One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 24: Clockwork Island Rewards (2)

Ben, who is this? Why does she look like me?” Honey Queen asked. 

Ben relayed the message from his system to the girls. He was giving Sumi a lot of information, however he had a gut feeling that she will do something amazing in the future for him. Also being a widow she knows the pain of losing a loved one. If she thinks that Ben could bring a better future she will do anything to help achieve that.

“So she is an android like a robot, that does not explain why she looks like me,” Honey Queen adds.

“You are a beautiful sexy woman, of course if there is someone they will model an android after, it will be you,” Ben said in a flirty manner. 

Honey Queen blushed. Alvida then said, “So I am not beautiful enough my love?”

Ben thought he was going to get it now.  

“Alvida, the system did say that there will be future models, please don't be upset,” Ben said, trying to appease her.

Alvida chuckled, “I'm just kidding, my love.”

Ben thought, without Alvida he would be nowhere. He should do something nice for her. 

 Sumi went to one of the computers and started typing away. Ben was slightly confused. 

“So what are you doing, Sumi?” asked Ben.

“Analysing the blueprint you uploaded, it's fascinating.” Sumi replied. 

“How do you know how to use a computer?” Ben followed up. 

“We had some training on some lesser versions and it's not that difficult,” she replied. 

Ben didn't think much more of it. The cylinder door suddenly went into the container. The A.S.S Version HQ was standing with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes, she had normal eyes.  

“Master?” HQ said.

Ben instinctually replied, “Yes?”

“Confirmed Master`s Identity” replied HQ. Her voice didn't sound like a robot but didn't sound entirely human either.

“What are my orders?” HQ added. 

“What is your purpose?” Ben asked.

“To help you become pirate king and protect your harem,” HQ replied. 

“Sounds like my job,” Alvida said.

“Identifying..Alvida first harem member and lover. Identifying…Honey Queen second harem member and lover. Identifying…Sumi potential harem member and lover.” HQ said. 

“What,” Sumi shouted and blushed. It was too early for her to be in a relationship with another man, so soon after her husband died. 

“It's just playing,I think” Ben tried to calm her down. 

Alvida and Honey Queen giggled. The container glass was slowly put back on, and Ben could see the liquid slowly filling up. 

Ben walked around the lab, HQ followed him. She was staying exactly 4 feet away from him. Honey Queen and Alvida had grabbed Ben`s arm and were talking together like lovers. 

Ben noticed another room. It seems to be some weapons workshop in a separate room in the lab. The workshop has a variety of tools and materials, such as metal, plastic, and circuit boards. There were a few computers, they looked different from the rest.

 There was what looked like a production line. 

“We can mass produce weapons to helps us in the future wars here,” Ben asked

“Future wars?” Honey Queen asked.

“To be the Pirate King, we are going to take on the likes of the Yonko and World Government,” Ben replied.

Honey Queen was silent and Alvida smiled. 

Ben went to find Sumi who was still on the computer, with the girls still clinging on his arms.

“Sumi, can I put you in charge of my lab and continue research? I think there is a world of possibilities here. The technology here will help me save the world and become Pirate King; however, I can't stay here and research. It's not my area of expertise however you are perfect for this role. I know I am asking a lot from you. You probably hate this place, it took your husband and I am asking to be incharge of it. ,” Ben said. 

“This place took my husband and son. For the past  7 years, I have worked against my will. However, now, I have the freedom to choose. I want to help mankind. Weapons can be used to protect or hurt.  I will do it as your work wife. As long as you don't use these weapons against innocent people,” Sumi replied.

“Thank you, I will not use these weapons to hurt innocent people,” Ben replied.

“Work wife?” Alvida questioned, 

“You will be asking me to join sometime soon won't you, however I can't now. It's too early,” Sumi said. 

The girls let go and Ben wrapped his arms around Sumi. They hugged in silence for a few minutes. Then Ben said, “Freedom to choose, take your time.”

“Is he always this smooth?” Honey Queen said.

“Not really, but there is something about him and girls, we all just flock to him with our hearts,” Alvida replied with a smile.

Ben had finished hugging Sumi, she definitely had the MILF vibe. In due time, he thought. While thinking, he remembered that Sumi has a child, Akisu. He smiled, oh well, that is not going to stop me.

“Sumi, you said you lost your child, what if I told him I know where he is?” Ben said.

Sumi’s eyes had widened, “Where is he?” 

“Let's go and see him,” Ben replied.

They all left the Lab and headed into the elevator to go to the beach level. As they reached the beach, they could see the scientists gathered around  Borodo and Akisu. Bear King's men who had not escaped were captured and tied up. Ben and the 4 girls approached the group. 

“Good job in capturing these men,” Ben said.

“Too easy,” Akisu said.

“Borodo, how did you meet Akisu?” Ben asked.

“I found him in a basket in the ocean near here,” replied Borodo. 

Sumi, eyes widened and teared up, “I was being chased by pirates and left my son in a basket where no pirates could reach him.”  Ben put his arm around Sumi.

“Then you must be my son,” said Sumi who looked towards Akisu. She ran to him and hugged him.

Akisu then teared up and said, “Mom, mom,” repeatedly. They both hugged each other for a minute. 

Ben let them enjoy the moment. He turned to Borodo and said, “The treasure is up there somewhere.” 

Borodo smiled back and said, “It better be, but there might be more here so I will stick around and Akisu will want to be with his mum.”

“His mum is my work wife,” Ben replied with a smile on his face. Bordo was surprised and thought Ben was dangerous. 

Sumi finished hugging Akisu and ran towards Borodo. She had tears in her eyes and shook his hand saying, “Thank you for taking care of my son.”

She then went to Ben and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, my work husband.”

Borodo, thought definitely dangerous.

After Sumi calmed down, Ben said the scientists were free to go on their adventure. Ben explained that Sumi would be staying on this island to help him with a project. The scientists discussed between themselves and nearly all wanted to leave. Ben thought this was reasonable. 

However, 4 scientists wanted to stay and help Ben with his project. They were all female. Their names were Emma, Amelia, Isla and Zara. Ben had asked them to be under the watch eye of Sumi. They all nodded. Ben then asked, “Could you put the King Cannon on the Miss Love Duck?” 

Sumi replied, “Sure, my work husband.”   

Akisu was confused when he heard that. Sumi then went to her 4 colleagues and told them to start the work.

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