One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 345: Total Defeat

[Quest 14: Survive 




  •  Survive 




  • Hito Hito no Mi: Eve



[Ben be careful.] 

(I will Sweetie. I will protect them all.)

Ben saw the ominous signs that this could be bad, very bad. They had devil fruits, logia and mythical zoans which would give them some edge however against haki which an admiral can use. It is a different game. Ben did think this could happen and chose not to go anywhere near Long Ring Long Island. He thought he was not near it so he would have avoided that entire situation. He was a naive to think that would work. He cursed himself. 

“HQ, get Robin inside the Miss Love Duck and tell all the girls to stay inside,” Ben ordered. 

“Master, they are already on the deck,” HQ responded. Ben thought this was not good. He raced upstairs and reached the deck. He swung the door open and saw Alvida, Zala, Robin, Raki, Kaya, Saphir, Vivi, Conis  Mikita, Honey, Nojiko, Marianne and Maya looking at him. 

He was a tall, slim, yet muscular man and had black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips. He wore a white buttoned-up vest with a standing collar over a long-sleeved navy-blue shirt, with matching white trousers and black dress shoes. “Who are you?” Raki asked, looking angry. Alvida shared the same sentiment. She did not like anyone board the Miss Love Duck without their permission. 

Ben shouted, “That Admiral Aokiji, he is part of the navy.” The girls looked shocked. Mikita knew he was trouble by looking at him. There was something different about his aura. Marianne and Honey got closer. Honey shielding Marianne. 

Robin took a step back. “Why is he here?” Zala asked. She knew the reputation of an Admiral. Saphir heard the tone of her voice had changed. 

“Hello, Alvida, captain of the love pirates,” Aokiji said. 

“My love is the Captain of the Love Pirates,” Alvida replied. She had a cross face. Nojiko knew this situation was best handled diplomatically.

Ben got to the front of the group. He looked at Aokiji and Aokiji looked back. 

“I am the Captain of the Love Pirates,” Ben stated. 

Aokiji looked back at him. “You have created a big ruckus in Alabasta,” Aokiji stated. He thought this was the group which took down Crocodile. He was impressed for sure.

“They were helping me defend my home from being taken over by that evil pirate,” Vivi said back. 

“Princess Vivi?” Aokiji questioned. He thought that was strange of her being here. He looked at Ben and thought he must have a special charm about him. 

“Smoker told me all about it and how you helped the people of Alabasta,” Aokiji added. “For a pirate to clean out another pirate,” he said. He paused, “It is not unheard off,” he ended. “You have my thanks for that,” he said. 

“I was only doing the right thing and helping my loved ones out,” Ben said. 

“Sometimes that could lead to more dangerous situations,” Aokiji said. 

“And I will face them all,” Ben replied. He looked around and all the girls had a look of determination. “We all will,” he added. 

Aokiji smiled. “I didn't have the intention of coming to arrest you but your antiques are getting more attention from the right or wrong people,” Aokiji said. 

“There will always be people against us no matter what we do, we will get through it,” Ben replied.  

“You might,” Aokiji responded. “But that woman is nothing but trouble,” Aokiji stated, pointing to her. 

Robin took a step back again but Ben held her hand and smiled. “She is not trouble, she is a smart and capable woman,” Ben said. 

“Her home island Ohara was destroyed and she was the only survivor. She also has an understanding of forbidden Poneglyph text,” Aokiji said. “Give her to me,” Aokiji demanded. 

“Never,” they all responded back. Robin thought not again. She thought let me go. 

“Then you leave me no choice,” Akojii said.” Ice Age,” Aokiji said as he touched the deck of the ship with his hand and it instantly froze solid. The ice started to go everywhere. 

“Everyone jump,” Ben ordered. As the ice appeared all the girls jumped seeing the Miss Love Duck getting frozen. They watched helplessly as they landed on the ice. Marianne and Honey slipped and fell on their butts. 

Ben thought it had come to this. He knew it would, however he thought maybe Aokiji would not want to fight. He transformed into his hybrid form and looked at Robin who was still holding his hands. “I will be with you forever,” he stated. 

He let go of her hand and flew towards Aokiji. “Interesting,” Aokiji said as he looked to see Ben flying towards him. He looked like a demon. 

“I will not let you hurt her,” Ben stated. “Demon Slash,” Ben said he focused his energy in his hands. He launched a projectile claws attack towards Aokiji who simply dodged that attack and jumped towards Ben. He raised his leg and kicked Ben in the stomach. Ben went flying into the frozen guardrail and destroyed it. 

“My love,” Alvida said. She ran towards Aokiji. She had Serphania in her hand. “Kanabo Swing,” Alvida said. She swung her mace down. Aokiji dodged the attack and kicked her in the back. She went sliding to the other side and hit the icewall. 

“Alvida,” Kaya shouted. 

Mikita and Zala jumped towards Aokiji. “Meteor Fist,” Mikita said as she increased the weight dramatically in one hand. She swung her fist downwards at Aokiji.

At the same time Zala added, “Stinger Balls,” as she turned her hands into spike balls. They both aimed their attacks at Aokiji who punched both Mikita and Zala in the chest together. They both spat blood out and spit out. Their eyes popped out from the pain and they collapsed onto the ground. Zala's hand turned back to normal. 

