One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 370: Strawhats Regrouping

Nami was about to run to find everyone. She had to tell them. Once she gets everyone together, they can form a plan to rescue Robin. Nami knew this was a Love Pirates matter however Ben, Robin, Nojiko, Vivi, Honey, Kaya were there for her. She owes it to them. Besides, she thought her Captain has an alliance with them. She thought her bag had the Den Den Mushi which she can talk to Nojiko and the Love Pirates and form a plan together.

Iceburg ran after her. “Wait a second,” Iceburg shouted.

Nami stopped in her tracks and looked back. “I need to find my friends,” Name said.

“You can but I need to tell you something else. Your other friends took off without listening. They will be boarding Robin in a train which will leave in 10 minutes. This seatrain is only for government officials,” he said.

“I need to tell Vivi, Mikita and the rest about this,” Nami said.

“Take the Yagara Bulls, it will be faster,” Iceburg said. “Aqua Laguna is coming,” Iceburg added.

“Thank you,” Nami replied.

Paulie got up and walked towards Nami. “I will come as well,” he added. “I want to see Lucci, Kaku, and Kalifa one more time,” he said.

Nami took off on the Yagara Bulls. “Luffy,” she shouted. “Zoro,” she shouted. “Chopper, Sanji, Porche where are you?” Nami shouted. She sailed on the Yagara Bulls down the river.

She thought of going to the sea train station. She sailed down at full speed and got there. Nami ran to the station just to see the train departing, “Stop the train,” Nami shouted. However it was too late.

Robin looked out the window as the train left. She thought of all the times she was with Ben, her love who she was not destined to be with. When Ben got hurt, it hurt her. Her heart was with him, from the moment they met. She thought about Vivi who forgave her and helped her, treating her as a friend. Marianne and Honey were good picnic mates. Zala was fun to drink coffee with. She thought about all those memories she had with each of the girls. To protect them, if she had to give her life, she would gladly do so.

Franky struggled at the back of the train. “Let me go and where is that Long nose,” he shouted.

Back at the station, Nami saw the train left. “Nami,” Chopper called out.

“Nami-swan,” Sanji said. Porche was with them as well. The three of them came running towards them.

“Chopper, Porche, Sanji,” Nami said. “What are you all doing here? I was trying to find you all,” Nami said.

“We heard of this Aqua Laguna coming and tried to get tickets,” Chopper replied.

“But all the trains had left and that was a government one,” Porche added.

“I saw Robin with them,” Sanji said. He thought something was wrong.

“Then why did you not stop her?” Nami asked.

“She boarded the train and it left before we could do anything,” Porche responded.

“What is going on Nami?” Sanji asked. Nami explained everything about how Iceburg the mayor had an attempted assassination, how it was Robin, and Strawhat got blamed as well because of the alliance, how they confronted Iceburg to know the truth but then saw it was a secret government organisation was behind all and they were all beaten. Then finally it was revealed she sacrificed herself to save her crew.

“What a noble person,” Chopper cried.

“We need to save her,” Sanji added as she thought of a damsel in distress.

“We need to find Luffy, Zoro and Usopp,” Nami said.

“Let's go, we need to hurry and then meet up with Ben to form a plan,” Nami said.

Paulie approached them. “You must be the other Strawhats,” Paulie said. He looked at Porche wearing a skirt. “You are shameless for showing your legs,” Paulie added.

At that moment a large wave approached the station. Sanji and Paulie saw this and grabbed the group and rushed upwards. They narrowly avoided the wave. “It is getting worse,” Paulie said. “The wave has never gotten to this level or at this power,” Paulie added.

“Let's find those guys,” Sanji said. They all got Yagara Bulls and rode them. “Luffy,” Nami shouted.

“Moss head,” Sanji shouted.

“Usopp,” Chopper whispered.

They all tried to find them. Nami and Porche left the Yagara Bulls and ran on foot. Chopper and Sanji went in a different direction. Nami and Porche ran through the empty streets. They ran into Grandma Kokoro who was standing on the edge. “The receding waves show how powerful it will be,” Kokoro commented.

“I have never seen it like this,” she added, drinking down her drink.

“I am getting blown away,” Chimney added, holding onto a rope. “Hey, I can see something there,” she added. “Pirate, ladies, I think I see someone in between the buildings,”she said.

Nami heard that and climbed over the ledge. Porche followed. They both looked over and saw Luffy stuck between two buildings. “There is your pirate king,” Kokoro said.

“Luffy, what are you doing there?” Nami asked. She ran down towards Luffy. “This idiot,” she muttered.

“Wait for me,” Porche said as she ran behind.

“You both won't make it back,” Kokoro warned.

Nami and Porche ran towards Luffy. “Luffy,” Nami shouted. Porche thought was her Captain a idiot.

“Luffy,” Porche echoed.

“Nami, Porche,” Luffy said as he found himself sandwiched between the two buildings. “Are you behind me? The pigeon guy sent me flying and I ended up here,” he added.

“Don't fool around,” Nami shouted. “We have an alliance with Ben and the Love Pirates and Robin was taken away to die,” Nami stated.

“I won't let her die. She is my friend as well. Ben would be angry with me and I promise to beat that pigeon guy,” Luffy stated. He put all his strength in and pushed the buildings apart. “I am free,” Luffy stated. He looked over his shoulder to see a big wave approaching. Luffy grabbed Nami and Porche and stretched his arm towards the high ground.

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