One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 33: Meeting???

[Quest 4 Progress]

Ben woke up in a red room. This looked familiar yet different, he thought. He saw a woman. She was a beautiful woman with long, flowing blonde hair, a perfect figure, and fair skin. Her eyes were shaped like large, dark, and almond-shaped. She had a perfect figure, with full breasts, a narrow waist, and wide hips. She was wearing a white  long, flowing gown. Her nipples were visible from the dress.

The woman smiled and said, “Finally wake.”

“Who are you?” Ben asked. 

“Your well wisher,” she replied. 

“My well wisher?” Ben replied and added. “That does not answer my question.”

She smiled.

“The other Goddess you met and sent you to that world, gave you such a boring system. Do good and win. I changed and made it more fun.” the woman said.

“Since my system is very sexual in nature, you must be Aphrodite,” Ben said.

She smiled again. 

“The world you know is different and much more dangerous,” the woman said.

“You need to get stronger with your growing harem,” she added.

“Are there external forces acting upon the one piece world?” Ben asked.

“Well you are acting upon it,” she said.

“Other than me,” Ben replied.

“That would be spoiling the fun,” she said. 

“You're like my system, never giving any answer,” Ben said.

“The system will be crucial if you want to survive in this world.” she said.

“How? It's got a mind of its own,” Ben replied.

“Exactly,” the woman replied.

“About your cute sister and mom ,” the woman said.

“What about my sister and mom?” Ben shouted.

“Bye, grow your harem more and we will meet again for a sweet deal,” she said.

The bed started spinning clockwise faster and faster. He could see the woman smile. His eyes faded to black. 

Ben woke up panting very hard. Ben thought that women didn't give her name, said something about my mum and sister and my harem. She must be Aphrodite.  How does  Athena play into this? Are there more gods? A lot of questions but not a lot of answers Ben thought. One thing is clear that they are not against me and want to help me. If they wanted to hurt or screw me over they would have done it a long time ago at my initial island where I trained but they have their own agenda. 

Ben thought, alright first I need to complete this quest and grow my harem. Then I need to fix this system. The system did say to complete more quests, maybe it will give a clue.

Ben looked over to his right and saw a sleeping nude Honey Queen. She did not have a sheet covering her. He pulled the sheet over Honey. He noticed to his left Alvida was there. She must have got here at midnight , he thought. 

It was early morning. Ben left the bed gently and took a shower. He got dressed and managed not to wake the girls in the process. Ben left the room. He went down the stairs and out the door. He saw the aftermath of the party. Luffy, Zoro and Usopp were sleeping out in the open. Nami was nowhere to be seen. It was a mess with drink stains and empty glasses. 

Ben walked around and saw Kaya staring at the forest. He walked towards her and said, “Good morning Kaya.”

“Good morning Captain,” replied Kaya with a smile on her face. 

“Ready to set sail?” Ben asked.

“Yes, after the chat with Alvida, I think I am ready to see the world. Usopp has been telling me all these stories of robots and dinosaurs. I want to see it myself.” Kaya explained. 

“Close your eyes,” Ben said.

“Don't do anything pervy,” Kaya said with a blush.    

(System redeem Hito Hito no Mi Model :Tenma no Inkubus)


(System redeem  Hito Hito no Mi Model :Tenma no Inkubus)


In Ben's hand appeared a bright light in the shape of an apple. The light slowly faded away and revealed a red apple with spirals.

“You can open your eyes now,” Ben said.

Kaya opened her eyes a little disappointed. She saw a weird looking fruit in her Captain's hand.  

“This is for you,” Ben said while presenting the devil fruit. 

Kaya took the devil fruit from her Captain and immediately ate it all. This was the first gift her Captain gave her. She instantly regretted her decision and made a funny face. 

“I was going to tell you it tasted awful and you didn't need to eat it all,” Ben said with a smile on his face.

“It was my first gift from my Captain,” she replied also with a smile.

“You look so cute,” Ben teased her and hugged her. 

“Got off me you pervert Captain,” Kaya said with a blush and she attempted to push Ben away. Although she was not using her full strength.  

Ben chuckled and released her. 

“So that was the Hito Hito no Mi Model :Tenma no Inkubus. A mythical zoan version of the hito hito fruit. I also have a version of the Hito Hito called the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Akuma no Inkubus.” Ben explained and added, “It is a mythical devil fruit so it will have additional abilities.”

Kaya was amazed, she had only heard of these fruits in stories and legends. “So they are real,” she said in surprise. 

Ben thought she trusted her Captain so much that she ate an unknown fruit.

“You lose the ability to swim but get some superhuman abilities so worth the trade-off.” Ben added. 

“How do I use my powers?” she asked enthusiastically.

“It's a bit tricky and you need some training so we can work it later on the ship,” Ben replied.

Kaya pouted. “Okay,” she said in a disappointing tone. 

 “On another point, Merry was working on a ship however we would not need it,” Kaya informed Ben.

“We may not need it however our good friends do,” Ben replied.

Ben and Kaya walked back to the party where they saw Luffy and the gang slowly waking up. Alvida and Honey had also come down.  Merry was cleaning up some of the mess. 

“Merry, could you show us the new ship?” Kaya asked.

Luffy eyes`s had sparkles and said, “New ship, let us have it,”

“Mistress, I don't want a pirate crew to have my ship, it was a gift to my Mistress,” Merry said.

Kaya replied, “Thank you, however my crew already has a ship. The Straw Hat pirates were good friends and helped me out. In some way we are in debt to them. I would like to give the ship to Luffy and his crew.”

Merry was not too sure however did not disagree with his Mistress. “Very well, follow me,” said Merry.  

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