One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 357: Franky`s Introduction

Vivi looked to see Zala and Mikita drinking. “Good Morning, but should you not be resting?” Vivi asked.

“We can ask you the same thing?” Zala replied back, smiling.

“You look like you have just run a marathon,” Mikita added.

“We did some training in the morning,” Maya replied.

“Was this with the Doctors`s permission?” Zala asked.

“No, but we were okay, please dont tell Kaya,” Vivi replied.

Mikita and Zala smiled. “We won't but do remember the rules by Ben,” Mikita playful replied.

“Even if there was a rule broken it was his precious princess,” Zala added. They all giggled and smiled.

Robin saw they were all happy. Did she deserve this, she thought. “Robin, do you feel better?” Vivi asked.

“I am,” Robin replied with a smile on her face. “But I do want to get some fresh air,” Robin added.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Conis responded. “This city seems nice,” she added. Conis has never seen a large city in the blue sea before. It was different from what they had in Skypiea.

“It looks big,” Maya added.

“You both probably have not seen something like this before,” Mikita said. “Robin, it is a good idea we should explore a bit,” she added.

“Will it be okay with Alvida and Ben,” Maya said quietly.

“Ben would have liked us to explore, instead of moping around,” Zala replied.

Vivi thought she was right. “Yes, we should look around,” Vivi said.

“You all can go ahead, I want to rest for a bit,” Zala said.

“Conis, we might want to cover your wings,” Mikita said.

“Why?” Conis asked.

“We might get some unwanted attention,” Robin replied.

“Okay,” Conis replied as she wore a jacket to cover her wings. The fire on her back was still there now on the jacket. However the jacket was not damaged at all.

“Looks like the flame is there,” Vivi pointed out.

“We did our best,” Maya added.

They all nodded and left. They saw HQ cleaning the deck. “Have fun ladies,” HQ waved. She added, “Nami had left this morning.”

They went down into town and were amazed by the different shops there. “That is a strange boat,” Conis pointed out, seeing a horse with a carriage on top.

“It looks like their transport, we have camels for that back home,” Vivi replied.

“They are called Yagara Bulls and those are the smallest ones,” a man replied. “They are the main form of transport here,” he added.

“I wonder how much one costs?” Mikita asked.

“You can rent one for 2000 Beli,” the man responded.

“That sounds cheap,” Mikita muttered.

Robin thought so as well. At that moment, a man walked behind Robin. He was wearing a checkered pattern cloak and a bear mask. “CP9,” he whispered. Robin's body shook at those words. She remembered Ohara and its decruction. She put her hood on and followed the man. She looked at the girls as she turned around. Her lips turned upside down.

Vivi looked behind and saw Robin had disappeared. “Where did Robin go?” she asked.

Maya and Conis looked left and right. “She was just behind us,” Maya responded.

Mikita looked behind as well and could not see her. “Maybe she went to get some time alone,” Mikita replied. They all nodded and respected her boundaries.

“So shall we go on this?” Vivi asked, attempting to change the mood.

“Let's go,” Mikita replied.

“Attention Aqua Laguna is coming,” a loudspeaker said.

“I wonder what that is?” Maya asked.

Meanwhile, Franky returned from his trip and saw his house was reduced to a pile of wreckage. “Who did this?” he demanded, his voice filled with disbelief and fury.

“It’s terrible,” Kiwi commented.

“Awful,” Mozu added, shaking her head.

Out of the debris, Zambia emerged, looking battered and bruised. His tooth was broken, one of his goggles was shattered, and his face was streaked with blood. “Franky boss, it was the Strawhats,” he managed to say, his voice strained.

Franky’s expression darkened with rage. “Let’s go find them,” he ordered, his fists clenched
A few hours later, Luffy and Nami walked down a road in town. Nami mentioned she wanted to buy a few things, and Luffy decided to tag along, though he wasn't feeling quite himself. “Luffy,” Nami commented, noting his uncharacteristic silence. As they continued, a lively rhythm reached their ears.

“Not this rhythm,” a random person grumbled.

“Hey, you guys, did someone call my name?” Franky sang out, his voice carrying over the crowd.

“We didn't go away,” another person replied.

“Where is he?” a man asked, scanning the area.

“There he is,” the first man pointed. Luffy and Nami looked up and saw a white sheet. Behind it, they could make out three silhouettes moving their hips left and right in sync.

“Yow, Yow,” they sang. “Come on, don’t be shy, say my name,” Franky said, gyrating his hips. Kiwi and Mozu mirrored Franky’s movements perfectly.

“We don’t want to,” a man in the crowd said, adding, “Get lost.”

“Gee, what noisy flies,” Franky said, grabbing the sheet. With a dramatic flourish, he pulled it down and struck a pose. “I’m the No. 1 super guy,” Franky declared.

Nami and Luffy watched as the people in the crowd began to yell and shout at Franky.

Franky put his arms together and thrust them forward to the left. Kiwi and Mozu followed his lead. “I am Franky!” he shouted.

Suddenly, there was an explosion behind him, releasing a cloud of green smoke. Panic ensued as everyone started to flee, either on foot or in their boats.

Luffy and Nami watched in bewilderment as the chaos unfolded around them.

“Show yourself, Strawhats!” Franky bellowed, his eyes blazing with anger.

“Hey you, what did you do with our money?” Nami shouted. “The 200 million Beli,” she added.

“200 million Beli?” Franky asked. “I have already spent it. It is gone,” he added.

“Don't get all high and mighty, you stole that money from someone else, you are pirates,” Franky continued..

“That money,” Nami said.

“I won't be happy until I beat you up,” Luffy shouted.

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