One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 327: Boo Kong vs Saphir

Alvida, Zala, and Saphir faced off against the Marines, their expressions unwavering.

“Get them!” Bismarck ordered.

The Marines charged at the trio. Alvida swung Seraphina in a wide arc. “Kanabo Swing!” she declared as her weapon connected with a group of Marines, sending them flying through the air. She swung Seraphina and hit another Marine. He bent over due to the pain and went down. Alvida looked at another two Marines running towards her. She smiled. The first Marine swung his sword. Alvida dodged the attack and hit him on the head. Blood started to leak as he went down. The second Marine tried to slash Alvida however she stepped back dodging the attack. She immediately countered and swung her mace down, hitting him on his face, breaking his teeth as he went down.

Bismarck rushed towards Alvida, his sword clashing against her mace. “I will take you down,” he growled, remembering their previous encounters and his failure because of them. His eyes burned with rage.

Alvida met his glare with a smile. “I should be saying that to you,” she retorted.

There was another group of Marines charging towards Zala. “Stinger Balls,” Zala said as she turned her hands into spike balls. She punched the Marine in the face. The second Marine swung down. Zala dodged and hit the Marine in the face. They both went down. She then punched another Marine. He was impaled by the spike as he went flying in the air and went.

Toma confronted Zala, brandishing his sword. “I will not let you pass,” he stated firmly.

Zala smirked. “Why don't you go home, kid?” she taunted.

Toma charged at her. “I am not a kid!” he shouted, his face flushed with anger.

Boo Kong stood before Saphir, wielding his two pierced clubs. “I was going to give you a chance to run away,” he said, his voice low and menacing. “But you beat my men, and my mission failed because of your crew. You will pay for this,” he added.

Saphir met his gaze, unflinching. “My Captain has tasked me with defeating you, and I will,” she declared.

“Nuhahaha,” Boo Kong laughed. He ran towards Saphir. “Thunderous Clash,” Boo Kong said as he raised both clubs high above his head and then brought them down with tremendous force towards Saphir.

“Bleu Tempest Thrust,” Saphir said as she thrusted her spear with full force towards the clubs. They both clashed. There was a small shockwave. They both jumped back.

“Bleu Formidable,” Saphir said as unleashed a flurry of powerful strikes at Boo Kong.

“Guardian's Shield,” Boo Kong said, as he crossed both clubs in front of them to block incoming attack. Saphir attacked Boo Kong relentlessly as he got pushed back. Boo Kong slid back.

Saphir then moved her spear and slashed his stomach. Boo Kong gritted his teeth. He swung his club at Saphir. Saphir blocked with her spear. He then swung his other club and hit Saphir in the stomach. Saphir's eyes widened however she quickly recovered and stabbed his shoulder.

“Aaaaa,” Boo Kong shouted as Saphir quickly withdrew her spear. Saphir looked at Boo Kong. He had a smirk on his face. “Is that all you got?” he shouted as his eyes glowed red. He ran towards Saphir once again. “Boulder Breaker,” Boo Kong said as she raised his clubs and swung it towards Saphir. Saphir jumped back, narrowly avoiding the attack. Boo Kong hit the ground, cracking the ground into 4 pieces.

“That was close,” Saphir muttered.

“Next time you won't be lucky,” Boo Kong said as he smiled. “Nuhahaha,” he laughed.

“Meteor Strike!” Boo Kong roared as he leapt into the air, his massive form casting a shadow over Saphir. With both clubs raised high, he descended with tremendous force, aiming to crush her.

"Bleu Tempest Thrust!" Saphir countered, thrusting her spear with all her might. The tip of her spear met Boo Kong's clubs in mid-air. The collision produced a thunderous shockwave that rippled through the surroundings.

Saphir gritted her teeth, her legs braced firmly against the ground as she held her ground against the overwhelming force. They both glared at each other. With a final push, they disengaged and jumped back, eyeing each other warily.

“You are strong, nuhahaha,” he laughed.

“You are not bad either but it's time to end this,” Saphir said. She planted her spear down and reached for her pocket. “Shoryo no Mizu,” Saphir said as she unscrewed a bottle and poured some water onto her hand. She then threw the water at Boo Kong. The water droplets were effectively bullets and they hit Boo Kong. Boo Kong groaned in pain as felt the bullets hit him. He did not expect the water drops to hurt this much.

Saphir grabbed her spear. She ran up to Boo Kong who was stumbling. “ “Bleu Whirlwind Jab,” Saphir said as she spun her spear and launched a powerful series of jabs at Boo Kong. He was hit a number of times with the spear piercing his body. He got hit in the chest, stomach and shoulder. There was blood on her spear. “Bleu Tempest Thrust,” Saphir said as she thrusted her spear with full force at Boo Kong`s chest and pierced him.

Boo Kong felt the spear pierce his chest, a sharp, searing pain that made him gasp. Blood surged up his throat, and he vomited it out, onto the ground. Staggering backward, Saphir pulled the spear free. His vision began to blur.

His clubs slipped from his grasp, clattering uselessly to the ground. His knees buckled, unable to support his massive frame any longer, and he collapsed with a heavy thud. As his eyes slowly closed, the last thing he saw was Saphir, her blue hair shimmering in the light, her sapphire eyes cold. The image of the fierce woman wearing a blue dress was burned into his fading consciousness.

Saphir thought that was not easy however she won. She looked at the sky and saw the clouds darkening.

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