's purpose is first."

"That's good! I'll tell the others to be careful."

Ivankov nodded, turned and left.

Leon stood alone on the small sailboat, sailing downwind to the giant dragon-headed ship in the distance, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

Through the position of the stars in the sea of ​​stars, he calculated the approximate position of the leader of the revolutionary army "Dragon", so he changed his course and came here.

In order to avoid stimulating the revolutionary army as much as possible, prevent them from attacking warships.Leon gave the order to stop at a great distance, and came alone.

Soon, the small sailboat approached the giant dragon head ship, and Leon just jumped onto the towering bow lightly.

Looking at the mysterious man at the bow of the boat, who was wearing a green hooded cloak and had a strange tattoo on his left face, he looked very vicious.

Leon smiled.

"Hello! I'm Lieutenant Colonel Leon from Rogue Town."

The expression of "Dragon" did not fluctuate.

He looked Leon up and down, and found that the other party was still very young, and his strength was not too strong in his opinion, but the bloody eyes of the other party seemed a little special.

"As the lieutenant colonel of Rogge Town, what do you want to come here from afar?"

"I'm here to find you!"

"Find me?"

"Good! I want to talk to you about the 'revolution'."

Hearing what Leon said, the pupils of "Dragon" shrank slightly, and he re-examined this mediocre and young naval lieutenant colonel.

"follow me."


A moment later, in a quiet cabin, Leon and the revolutionary leader "Dragon" sat opposite each other.

"How did you find out about my whereabouts?"

"Dragon" stared at Leon instantly became extremely sharp, pressing on Leon with an extremely terrifying aura.

If the lieutenant colonel could not give him a satisfactory answer, then he would never let the other party go.

Because mastering the whereabouts of the "dragon" is equivalent to mastering the lifeline of the revolutionary army, the "dragon" must be cautious.

Under the pressure of the "dragon", Leon's heart trembled, and he broke out in a cold sweat, but he still gritted his teeth and said sincerely:

"I can't say too much about the specific reasons, but I have no malice towards you. I came here under the guidance of a certain strong man, please believe me!"

"What I said is true. I did come here under my own guidance. In the sea of ​​stars, I should be regarded as a "strong man"... Hmm! Probably~"

Not seeing any flaws from Leon, "Dragon" retracted his sharp eyes a little, and his aura was no longer so aggressive.

"A certain strong man? If it's just this kind of answer, then forgive me for not letting you go back!"

Leon spread his hands helplessly.

"Okay! I also know that this answer is difficult for you to trust, but it is indeed the truth. How about we put this question aside for a while and talk about the revolution first?"

Long looked at Leon coldly:

"Talk to me about the revolution? How much do you, a lieutenant colonel, know about us?"

"I don't know much about you, but I know that you are fighting for the freedom of the people, and your ultimate goal should also be to overthrow the Tianlong people!"


"Because that's one of my goals!"


The expression of the dragon finally changed, he was obviously a little surprised, there is even a navy that aims to overthrow the Tianlong people?

"You are not the only ones who see the deep darkness of this world, I am also one of them. So after learning that you saved these poor people in Goa Kingdom, I came to you."

"Then what is the revolution you want to talk about?"



"Yes, thoughts! Domineering and devil fruit can only strengthen a person's body, but thoughts can strengthen a person's spirit and mind. When the torrent of thoughts sweeps everything, the changes in the world will be irreversible!"


Long frowned and pondered for a moment, then sat up straight and asked solemnly:

"Please tell me specifically, what kind of thoughts are you talking about?"

Leon sat upright, his face full of reverence and solemnity:
"This is a great idea put forward by a great man, with the people as the main body..."


The conversation between the two lasted for a whole day!
This cabin was closely guarded under the order of the dragon, and no one was allowed to approach.Although Ivankov and other revolutionary army cadres were greatly puzzled, they still obeyed orders awe-inspiringly.

therefore!Except for Long and Leon, no one knows the specific content of their conversation.

But at this moment in the cabin, Long looked at Leon no longer coldly and warily, but eagerly and appreciatively.

"Leon, are you really not going to go back to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army with me? With your talent, staying in the Navy is really a waste!"

Lyon shook his head and politely refused:

"I still have my own plan. And what I put forward is only the thought of that great man, but whether it is applicable to the revolutionary army or the people at the bottom, you need to practice and explore by yourself!"

A look of regret appeared on Long's face.

"Okay then! It's a pity that I don't have the chance to meet the great man who passed away. His wisdom and thought have benefited me and the entire revolutionary army a lot..."

Leon remembered something he mentioned last night, and couldn't help reminding:

"By the way, what did I ask you to do?"

"Don't worry! I've been paying attention to that person for a long time. If you can find her, please leave it to us. This is an encrypted single-line phone bug. When you have important matters in the future, you can use it Come and contact us."

While speaking, Long handed a special phone bug to Leon.


The giant dragon head ship quickly left Frost Moon Village after completing its supplies.

Today's revolutionary army is still in the latent development stage, so all their whereabouts must be kept as secret as possible.

The "dragon" on the ship brought together the cadres of the revolutionary army.

"I will notify the East China Sea's intelligence department in a while, and I want to know all the information about Lieutenant Colonel Leon in Rogge Town as soon as possible."


The cadre in charge of intelligence replied immediately.

Seeing this, Ivankov was a little puzzled:

"Long, is there something wrong with that lieutenant colonel? But why did you let him go just now?"

Long shook his head:
"He and the people behind him should not be our enemies, but there is nothing wrong with being careful. I must be responsible for the safety of the entire revolutionary army."

Immediately afterwards, Long Huan looked around at the revolutionary army cadres present, and then ordered in a deep voice:

"Immediately notify all the cadres scattered all over the world. Except for a very few cadres who cannot escape, the others immediately put down all the work in hand and return to the headquarters!"

Ivankov turned pale with shock:

"What! Long, what are you going to do, is it related to the guy from before?"

Dragon nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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