One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 128: Nami & Kaya vs Mr 4 & Miss Christmas

As Mikita and Zala fought, Mr 4 and Miss Christmas stare down Kaya and Nami.

“You have control over that?” Nami asked. She thought back to Arlong Park when Kaya lost control and attacked them.

“Yes, I do now. That was a one time thing. I have been training with this form now and have gotten better at using it,” Kaya replied.

“Sounds good,” Nami said as she pulled out three short rods from her pocket. “This is something I got from Usopp,” Nami added.

“Mr 4 let's teach these brats a lesson,” Miss Christmas said.

“Yes,” Mr 4 said slowly.

“He is a bit slow,” Nami said.

“Don't insult him,” Miss Christmas said.

Miss Christmas then started transforming. Her feet become brown and enlarged with her toenails getting longer and sharper. Her hand also got bigger. Her hand nails got longer and sharper like blades. Her nose got longer.

“She has a devil fruit,” Kaya said.

“Yes, I ate the Mole Mole fruit which lets me transform into a mole human,” Miss Christmas said.

Mr 4 picked up a large steel bat.

“Last chance to surrender,” Miss Christmas said.

“We should be saying that to you,” Kaya said as she charged towards Miss Christmas. Miss Christmas dug a hole and went in.

“That will be annoying,” Kaya said.

Mr 4 was about to swing the bat towards Kaya when Nami blew into one of the rods. A yellow bubble was seen emerging from the rod and it flew toward Mr 4. It hit Mr 4. “Thunder Ball,” she said.

Mr 4 felt a small electric shock and was slightly surprised. He looked at Nami. Kaya saw he was distracted for a second and she fused her energy and punched Mr 4 in the face. “Angel Smash,” she said. Mr 4 stumbled back.

At that moment, Miss Christmas came out of the hole and slashed Kaya with her claws. Kaya took the hit to her face. “Mogura Banana ,” she said.

“Kaya,” Nami shouted. Kaya stumbled back.

Mr 4 then ran up and swung his iron bat at Nami. Nami saw this at the last minute and put her small rod to counter the attack. Mr 4 put much greater power in his attack and Nami was taken from her feet as she landed on her side.

Mr 4 was about to swing again, seeing Nami on the floor. Kaya saw this and opened her mouth and shot a golden beam towards Mr 4. “Angel HyperBeam,” Kaya said. Mr 4 got hit with the attack on his side and fell over.

Miss Christmas was not sitting around and saw Kaya again distracted. “Mogura Banana,” she said again and struck Kaya on the face again. Kaya took another blow to the face. A scratch appeared on both sides of her cheeks from this attack and the previous attack.

“You have to keep your eyes on your opponent,” Miss Christmas said.

Kaya then gathered energy in her hand and fired a golden beam towards Miss Christmas. She got hit and went flying back. “Angel Beam,” Kaya said.

Mr 4 got up again. The attack by Kaya had hurt him, however it was not enough for him to go down. Nami had also gotten up. She already blew into her second rod which had formed a blue bubble. She then blew into the third rod which formed a red bubble. They both flew towards Mr 4. Mr 4 swung his bat and hit the blue bubble which disappeared.

Mr 4 then charged at Nami. He saw her in front of her. He hit Nami in the face. His bat went down towards her body. However it was blurred. “What is this?” Mr 4 said slowly.

“Mirage Tempo,” she said and explained, “Using the Cool Ball in this environment changes the air density allowing me to create a mirage.”

“What?” Mr 4 said slowly. By the time Mr 4 had finished his sentence, Nami had created several balls. She created the cool ball to make the air cooler while she used the heat ball to suck up the moisture. This caused the heated air to rise and collide with the cold air forming a cloud. Nami continues to produce more heat and cool balls to enlarge the cloud. Then she blows into the rod to create a thunder ball and electricity the cloud. A powerful lightning bolt was seen going from the cloud and striking Mr 4.

“Thunderbolt Tempo,” Nami said. Mr 4 got hit by the lighting and went flying backwards. He screamed in pain slowly as he landed near Miss Christmas.

