One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 372: To Enies Lobby(?)

On a Marine battleship cutting through the waves toward Enies Lobby, Gorilla, Sharinguru, and Very Good stood on the deck, they looked into the ocean. It was a bright day given the time.

"They got away," Very Good muttered, his expression sour as he clenched his fists.

"The Kid Pirates," Gorilla grunted. "They threatened to kill innocent civilians just to make their escape. Cowards hiding behind innocent lives," he added.

Sharinguru's eyes narrowed as he nodded. "Next time, they won’t be so lucky. We’ll show them that these waters don’t belong to pirates, they belong to justice," he declared.

Gorilla’s eyes flickered. "Did you see the others who were there?" he asked.

Very Good raised an eyebrow. "You mean the other pirates?" he asked.

"Yes," Gorilla confirmed.

Sharinguru folded his arms. "One of them was Gasparde, a former Marine. A traitor who now sails under a pirate’s flag," he said.

Gorilla nodded slowly. "There was another one too. Morgan, former Captain from East Blue," he said.

Sharinguru’s eyes widened in recognition. "Morgan? The ‘Axe-Hand’? He was court-martialed, wasn’t he?" he remarked.

"That’s the one," Gorilla replied grimly. "Seems like the seas are full of traitors and scum who once wore the Marine uniform,” he added.

Very Good frowned deeply. "If those former Marines are joining up with other pirate crews, we could be facing more trouble than we anticipated. They know how we operate, and they won’t hesitate to use that against us," he commented.

“It doesn't matter those traitors will be dead along with the rest of these pirates,” a booming voice responded. They looked to see a tall man with a cold face and eyes which were semi-closed. He had a cigarette in his hand. The man had long brown hair, and wore an ancient war helmet with a small, traditional Japanese dragon on it. Under his Marine coat he wore a double-breasted gray suit over a dark green shirt with a silver tie. He also has a golden loop earring on his left ear.

“Vice Admiral Onigumo,” Sharinguru said as he saluted him.

“We are Marines,” another voice was heard. He was a muscular, broad-chested man with dark hair tied up in a wild ponytail. He had a dark beard and a mustache. He wore the typical Marine coat with "Justice" on the back and a cap with the word “MARINE” across the front. He wore no shirt and had trousers and shoes.

"Vice Admiral Maynard," Very Good said, snapping to attention with a salute as Maynard approached.

Maynard returned the salute with a nod. "Gasparde and Morgan are both traitors. It’s only a matter of time before they resurface, and when they do, we’ll take them down," he declared. He looked around and saw the waters were calm and the sun was high in the sky. They were getting close to their destination. "How are the prisoners holding up?" he asked, turning his attention back to his men.

"There’s been no sign of anything unusual," Gorilla replied.

Onigumo, puffing on his cigarette. "She’s a high-value target, being delivered to Enies Lobby. The government wants her secured," he replied.

"To be executed?" Sharinguru inquired.

Onigumo exhaled a plume of smoke, his expression unreadable. "We haven’t been told that. Our orders are simply to get her there. What happens after, that’s above our pay grade," he said.

"There’s another high-value target heading to Enies Lobby as well," Maynard mentioned.

"Nico Robin," Onigumo responded.

Gorilla, Sharinguru and Very Good immediately recognised that name. A criminal who has been on the run for 20 years. She was dangerous. Most importantly she was part of the Love Pirates, a dangerous group. “Love Pirates,” Very Good muttered.

Maynard nodded. "That’s right. The Den Den Mushi said CP9 had captured her and brought her back to be executed,” he replied.

“The Love Pirates are dangerous Sir,” Sharinguru said.

Onigumo flicked the ash from his cigarette. He smiled. "This is the Gate of Justice, no criminal who has gone there has come back in one piece,” he responded.

“Yes but there seems to be a bigger group than usual here today,” Maynard said.

They approached Enies Lobby and parked around the back. “We will take the prisoner to her cell,” Very Good said.

“Okay, make sure nothing happens to her and she is safe and secure,” Maynard responded. “This came from the top,” he added.

“Yes Sir,” Very Good, Gorilla and Sharinguru replied as they went to the prison cell in the battleship.

Maynard and Onigumo descended the drawbridge and saw three marines there to greet them.

“Welcome Vice Admiral Maynard and Onigumo,” three men said together, saluting. He was an average height man with a square jaw, a brown mustache, and thin eyebrows. He wore the standard Marine uniform. He had the name tag Agray on his shirt. He had a flamethrower in his hand.

Next to him was an average-sized man with round eyes, a slim nose, thin eyebrows, and a square jaw. He had short black hair and wore the standard Marine uniform. He had the name tag Week on his shirt. He also had a flamethrower in his hand.

Finally there was a muscular man with a large, square jaw and prominent underbite. He had two protruding bottom teeth, narrow eyes, and short, brown hair. He wore the Marine uniform and coat.

“The prisoner will be brought down soon,” Onigumo said.

“We will help escort her,” Week replied as he stomped his foot and saluted.

“Has Nico Robin arrived?” Onigumo asked.

“Yes, the sea train has arrived and CP9 is escorting her,” Week replied.

Onigumo smiled. Maynard nodded.

Meanwhile, on the open sea, a group of pirates battled the relentless waves that crashed against their ship. The sky above them had dark clouds as the wind howled.

"This sea is rougher than a drunk Marine on shore leave," Pin Joker grumbled, gripping the railing tightly as the ship lurched violently.

"Quit your whining and hold on!" Needles snapped.

"This is your fault," Pin Joker shot back. The two exchanged a heated look.

Gasparde watched the exchange with a sneer. He kissed his teeth "Idiots, I expected better from Needles,” he muttered under his breath.

Kuro gripped the wheel of the ship. He touched his glasses. He saw an opening. "Brace yourselves!" Kuro barked as he turned the ship starboard and flew through the waves.

As the ship breached the opening, the waves began to calm slightly, the storm eased.

Kuro's hands remained steady on the helm. He looked at Gasparde. "We’re not out of this storm entirely," he remarked.

“But we are at Enies lobby,” Gasparde said.

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