One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 364: CP9 Round 1

Paulie ran towards CP9. “Pipe Hitch Knives,” he said as he threw a long rope with knives at Lucci.

Lucci had his hand in his pockets. He saw the attack coming. He sprinted forward. He dodged the attack and closed the distance. He pulled his hand from his pocket. “Finger Pistol,” Lucci said as he pulled his index finger and penetrated his shoulder. Blood came leaking from his wound.

Conis and Maya looked shocked at the attack. Conis thought she heard Enel was this brutal. Vivi saw this and thought of Crocodile and how he would use his hook to impale people. She looked mad.

Paulie felt his finger inside him as he held onto his rope. “You still have not learnt your lesson?” Lucci said. Paulie dropped his rope. His eyes went white as he started to fall backwards. Lucci yanked his finger out. Paulie took a step back.

“Rope guy,” Luffy said.

“Why?” Paulie said.

“This futile resistance,” Lucci said. “We have mastered techniques beyond human capability called the Six Powers. Once mastered, one is enough for 100 people,” Lucci explained.

Paulie thought back to drinking in the bar with Lucci and Blueno. He thought back to telling Kalifa off and Kaku telling to ignore this. Paulie dropped to his knees. Lucci raised his hand and was about to strike Paulie.

“Stop it,” Luffy said. “Gomu Gomu no Stamp,” Luffy said as he stretched his leg out. He swung it forwards and it went towards Lucci, blocked the attack and glared back at Luffy.

Mikita ran up towards Lucci. “Meteor Fist,” Mikita said as she jumped into the air. She dramatically increased the weight in one hand. She threw a powerful punch downward at Lucci.

“Iron Body,” said as he released Luffy`s foot and put his arms and legs out. Mikita punched Lucci in the chest. She could feel a shock wave as her fist connected with him.

“Shave,” Lucci said as he moved his body past Mikita and towards Luffy. His body was a blur as he moved. He poked Luffy in the neck who went flying back.

Mikita turned around. She saw Lucci coming towards her; however he moved too fast and closed the distance. He kicked Mikita on her chest, and went flying back. Vivi ran towards her and caught her. “Are you okay Mikita?” Vivi asked. Mikita was panting.

Luffy looked at Lucci. Vivi helped Mikita up. Conis and Maya had their mouths open. The flame on Conis`s back got brighter.

He looked at Mikita and Luffy. “You are a rubber man otherwise you would have died,” Lucci said to Luffy. “You were just in a bad position,” Lucci said to Mikita. Luffy stretched his arm and grabbed Paulie towards him.

Zoro touched the hilt of his sword. Maya clenched her fist. She did not have any weapons on her. She left everything back on the Miss Love Duck. She clenched her fist.

“What are you doing?” Lucci asked.

“You were going to kill him,” Luffy replied. He added,”I thought shipwrights were all working together.”

“Yes earlier but not anymore,” Lucci replied.

“This does not concern you, Nico Robin is not part of your crew but you got blamed, you should blame them,” Lucci added.

“Ben and I are friends, we have an alliance together,” Luffy said. “His problems are my problems,” he shouted. “Besides, I told him we would beat up the people trying to kill Ice Pops,” Luffy stated.

“You are hurting Robin, so we will beat you up,” Vivi stated.

“Robin, tell us why you are with them?” Conis interjected.

“They work for the government,” Maya added. Maya heard how Robin was chased by the World Government at the age of 9.

“To make my wish come true,” Robin replied. “If I stay with you my wish will never come true,” she added. “In order to make it happen, I don't care what sacrifices have to be made,” she continued.

“Robin,” Mikita muttered as she held onto Vivi for support.

“That's why you set your joined,” Zoro replied. “What was your wish?” he asked.

“Robin will never betray us,” Vivi said. “Robin, Ben will wake up, he needs you, we all do,” Vivi stated. Kalfia thought of Ben. These girls are part of Alvida`s crew, no Ben`s crew. She thought what makes him special.

“My wish? I don't need to tell any of you, especially Ben,” Robin coldy said. Kalifa looked at Robin.

Iceburg looked up. “What are you saying Nico Robin?” he shouted. “Do you know what you are doing?” he shouted.

“You don't have a right to say anything, close your mouth,” Robin replied as she spawned hand over Iceburg and twisted his body. She cracked her bones.

“Iceburg,” Paulie shouted.

“Robin this is not you,” Mikita said.

“We have worked with Crocodile,” Robin responded. She added, “You should know me better.”

“Sorry but I have to stop you guys now. “We have an important person to find,” Lucci said.

“Kalifa, how much time is left?” Lucci asked.

Kalifa snapped from her thoughts. She opened her stopwatch. “2 minutes,” Kalifa responded.

“We rigged this building to blow up in 2 minutes,” Lucci explained.

“What?” they all said.

“Fire is an effective tool to destroy evidence,” Lucci replied.

“It seems like she is on their side.” Zoro said. “Do you accept Robin leaving the crew?” he asked Vivi, Conis, Mikita and Maya.

“Never,” Vivi replied, as her eyes went red. They felt an aura around her.

“What was that?” Iceburg asked. Zoro looked at her and felt there was something else.

“Well then I will leave now,” Robin said. She looked at Vivi and turned around and put her hood on.