Miss Christmas got up. She took a beam directly to the chest. It stung. She saw Mr 4 got hit with a lighting bolt and he was sent flying back and landed near her.

“Get up Mr 4,” Miss Christmas said angrily.

Mr 4 got up. He held his bat up. “Where is Lassoo?” Miss Christmas said.

“I,” Mr 4 said.

“It does not matter, let's show them our true power,” Miss Christmas said. Mr 4 slowly nodded.

Miss Christmas dug a hole into the ground. She went underground and appeared near Kaya`s feet. “Mogurazuka Highway,” she said. She then dragged Kaya`s feet through the sand to Mr 4. Mr 4 got his bat ready to swing. Kaya saw what was happening and started flapping her wings rapidly and started to take lift.

Kaya just got enough air in the right time to clear the bat, however Miss Christmas got hit in the face. “Mogurazuka Yonban Kousaten,” Mr 4 slowly said. Mr 4 let go as she slowly hit the ground. Kaya flew above into the air and landed near Nami.

Nami had a few scratches but she was okay.

“That was close,” Kaya said.

“It was but good thinking about using your flight ability,” Nami replied.

“They are tough,” Kaya commented.

“For sure, that big guy took hits from both of us and still is up,” Nami said referring to Mr 4. Mr 4 skin was slightly burnt in some places. His clothes had a shade of black due to the lighting strike however he looked determined.

“The mole lady looks a bit worse but she still has some fight in her,” Kaya said. Miss Christmas took the bat to her face. It had broken her nose. She had blood leaking from her mouth. She was panting loudly however she was on her feet. She looked mad at Kaya.

“Kaya why don't you go for Mr 4 this time and I go for the mole lady,” Nami suggested.

“Sounds good to me,” Kaya said. The scratches on her face disappeared. Kaya knew Mr 4 was a bit tougher in raw strength and it would require more power to beat him. Kaya and Nami nodded and smiled at each other.

Kaya then flew towards Mr 4. Mr 4 saw this and got his bat ready. As Kaya got closer she stopped just in front of the bat range. She was flying. Mr 4 tried to hit her however he could not reach her. He kept swinging his bat and Kaya evaded.

“Careful Mr 4,” Miss Christmas said. Miss Christmas was angry that their attack failed.

Nami had ran up to Miss Christmas and infront of her. She combined the three pieces together into a T shape. A bright flash appeared at the t-shape end as two clockwork doves bursted out. The doves started to ensnare Miss Christmas. “What is going on?” Miss Christmas said. The t-shaped weapon started to spin rapidly. Miss Christmas was now spinning in circles.

“Tornado Tempo,” Nami said as launched Miss Christmas with extreme force into the air. She went flying upwards and landed down with a big thud. She was out and changed back to her human form.

While Nami had finished Miss Christmas off. Kaya was dodging the swinging bat. Kaya then fell back and landed a few feet away. “Angel Beam,” Kaya said as she gathered energy in her hand and fired a golden beam towards Mr 4. Mr 4 swung his bat and hit the attack. A mini explosion was seen and black smoke was emitted. Kaya went forward and punched Mr 4 in the face. She followed with a kick to his stomach. Mr 4 stumbled back.

He then swung his bat and hit Kaya on her right arm. Kaya stumbled to the right. Her arm was in pain however it was manageable. She held onto right arm with her left arm supporting it. Mr 4 then moved for another swing. However Kaya dodged the attack.

She then charged her golden beam in her mouth and fired it all her strength towards Mr 4. Mr 4 tried to block the attack however he couldn't hold it and let the bat go from his hand and got hit with the full power. “Angel HyperBeam,” Kaya said. Mr 4 went down.

Kaya was panting loudly. She put everything into the attack. “Good job Kaya,” Nami said. Kaya transformed back into her human form. She still held her hand.

“Good job to you too,” Kaya replied.

Nami saw Kaya holding her hand. “Is your hand okay?” Nami said.

“It will be fine,” Kaya replied and added, “I need a bit of rest.”

Nami nodded.

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