“Stop it,” Vivi said. She looked to see them all hurt. 

Marianne got out her paint pallet. She dipped her paint brush in the paint and threw it at Aokiji. “Betrayal Black,” she said. The black paint was about to hit Aokiji when it froze in the air. Marianne looked shocked. 

“You three were part of Crocodile,” Aokiji said. 

“We are but we are part of the Love Pirates,” Marianne stated. She added, “For Ben, for everyone.” 

Marianne was about to take her Yellow Gun out when Aokiji rasies his hand. “Ice Pick,” he said as he threw ice darts at Marianne. 

“Liquid Bullet Barrage,” Honey said as she made her hand look like a gun. She fired purple liquid bullets from her fingertips at the darts. The two clashed however the ice darts went through. Marianne and Honey both got struck by the ice darts and got cut by them. They were bleeding as they dropped to the ground. 

“Leave them alone,” Raki said as she transformed into her beast form. She had grew feathers, and large wings. Her feet became like a crow and she had a long tail. Her head changed into a rooster. Her head had spikes. She had large bat-like wings which extended from her back. “Petrifying Gaze,”  Raki said as she stared at Aokiji. 

“Ice blade,” Aokiji created a large, jagged sword of hard ice. He aimed for Raki, however Conis got in the way. She used the Impact Dial to absorb the attack. 

Conis then pressed the button and released the attack. The impact went towards Aokiji. He looked unphased. “What an interesting device,” he said as he kicked Conis who went flying. Ben got up and saw Conis going flying and caught her mid-air. They both hit the frozen guardrail. Ben felt his back in more pain. The single attack from Aokiji did more damage to him than all his other fights combined. Conis was conscious.

Raki then used her claws to attack Aokiji, however Aokiji stabbed Raki in her large body. Raki groaned in pain from the attack and transformed back into her human form. Aokiji pulled the blade out. Raki was on the ground, looking in pain at him. He was on a different level compared to Enel. 

“Cloud Surge,” Nojiko said as she created dense storm clouds around Aokiji.

HQ came flying in through the clouds.  She kicked Aokjii who blocked the attack. He swung his ice blade down however HQ dodged but she was too slow and Akojii used his hard hand to grab her by the leg and slam her down to the ground. He froze the clouds around him immediately. He then threw HQ. She shattered the clouds. Aokiji sent a pillar of ice to Nojiko. Ben flew in between them. “Demon Fist,” Ben said as he channelled his energy into his fist. He stopped the ice pillar. However Aokiji ran up and punched Ben in the stomach. Ben collapsed to the ground. 

He then kicked Nojiko in the stomach who went flying back and landed on the ground. 

“Don't you hurt my king or my friend,” Kaya said. “Angel HyperBeam,” Kaya added as she shot a golden light from her mouth. Aokiji used the ice blade to deflect the attack. He jumped up and slashed Kaya. Kaya went to the ground and transformed back.

Ben coughed up blood and got up. He felt the inside of his stomach collapsing. He looked to see Kaya dropped to the ground. He rushed towards her and caught her. Her eyes barely open. Aokiji was about to stab Ben from behind when Saphir and Alvida both blocked the attack. Alvida was panting. Aokiji then punched Saphir, knocking her to the ground and stabbing Alvida. 

Alvida stumbled back, blood leaking from her wound. Ben saw this and got angry. His fist turned black and he flew towards Aokiji. Aokiji was surprised at this however he caught his punch and slammed into the ground. Ben transformed back into his human form.

Maya held an Axe Dail and fired it. Aokiji saw this and got hit. He did not look phased. He punched the ground, knocking Maya off her feet. She hit the ground on her arm. 

“Stop it,” Vivi shouted in tears. She saw everyone get hurt. She could not take much more. Her eyes were turning red. Aokiji saw this and jumped towards Nico Robin. 

“I only want her,” Aokiji said. 

Ben got up and walked towards them. His eyes barely open. “You will never take her,” he stated. 

“Ice Time,” Akoji said as touched Ben and froze him into a human ice statue. 

“Now,” Aokiji said, looking at Robin who was terrified. 

Vivi got in the way and put her arms up. “I will not let you take my friend,” Vivi added. Robin thought after what she had done to her country, Vivi was still protecting her. 

Alvida got up. She felt the pain but the pain of losing someone was greater. Her love taught her this. She would protect the harem. She jumped back. She swung her mace at Aokiji. “Ice Time,” Akoji said as he touched her mace and froze her into a human ice statue. 

“No,” Vivi said. 

“If you let me have her, then you all can live,” Aokiji said. 

The other girls got up, holding onto each other and stated,” No!” Their eyes glared at Aokiji. 

Aokiji shrugged his shoulders. “You are still technically part of the Royal Family, in my book, so I don't want to hurt or cause you any further stress,” Aokiji said. He jumped off the Miss Love Duck and peddled away on his bike. 

Aokiji smiled. He thought they had come a long way and were not bad people. He thought that Ben had used haki for a second. The women Alvida had a strong fighting presence. Then there was Princess Vivi, there was something about her red eyes which was different. “Stay strong,” Aokiji muttered. 

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