One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 109: Ben & Alvida vs Banazi Pirates

A third man approached from behind and said, “You really should listen to Bravo and Banazi.” They looked behind and saw a short and chubby man with an olive skin tone, a small nose, a rounded chin, and a large mouth. He wore a pink and white striped short-sleeved shirt, brown shoes and blue pants.

“Harasho, we should not use our name like this,” Banazi said. He was the leader with grey hair.

Ben saw they were surrounded. He looked at Alvida. Alvida looked back.

“Just let us go and no one gets hurt,” Ben said.

Banazi laughed. “You think you can defeat us,” Banazi said.

“Well we tried,” Ben said.

“Nojiko catch,” Alvida said as she threw the briefcase to her.

Ben transformed into his hybrid form. Alvida, who was carrying her iron mace, gripped it with both her hands. They both turned around.

“Demon Fist,” Ben said as he channelled his energy to his fist.

“Kanabo Swing,” Alvida said at the same time as she threw all her strength into the swing.

Ben punched and Alvida hitted Harasho at the same time. Harasho got hit on the face by Ben and by Alvida in the stomach. He went flying towards the other side of the alley. Blood was seen leaving his mouth and a trail was left behind as he landed on the ground.

Banazi and Bravo were gobsmacked seeing their crewmate get taken out so easily. They looked at Ben. They could see sharp black claws and his black wings, a black tail, and two small horns on his head. They looked into his eyes which had turned red and had no pupils.

“Demon,” Banazi remarked.

“You hurt our crewmate, now you have done it,” Bravo said as he pulled his rifle out and it had a long barrel. Bravo fired at Ben. Alvida saw this and immediately moved and used her iron mace to block the bullet.

“Thanks Alvida,” Ben said as ran towards Banzai to punch him. Banazi quickly drew his sword and blocked Ben`s punch. Ben smiled.

Bravo fired another shot. Alvida used her iron mace to block again. “Again?” she questioned.

“I am Bravo the best shooter here,” Bravo replied as he fired again at Alvida who just blocked with her iron mace.

“You can block but can you block this,” Bravo taunted.

“Zako shot,” Bravo said as he fired the gun again. However the bullet was powerful this time. Alvida was still able to block however she slid a foot back.

“That was unexpectedly strong,” Alvida said.

“Zako shot,” Bravo said again as he fired his gun again. Alvida jumped and dodged the bullet.

“Too slow,” Alvida said.

“We will see about that,” Bravo said.

“Zako barrage,” Bravo said as he fired multiple bullets at Alvida. Alvida could not dodge it as there was no space in the alley. However she did not need to dodge it. Alvida got hit by the bullets.

Bravo saw her get hit however to his horror the bullets just slipped off her. There was no damage to her body.

Alvida smirked.

“A devil fruit” Bravo said who was in shock.

“Bingo,” Alvida said.

“Time to end this,” Alvida added as she ran towards Bravo. Bravo panicked. He started to fire randomly. He missed his shot as he did not aim.

“Stay away from me,” Bravo said.

Alvida got close to him. She swung her iron mace at Bravo hitting him in the face. “Kanabo Swing,” she said as Bravo got hit and he went flying to the wall. He did not go through the wall however he crushed hard leaving an imprint. Bravo fell down to the ground.

Alvida looked to see Ben dodging the Banazi attack from his sword.

“Stay still,” Banazi said in frustration.

“You are just slow,” Ben remarked. Banazi kissed his teeth.

“So you have been following us?” Ben asked.

Banazi attempted to slice Ben again however Ben moved to the right and he missed.

“Yes, we saw you win the race at the port and followed you to get the prize money. When we had the opportunity we were going to take your money,” Banazi said.

“An opportunist thief,” Ben commented and added, “There could be more of you here.”

“There might be but I will kill you and take the money. Today is my lucky day to get rich,” Banazi said as he attempted to slash Ben`s leg. Ben jumped up and kicked Banazi who stumbled backwards.

Banazi felt the pain of the kick. “I need to get serious,” Banazi said.

“Zako stab,” Banazi said as he attempted to slash Ben. Ben caught his sword with his claws. Ben felt the swing was more powerful this time however Ben then let go of the sword and punched Banazi in the gut. He followed up with a kick to the face. Banazi fell to the ground.

Banazi felt the pain from the attacks. However he was not done. He got up and grabbed his sword.

“Zako no Chikai,” Banazi shouted. Ben looked anticipating an attack however there was no attack from Banazi. Instead Bravo got up. He looked beaten, however there was a renewed determination on his face. Then Harasho got up and his face looked badly wounded. He had a busted lip and swollen eye.

“Zako no Chikai,” Harasho shouted. The look of determination increased and their strength as well.

“Zako no Chikai,” Bravo shouted as he picked his gun up. All three had their strength and determination increased. Harasho jumped in the air and landed by Banazi. Bravo walked towards Banazi.

“Witness our ultimate attack,” Banazi declared.

“Zako Storm,” Banazi, Bravo and Harasho said together. Harasho ran towards Ben and kicked him. Ben saw this coming, crossed his arms and blocked the attack. Then Bravo pointed the rifle at Ben and fired. Ben saw this and immediately moved out of the way. However he came right into Banazi who slashed downwards. Ben moved his arm upwards to block the attack. However a small shockwave was released and Ben took the attack as he went down onto one knee.

Ben was surprised by this coordination of this attack. He smiled and got up. “My turn,” Ben said. He brought his hand forward and said, “Demon blast,” as he fired a blast at Bravo. Bravo got hit and a mini explosion was seen as Bravo went down again.

“Bravo,” Harasho said. Ben ran up to Harasho.

Harasho saw this and he readied his fist. “Zako punch,” he said as he threw a fist at Ben.

Ben saw the punch and said,” Demon fist,” as his fist glowed and he punched Harasho fist. Harasho fist broke and he was knocked back to the ground.

Ben looked at Banazi. “Demon Slash,” he said as his three claws like projectiles headed towards Banazi. Banazi blocked with his sword however the attack was too strong and he was knocked back into the wall. He crashed into the wall dropping his sword as he fell to the ground.

As he landed on the group a piece of paper flew out of his pocket. Ben looked at the map and it had the “Letter D,” marked on it. Ben remembered that Banazi had mentioned something about being a lucky day. This may be what he was referring to as well. He might have thought that finding this treasure map was the start of this good luck and he wanted to push it by robbing us as well.

Ben picked up the map. Alvida and Nojiko came running towards Ben.

“My love, are you okay?” Alvida said.

“Ben, are you okay?” Nojiko also asked who was holding both the briefcases.

“Yes I am fine,” Ben replied.

“I tried to come to help my love but you had already taken care of them,” Alvida said.

Ben smiled and hugged Alvida. “No need, they were some thieves. I am a big boy and I can take care of them,” Ben said.

“I know how much of a big boy you are my love,” Alvida teased. Nojiko cleared her throat.

Ben let Alvida go, “Yes I forget,” Ben said as he hugged Nojiko as well. She let out a squeal which he had not heard before. It was cute.

Alvida and Ben chuckled.

Ben showed them the map. “Take a look at this,” Ben said.

Nojiko looked at the map. “This map looks like this island. It looks like there is a forest behind this map and there is something there,” Nojiko commented.

“We should take a look,” Ben said.

The girls nodded. “My love, we should first get this money back on the Miss Love Duck,” Alvida pointed out.

“Yes we should,” Ben replied and they headed towards the Miss Love Duck.

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