One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 100: War Machine

Nojiko froze in place as the tank turned on. The spotlight had turned to and lumiated her.

“It turned on,” Ben said.

Vivi, Ben, Honey and Karoo froze. HQ went forward.

“Master it is fine,” HQ said.

“How do you know?” Vivi asked.

“I can sense it,” HQ replied.

“Sense?” Ben questioned.

“Like where and how Miss Love Duck is. I just know and I know when it turned on I felt it,” HQ responded.

Ben thought maybe there is a tracker or computer that allows them to talk to each other.

“Okay let's get closer,” Ben said.

“Okay but be careful,” Honey commented.

Ben and the girls walked towards the tank. HQ was in front of them. The spotlight tracked Nojiko as she was moving forward.

HQ got close to the tank and touched the blue painted tank on its side. “Nojiko come here with the map,” HQ said. They were at the side of the tank. Nojiko came near the HQ. “Place the map here,” HQ said.

“Okay,” Nojiko replied. HQ placed the map on the tank. The headlights got brighter and the doors on the side of the tanks opened. They opened upward on either side like gull-wing doors.

“Amazing,” Vivi said.

“Yes it is incredible,” Ben remarked.

“HQ can you drive it?” Ben asked.

“Yes Master,” HQ replied. These A.S.S models are truly incredible, Ben thought.

They stepped inside and saw 5 seats inside the tank. HQ sat in the driver seat which was at the front. Then the seats were arranged in a two by two layout. Ben and Nojiko sat in the second
row of seats. HQ and Vivi sat in the last row. Karoo awkwardly sat in Vivi and Honey's lap.
Karoo quacked. “Calm down Karoo,” Vivi said.

“Hey,” Honey said. Ben chuckled.

“It is quite small inside here,” Ben commented. Ben thought the tank's hull was about 10ft. However besides Karoo not being able to sit down the tank was very spacious inside compared to the outside.

HQ sat in the front seat where there were two joysticks and two pedals on the floor. There was a screen and computer panel next to the driver seat on the left and right. Ben`s seat also had a joystick and computer monitor and button.

Ben looked up and saw the turret. While there was a circular top, there was no loading area and the space was limited for one person to stand.

“How do we load the gun?” Ben asked.

“It is automatic Master,” HQ replied.

“Okay,” Ben said.

“Nojiko, can I have the map?” HQ asked.

“Here you go,” Nojiko replied as she handed over the map to HQ. HQ had held the map over the screen to her right. The engine then started.

“Well it's time to take this baby out,” Ben said.

“Ben what is its name?” Honey asked.

“HQ you know?” Ben asked HQ.

“This is called A.C.V Model III Lexie,” HQ answered.

“Okay let's see if Lexie can move,” Ben said. HQ pressed a button which closed the gull-wing doors. She pressed the pedal which made the engine rev. However we did not move. She pressed the pedal harder. The tracks started to move however the tank still was not moving.

“You can do it,” Vivi said. Karoo quacked.

HQ then pressed the pedal all the way. The engine made a loud noise and the tracks finally moved.

“We are on the move,” Nojiko said. Vivi and Honey cheered. Ben smiled.
The screen next to HQ was showing the front of the tank. Ben also had a screen which showed the outside. It looked like there was a camera on top of the turret.

Nojiko could see HQ`s screen from her seat. The tank was moving in the jungle. It was destroying grass and maneuvering in the dense trees. Until a large tree blocked its path. The tank could not go around it as there were other trees blocking the path.

“Captain, should we go back?” Nojiko asked.

“We have a tank and a big gun, let's use it,” Ben said.

“Master, you have the controls. The joystick controls the turret and the button will fire it,” HQ said.

Ben grabbed the joystick. He turned it left. The turret also turned left. Ben moved the joystick to the right and the turret moved right. “I am getting the hang of this,” Ben said.

“That's our Captain,” Honey said. He aligned the turret with the tree.

“Ready to fire,” Ben said. The girls nodded and he pressed the button. The tank fired a laser beam from the gun which impacted the trees. The large, dense tree which was a meter thick was completely destroyed and it fell down.

“Wow, such power,” Vivi said in awe.

“This is incredible,” Nojiko added.

Ben smiled. “Let's get to the beach and this girl onto the Miss Love Duck,” Ben ordered. He knew that this tank would be needed in the upcoming battles.

HQ drove out of the forest and onto the coast. The tank gained some speed on the flat and sandy surface.

“Lexie is pretty fast,” Nojiko commented.

“Yes, it will help moving around towns easier,” Honey said.

“We would not be using this for sightseeing. It will bring us too much attention,” Ben said.

HQ drove around the small island and got back to the place where they came earlier.

“How do we get it on the ship?” Vivi asked.

HQ pressed the pedal forward and went into the water.

“We are going to drown,” Vivi shouted.

“Ben,” Nojiko said. Ben smiled.

HQ pressed another button and the engine went quiet and another engine was heard. This engine sounded slightly different. It was a bit louder and had a rattling noise.

“Engaged amphibious mode Master,” HQ said.

“Amphibious mode?” Honey said.

“It means that Lexie can travel on land as well as on water,” Ben replied.

“Amazing,” Vivi said as Lexie was traversing on the water towards the Miss Love Duck.

Vivi and Honey were still struggling to keep Karoo in place. It was pretty crowded at the back.

“Ben, how are we going to put Lexie on the Miss Love Duck?” Nojiko asked.

“I think we need to go and lower the ramp below the Swan figurehead at the front of the ship. However the controls for the ramp are on the Miss Love Duck,” Ben said.

“Master, I can lower the ramp from here,” HQ replied.

“Okay please do,” Ben said.

HQ pressed a button on the computer panel and ramp started lowering and it hit the water gently. “How is this connected to the ship?” Ben said.

“Through me Master. I was able to link the Miss Love Duck and Lexie,” HQ replied.

“You are amazing HQ,” Nojiko said.

HQ then drove Lexie onto the ramp which led to the Third Floor of the ship. HQ pressed another button which closed the engine and raised the gulf doors. Karoo was the first to leave Lexie, followed by Honey, Vivi, Nojiko, Ben and HQ.

HQ went to the control panel on the Third Floor and raised the ramp back up.

“I am going to find Kaya and the rest about our new friend,” Nojiko said as went to the stairs.

“Wait for me,” Vivi said as she chased after her. Karoo quacked and also run after them.
“They sure have energy,” Honey said.

“They sure do,” Ben said.

“Let's head to the Bridge,” Ben added. HQ and Honey nodded.

They walked up the stairs to the Bridge. HQ sat in her seat.

“HQ here is the vivre card,” Ben said as he reached into his pocket and gave the piece of the vivre card to HQ.

“Are we going to follow it?” Honey asked.

“Yes we are, set a course to it,” Ben ordered.

“Yes Master,” HQ nodded and she raised the anchor, set the sail and moved the lever to give Miss Love Duck power. The Miss Love Duck started moving.

“I will go find Nojiko so she can be here,” Ben said.

“I will stay here Ben,” Honey replied. Ben nodded and he left the Bridge.

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