One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 378: Kashii & Oimo

All of a sudden two figures jumped over. Ben saw two giants in front of them.

He saw a giant wearing a viking attire. He had long dark hair and a big semi-bearded chin. He wore orange suspenders and had big black boots. He had an orange helmet. He had an axe in his hand. “You all are creating chaos,” he said. “What should we do with them Oimo?” he asked.

The giant smiled. He had a flat, pig-like nose and long, flowing orange hair. He wore a viking outfit, with a light green short-sleeved shirt. He wore suspenders with large gold buttons. He wore green-brown pants with big black boots. He had a Roman style helmet, with gold around the edges and red in the middle. “Well Kashii, we should do what we do to all,” Oimo replied.

Kashii rubbed his eyes, looking irritated. "I didn’t get enough sleep, so I’m going to get rid of them all," he grumbled. 

The two giants, Kashii and Oimo, stood towering. Before them were two massive dinosaur creatures, a robot, and a tank “That’s pretty cool,” Oimo admitted, his eyes narrowing as he appraised the strange machines. “But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re trespassing on government territory,” he added. 

Kaya, “Giants…” she murmured.

“We’ve met giants before, haven’t we?” Honey asked.

“Yeah, Dorry and Brogy, back on Little Garden,” Vivi replied. 

“You’re lying to us, humans,” Kashii’s growled, his massive hand tightening around his weapon.

Oimo nodded in agreement. “Dorry and Brogy are being held in Impel Down. The World Government told us if we worked here for 100 years, they’d release our bosses. We’re not falling for your tricks,” he added. 

Ben stepped forward.  “The World Government has been lying to you both,” he said.  “We met Dorry and Brogy in Little Garden. They’re not imprisoned. They’ve been locked in a duel for years, trying to settle who caught the biggest monster. They’ve never been captured,” he added. 

Kashii’s face twisted in confusion. “No, that can’t be… you must be lying!” he replied. 

“Why would we lie to you?” Conis asked, her voice gentle but insistent. She had heard about the giants from the others during the girls' talk, but seeing them in person was something else entirely. Their sheer size and presence were overwhelming.

Mikita stepped forward, her eyes narrowing as she spoke. “Also, how would we know their names if you hadn’t told us?” she pointed out. “We know about Dorry and Brogy because we met them. The World Government has been using you,” she added.

“Just like they’ve been using our friends,” Maya added, her voice tinged with anger. The thought of Kashii & Oimo being manipulated by the World Government made her angry. While she knew there were good Marines, it seemed like everything else was rotten to the core. 

Vivi stepped forward, her expression earnest and pleading. “We don’t want to fight you. We’re only here to save our friend, Robin, from the clutches of the World Government. She’s in danger, and we can’t let them take her,” she explained.

Ben nodded. “You’re from Elbaf, the legendary land of giants. I’ve always wanted to visit Elbaf and meet the great Giant Pirates. We’ve heard so many tales of your people’s strength and honor,” he added. 

Kashii and Oimo exchanged a look, their hardened expressions softening as a small smile tugged at the corners of their mouths. “You all seem to be honest,” Oimo said.

“But you need to understand,” Kashii interjected. He added “You’ve stormed one of the most heavily defended places in the world. There are 10,000 officials stationed here, all ready to fight to the death.”

“Robin is part of my crew, and we’ll save her no matter the odds,” Ben stated.

Kashii and Oimo laughed. “We can see that determination in your eyes,” Oimo said, nodding approvingly.

Kashii clenched his massive fists. “We’ve got a bone to pick with them too, for lying to us all these years. We won’t let their betrayal go unpunished,” he added. 

“Let’s work together,” Nojiko said. Sge added, “The World Government won’t know what hit them.”

Ben grinned. “I’m more than happy to have your help. Together, we’ll give them hell,” he declared. They both nodded. At that moment, the mech broke the surface of the water, sending a wave of spray over its sleek metal body. The sun glinted off its hull, and the waves crashed against its legs. “I am getting close to the first gate,” NT reported. She moved the Mech towards the island. She arrived on land and headed towards Island Gate. 

NT looked around. She saw bodies littered on the ground, and massive craters. She advanced toward the Island Gate. Without hesitation, NT pulled the lever, and with a powerful leap, the Mech soared over the gate, landing with a thunderous impact that made the ground tremble beneath its weight.

The Marines on the ground lying in pain looked to see a massive Mech approaching. Some lost consciousness immediately at its sight. T-Bone who was on knees saw the large robot strolling past him. He thought Justice will prevail. Jerry thought he was not going to lose to the Love Pirate again. Wanze heard the massive footsteps. He needs to report this, he thought. 

“What is that?” Kashii asked, as he craned his neck to look up at the colossal machine.

“He’s tall,” Oimo remarked. 

Kashii nodded. “He reminds me of the ancient giants in terms of height. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Ben stepped forward, a proud smile on his face as he looked up at the Mech. “She is with us,” he corrected. Ben thought it was a risk showing this Mech here however they are going to need all the power they can get. He thought this was the smaller of the Mechs, standing at a towering 60 meters and it still dwarfed the giants in comparison. He thought of this massive machine, close in height to Ors Junior. 

The two giants blinked in surprise, quickly realizing their mistake. “Oh, sorry,” they both apologized in unison.

“She’s a marvel, isn’t she?” Ben said, his voice filled with pride as he looked up at the towering Mech. “NT, let’s show them what we’re made of,” he added. 

“She is awesome, I remember being inside her,” Nojiko commented. 

NT nodded as she gripped the controls of the Mech. The machine responded instantly, its powerful hydraulic systems humming to life. NT maneuvered the Mech's massive arm, lining up a direct hit on the Main Island Gate. The arm's hydraulics hissed, building pressure. The Mech's arm shot forward like a battering ram, slamming into the Main Island Gate. The impact was devastating. 

The gate buckled under the tremendous blow. Metal twisted and cracked spiderwebbed across the surface. The gate began to give way, chunks of steel and stone breaking off and tumbling to the ground. The ground shook as the remnants of the gate continued to collapse, the debris falling like an avalanche. NT pulled the Mech’s arm back, the hydraulics releasing steam as the arm reset into position

Ben and the others watched in awe as the Main Island Gate lay in ruins before them. "Let's go,” Ben ordered. 

Oimo and Kashii exchanged glances, equally impressed by the display of power. "That thing really packs a punch," Oimo commented. 

Alvida roared Lexie`s engine to live again and pressed forward.

Everyone followed behind. 

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