“Okay you have done your job,” Lucci said looking at Vivi.

Blueno looked at Vivi. “We need to move, we are running out of time,” Blueno said.

“Goodbye, tell Ben, dont,” Robin said as walked towards the wall.

“We are not done talking, I cannot let Ben down like this,” Luffy said as he rushed towards Robin.

“Iron Body,” Blueno said as he hardened his body. Luffy kicked him, however his attack did nothing.

“Why are all their bodies hard?” Luffy asked.

“Gomu Gomu no Gatling Gun,” Luffy said as he followed up with another attack. He brought his fists forward and repeatedly launched a rapid barrage of punches.

“Paper Art,” Blueno said as he dodged his attack. Luffy kept punching, however Blueno dodged everything. Luffy hit right, Blueno dodged. Luffy tried to hit left. Blueno dodged.

Mikita got up. She ran towards Robin. She was not letting her go. Kaku jumped in the way. “Where do you think you are going?” Kaku asked.

“Get out of my way,” Mikita said. “Lightning Swift Kick,” Mikita said as she decreased her weight to near-zero, and launched lightning-fast kicks at Kaku.

“Iron Body,” Kaku said as he hardened his body. Mikita kicked his body, however there was no damage. She jumped back.

Blueno jumped up into the air. “Storm Leg,” Kaku and Khalifa said as they kicked at high speed and strength which launched a sharp compressed blade of wind. Mikita tried to move however she was caught and went flying back and hit the floor. Luffy got hit with the full impact and went flying back.

“Duck,” Zoro said as Nami, Conis and Maya moved and dropped to their knees. Luffy went over them. They felt the wind rush as the walls got destroyed.

“What was that?” Maya asked.

“Air slash attack,” Zoro replied.

Zoro ran towards the group. Kaku took a blade out and they both clashed. “Zoro, we met on the ship,” Kaku said.

“Yes, you were the one who said the Going Merry was broken, so you were lying,” Zoor replied.

“No I took that seriously, your ship is broken,” Kaku replied as he clashed with Zoro. Zoro swung his sword left. Kaku clashed. Zoro swung his sword right. Kaku clashed. He dropped his blade. “Finger Pistol,” Kaku said and poked Zoro three times in his body. Kaku's finger pierced him. Zoro spat blood as he went down.
“No,” Maya shouted.

Vivi held her hand out. “Dark Neroctic Beam,” Vivi said as she shot a thick dark beam from her left hand.

“Shave,” Lucci said as he dodged the attack. The beam hit the wall and destroyed it. There was eerie a black smoke emitting from the destroyed wall. “Storm Leg,” Lucci said as he kicked at high speed and strength which launched a sharp compressed blade of wind towards Vivi.

Vivi crossed her arms and took the hit. She slid out of the room and near Luffy who was getting back up. Her red eyes glared back at Lucci. She then looked at Robin. “Don't leave Robin,” she shouted.

Luffy saw Robin near the window. He rushed towards her. He was not going to let Ben down. He was going to beat these guys. He ran however Lucci caught him and grabbed him by the face and lifted him up.

“Go Robin,” Lucci said as he tossed Luffy like he was garbage.

“Dont,” Maya and Conis yelled.

Robin jumped out of the window.

“How are these people so strong,” Paulie said.

Lucci looked at Vivi. “Ever since we became members of CP9, we have risked our lives for the government,” Lucci said. “Let me show you something interesting like you have shown me,” Lucci said as he got bigger. His skin turned yellow. His face turned into a leopard. He has a bulky body and long arms with claws. His feet got bigger and muscular and he grew a tail. “I ate the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard,” he revealed.

There was an explosion in the background.

Paulie grabbed Iceburg up. “I had considered you my friends,” Paulie replied.

“You considered it wrong,” Lucci said as he was about to claw Paulie.

“Gomu Gomu no Pistol,” Luffy said as he stretched his arm back and then launched towards Lucci. He hit Lucci in the face. Lucci took the hit and grabbed Luffy's hand. He yanked Luffy towards him.

“Finger Pistol,” Lucci said as he used his large nail to penetrate his shoulder. Luffy got hot. Blood came leaking from his wound. He spat blood out and staggered back. Lucci grabbed Luffy and threw him out.
“Luffy,” Zoro said as he came running towards Lucci.

“Iron Body,” Lucci said as he hardened his arm and blocked the attack. Zoro looked surprised however Lucci was quick and turned around and used his tail to fling Zoro out of the building.

“Zoro, Luffy,” Nami said.

Mikita looked. She thought this was bad. Lucci was heading toward Nami, Conis and Raki.

“Gravity Stomp,” Mikita said as he jumped into the air. She increased her weight dramatically, making herself as heavy as a boulder and delivered a powerful stomp. As her foot connected with the wooden floor, it created a shockwave that traveled through the ground. The floor collapsed and Mikita, Conis, Maya, Vivi Iceburg and Paulie all fell down into the hole. Lucci jumped back. He could see flames on the floors below.

“A suicide,” Kalifa.

“No, there is more to that,” Blueno replied.

“We need to get moving, that person, we need him,” Lucci said as he transformed back. He looked down and jumped away. Kaku, Kalifa, Blueno followed behind.

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