One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 376: Island Gate

“Stop,” a man in a black suit shouted. There were a group of men who were behind them.

“Quite a lot already,” Raki observed.

“Let's move quickly,” Ben said as he flew down towards them. “Demon Slash,” Ben said he focused his energy in his hands. He launched a projectile claws attack towards the men and fired it at them. The attack hit the five men and they hit the ground.

“Take them down,” another Maine shouted as he aimed his gun and fired at Ben.

Kaya saw the bullets aimed at Ben. “Angel HyperBeam,” Kaya said as he opened her mouth and shot a golden light beam at the five men. The beam hit the ground and there was an explosion. The explosion knocked the men off the ground.

The Marines fired their rifles at the girls. The girls took cover behind Lexie and Pau Ra Pa.

“Like Ben said, we need to push on,” Zala said.

Mikita nodded and aimed her Axe Dial and pressed the button. A X-shaped compressed air blast went towards the Marines. The X-shaped compressed air blast went towards the Marine and got hit on the chest. Blood leaked from his wound as he went down.

Raki transformed into her beast form. Her body grew feathers, her hands changed into large wings. She grew taller. Her feet became like a crow. She had a long tail. Her head changed into a rooster. Raki had turned into a two-legged dragon, with a rooster's head. She sprinted across.

"What the hell is that?" one of the men shouted, eyes wide with fear as he spotted Raki. Raki lashed her tail at them, the force sending the men flying through the air before they crashed to the ground, completely knocked out.

Zala then transformed her body elongated, muscles rippled. Her skin darkened and hardened into rough, scaly armor. Her arms shrank slightly and had sharp claws. Her legs bulked up, growing into powerful, muscular limbs. Her feet had become large, claws. Her head morphed, stretching into a long, ferocious snout filled with razor-sharp teeth. There were two small horns just out from above her eyes. Zala stood tall as a Carnotaurus, her massive tail swaying behind her.

“Carnotaurus,” Vivi commented as she looked at the dinosaur.

“It sure is beautiful,” Conis added.

Zala in her beast form sprinited across to the men and swiped them with her tail. The men got hit by the tail and went flying in all directions. “Another monster,” a man in a black suit said.

He was about to aim when Conis thrusted the Heat Javelin into the ground. “Thermal Impale,” she said as the ground heated up. A pillar of intense heat directly beneath the man aiming the gun engulfing him in flames. The man caught on fire and ran around until he dropped to the ground rolling over. Several other people got caught in the fire explosion. Raki and Zala both used their tails and hit the men. They tumbled to the ground.

A group of Marines came running towards them. They were all armed with swords. “We need to report this,” one shouted. Maya rushed towards the Marines. She held Eros Edge by her handle and pulled the blade out. She clashed with the Marine. She held four Marines off. She put her strength in and pushed them. She quickly slashed the first men. She quickly moved and slashed the second and third men.

The fourth man came rushing towards Maya. The man swung his blade down. Maya blocked the attack. She swung upwards and disarmed the man. His sword went flying into the air and landed on the ground. “Why you,” the man said as he was about to punch Maya. Ben came and grabbed his fist and threw him into the ground.

“That is some good sword work,” Ben complimented.

“Thank you Captain,” Maya replied.

Vivi aimed her Gero Gero Gun. She fired a frog shaped bullet at the enemy. The bullet hit the ground and caused a huge explosion. The men went flying into the air.

“Good job Vivi,” Nojiko said, smiling at Vivi.

“It was nothing,” Vivi replied with a quick smile.

Agray and Week heard the distant rumble of explosions echoing through the wall. Week, gripping his flamethrower tightly. “Something’s not right,” he muttered.

Agray, however, was more dismissive. “Is there? Maybe they’re just having a party,” he suggested, adjusting his own flamethrower.

“Without us?” Week shot back.

Agray frowned. “That’s unacceptable. Let’s go join the fun,” he decided, already moving toward the door.

They both stepped out, heading towards the Island Gate. As they reached the other side, what they saw froze them in their tracks. The scene before them was utter chaos—a battlefield littered with craters and bodies. In the sky, two monstrous creatures circled ominously. Nearby, a massive tank rolled forward, its treads crushing the debris beneath, while a towering robot moved forward.

“A tank?” Week whispered.

“And a robot,” Agray added.

The two stood there, momentarily paralyzed by the sheer scale of destruction before them. “We should report this,” Week finally said, his voice trembling slightly as he reached for his communication device.

Agray nodded in agreement, but before either could make the call, a shadow loomed over them. Raki’s tail whipped through the air, slamming into the ground and cutting off their escape route. Week dropped his Den Den Mushi.

“If you want a fight, then bring it,” Agray shouted, trying to mask his fear with bravado. He quickly raised his flamethrower and unleashed a torrent of fire towards Raki, the flames roaring as they surged forward. But Raki was ready. With a powerful leap, she soared into the air, avoiding the flames with ease. Then, with terrifying speed, she descended upon Agray, her massive form crashing down on him. The impact was devastating—bones cracked, and Agray’s weapon clattered to the ground as he spat blood and lost consciousness, his body crumpling beneath the force.

“Agray!” Week screamed, his voice filled with panic. Desperately, he raised his own flamethrower, his finger tightening on the trigger.

“Liquid Air Blast,” Honey said as he raised her hand and launched a torrent of purple liquid at Week. Week was blind sided a by the attack and got hit. His body was flung and hit the Island Gate. His arm and head crashed into the wall. The sound of a bone breaking could be heard. He spat blood out and lost consciousness as he fell onto the ground.

Saphir had finished off another group of Marines. “That is the last of them,” she commented.

“Yes, it is,” Ben confirmed.

“Alvida, Marianne, why don't you use Lexie cannon and make a hole for us,” Ben ordered.

“Yes my love,” Alvida replied. She turned around and looked at Marianne. Marianne nodded. She took control of the joystick. She aimed at the Island Gate. She pressed the button. A cannon charged up and fired at the wall. The beam hit the wall and exploded. The wall started to crumble and there was a gaping hole.

“What was that?” asked T-Bone, looking at the black cloud.

“I was just about to go for dinner,” said a man with a large smile on his face. He had white fluffy hair and buck teeth. He wore a black shirt unbuttoned, revealing his chest, a yellow scarf, black pants with an orange belt, and roller skates.

“Something is wrong for sure Wanze,” Jerry remarked.

“You have been awfully grumpy after you failed to bring Simon,” Wanze replied. He added, “What happened there anyway? Your report was vague.”

“Them again,” Jerry said as the smoke cleared, he saw the Love Pirates.

“Sasasasasasa, Who are they?” Wanze asked with a smile on his face.

“Love Pirates,” Jerry replied.

“They are after Nico Robin,” T-Bone said as he took his sword out.

“We will stop them, Sir,” Guard replied.

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