One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 330: End of Saga

Maya looked at the red moon. She thought it had changed. “Please heed my request,” Maya said as she prayed to the Gods. There was a bright light and a light wave that went everywhere.

“No,” Saga shouted. He looked around, however he felt there was no difference. He started to laugh. “I was worried for nothing,” he said.

Ben thought it was a bit strange that there was no effect however this was perfect. “Tashigi you are the only one who could control this sword, I will be with you,” Ben stated,

“What?” Tashigi asked. She looked at Saga. He had gotten taller. His eyes were red. She could see the blood veins in his eyes popping out. Shichiseiken was glowing green.

“We can do it,” Ben said as he flew towards Saga. "Demon Inferno Fire," Ben said as he unleashed a torrent of black charcoal flames from his mouth resembling a flamethrower at Saga.

“Mystic Fire,” Saga said as he scraped the sword on the ground. The friction created a green-colored flaming projectile that he launched at black fire coming towards him. The two flames clashed however Ben`s black flames were stronger and pushed through. Saga jumped out of the way.

“Mystic Snake Fang Attack,” Saga said as he transformed Shichiseiken into a blue-flame snake.

“What is that?” Maya asked. Her eyes widened.

“The sword can transform,” Ben replied. Saga smiled as he launched the snake towards Ben.

“Demon Beam,” Ben said as he focused his energy in his hand. He raised his hand and shot a : one -handed attack. The beam went towards the snake however the snake dodged the attack and bit Ben. Ben could feel his fangs on his shoulder.

At that moment, Tashigi came running in. “Cutting Mist,” Tashigi said as she drew her sword and dashed towards the snake. She struck the snake neck and sliced it. The snake disappeared.

“Thanks. I know I could rely on you” Ben said.

“We are even,” Tashigi coldy said as she looked at Saga.

Ben smiled. She is getting there. Saga transformed his sword back to normal. The green glow was brighter.

“Mystic Fireball,” Saga said as he scraped the ground with his sword. He launched explosive fireballs at Ben and Tashigi.
“Demon Barrage,” Ben said as he created small dark energy projectiles around his body and wings. He then launched them towards the fireball and there was an explosion cloud. Saga kissed his teeth.

Tashigi ran towards Saga. “Odoriferous Butterfly,” Tashigi said as got close to Saga. She rapidly delivered a flurry of slashes from several directions. However Saga just blocked all the attacks.

“You are too slow,” he replied as he swung his sword, forcing Tashigi back.

“No, she is not,” Ben stated as he followed up with a kick to Saga`s gut. He bent over as Ben uppercut him.

Saga went stumbling back. He looked at Ben with anger. “You are a pest,” Saga said. “Mystic Beam,” Saga said as the sword glowed green. A green projection was fired. Ben jumped out of the way. He flew towards Saga and tried to kick him again.

However, Saga blocked the attack with his sword, countering with a swift slash that Ben narrowly dodged. Saga's blade descended in a powerful arc, but Ben jumped back just in time. Saga dashed forward. “Mystic Impale!” he shouted, his blade glowing green as he thrusted forward with all his might.

Tashigi intervened, her sword deflecting Saga’s blade. Ben seized the opportunity. “Demon Fist!” he roared, channelling his energy into his fist. He punched Saga square in the face, sending him flying backward.

Saga crashed to the ground, dazed and disoriented. He got back up. “You will not defeat him,” Saga shouted. His eyes went further red. The green glow on his blade was brighter.

“Let's finish him,” Ben stated. “Demon Abyssal Chains,” Ben said as he created black chains coming from the palm of his hands. They went towards Saga and wrapped around his arms and legs. “Go,” Ben ordered.

“Get these off me,” Saga said.

Tashigi nodded. “Light Mist Faint,” Tashigi said as she dashed forward. She held her sword and delivered a horizontal slash on his chest. There was blood leaking from his wound as he screamed in pain. She followed it up with another downward strike to his chest. “Slash Gale,” Tashigi said.

“Tashigi,” Ben said. Tashigi looked back and saw Ben's face. She knew he had a plan. She jumped out of the way.

Ben formed a spear-shaped projection of dark energy. “Demon Abyssal Lance,” Ben said as he hurled it at high speed towards Saga. Saga saw this coming however he was trapped. He got impaled by the lance. His feet were swept from the ground as he went into the air. He spat blood as he saw the red room. Saga landed with a big thud on the ground. He dropped the sword. He looked thinking, he made mistakes as he closed his eyes.

“We did it,” Tashigi said, her voice filled with relief.

“Not yet,” Ben replied, his eyes fixed on the moon.

“Ben,” Maya called out as she ran towards him. “The curse is still here,” she added.

“Tashigi, why don’t you pick up Shichiseiken and control it?” Ben suggested.

“That could be dangerous,” Maya warned. “We saw what happened with Saga,” Maya added.

“I believe in you, Tashigi. I know you can do it,” Ben reassured her, his voice steady and confident.

Tashigi hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Okay, only for the sake of the villagers and Marines,” she said resolutely, then added softly under her breath, “And for you.”

Tashigi walked over and picked up Shichiseiken. As she gripped the sword, she could feel its immense power coursing through her. The blade started to glow green, and dark thoughts began to flood her mind, urging her to kill everyone around her. She fought to control it.

“She’s struggling,” Maya remarked, worry evident in her voice.

Ben approached Tashigi and hugged her from behind, whispering softly in her ear, “You are a strong woman. You are capable of so much and can achieve anything. Your heart is in the right place. I love you/”

Tashigi's heart skipped a beat at his words. She felt a whirlwind of emotions: anger, happiness, confusion. The blade glowed an even more intense green. “No,” she shouted, her voice shaking. “I…”

Ben gently turned her around and kissed her on the lips. Tashigi felt his warmth and her mind went blank. All the turmoil inside her was replaced with a sense of peace. The green glow of the sword shifted to purple. The dark voices faded away, leaving her thoughts filled only with Ben. She closed her eyes, savouring the kiss. The blade stopped glowing, and the red moon changed back to normal. The dark sky cleared as they kissed.

When Tashigi opened her eyes, she pulled back, her cheeks flushed. “You took advantage of me,” she accused, still holding the sword.

Ben smiled gently. “Well, you did control it,” he replied. He had believed that the curse was tied to the princess not receiving true love, so he took a gamble that showing genuine affection might break it. It was a risky move, but it had paid off. Tashigi was now the rightful owner of the blade.

“Still you took my first kiss,” Tashigi said, pointing her blade at Ben.

Maya blushed as she saw the passionate kiss. She wanted a kiss as well.

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