One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 380: Blue Gorilla

“What is that?” Kaya asked. She looked to see 8 large masked gorilla-like beasts with a skull painted on where its face should be. They were in an all blue outfit and had double-sided battle-axes in their hands.

“Blue Gorilla,” Ben replied, looking at them. “We need to push past them quickly,” Ben stated.

“Now you have done it,” a Marine shouted.

“These guys can take out seakings for lunch,” another Marine added.

Alvida ignored them as she jumped towards them. She swung Seraphina. The Blue Gorilla swung back and the both clashed. Alvida saw the Blue Gorilla had some strength. She jumped back and looked at the Blue Gorilla.

Ben channeled his energy into his hands, shaping it into a spear of pure, concentrated power into a spear shaped object. "Demon Abyssal Lance," Ben said he threw it with incredible speed. The spear cut through the air like a bolt of dark lightning.

The Blue Gorilla raised his massive axe to block the attack. As it collided with the axe, a shockwave erupted, and the sturdy metal of the axe shattered into pieces as if it were made of glass. The Blue Gorilla's eyes widened in shock, but he had no time to react further. The spear pierced his chest with a force that sent him hurtling backward, his massive frame crashing into the ground with a thunderous impact.

“What,” the Marine shouted with their eyes widened.

“Slipstream Cannon,” Alvida said as he spun her body rapidly on the spot. She slipped the air around her body to generate a powerful current of air. Alvida then compressed the and fired at the Blue Gorilla.
The Blue Gorilla's eyes widened as he saw the compressed air attack hurtling toward him with incredible speed. Instinctively, he raised his massive axe, gripping it tightly with both hands, attempting to shield himself from the oncoming assault. The compressed air collided with the axe. For a moment, it seemed like the weapon might hold, but the immense force behind the attack was too much. The axe splintered and shattered into countless pieces, the shards scattering like broken glass in the wind. The Blue Gorilla barely had time to register the destruction of his weapon before the full brunt of the attack slammed into his stomach.
A sharp, agonizing pain shot through his body as he felt his ribs crack under the force of the impact. The compressed air drove deep into his abdomen, sending shockwaves of pain throughout his entire frame. The sheer power behind the blow lifted him off his feet, and with a guttural cry, he was launched backward. He crashed into the ground with a bone-rattling thud.

“Another one down,” the Marines shouted with their eyes bulging out. The remaining 6 Blue Gorillas looked angry. They charged towards the girls
“Honey, keep one in place,” Mikita said.

Honey nodded and said, “Liquid Net.” Her fingertips turned purple and she slowly pulled them apart. The liquid looked like it was getting stuck together and solidifying. She then threw the liquid, it formed the shape of a net at the Blue Gorilla.

Blue Gorilla got stuck in the net. He struggled to move. “Gravity Stomp,” Mikita said as she increased her weight dramatically, making herself as heavy as a boulder. She went down towards Blue Gorilla. Mikita`s foot connected with the Blue Gorilla's face. The immense weight behind the kick created a shockwave that travelled through his face.

At that moment, Kaya flew towards the Blue Gorilla who was immobilised. She saw Mikita coming down towards him. “Angel Smash,” Kaya said as she channelled her energy into her fist. It glowed white. She swung her fist and punched the Blue Gorilla in the stomach. The Blue Gorilla spat blood upon feeling the impact. The two attacks were too much and it fell unconscious.

The Blue Gorilla ran towards Nojiko and swung his axe at her. Nojiko turned into a cloud and the axe went through. The Blue Gorilla looked confused. “Cloud Surge,” Nojiko said as she created dense storm clouds around the Blue Gorilla. The Blue Gorilla looked confused. “Lightning Barrage,” Nojiko added as the cloud darkened. Lightning bolts then hit the Blue Gorilla. Then a second lightning hit. Several lightning bolts hit the Blue Gorilla. Smoke could be seen leaving his body as he dropped to the ground.

A Blue Gorilla charged towards Kaya. He swung his axe at Kaya. Kaya dodged the attack. The Blue Gorilla swung again. Kaya flew backwards. Vivi came running in. She aimed her Gero Gero and pressed the trigger. A frog-shaped bullet went towards the Blue Gorilla and hit him. There was a loud explosion and black smoke. The Blue Gorilla made its way through the smoke.

“Angel Heaven`s Arrow,” Kaya said as she formed a large white arrow shaped projection. She hurled it at high speed towards the Blue Gorilla. It hit him on the chest and pierced him. The piercing energy tore through his flesh. For a split second, the Blue Gorilla's eyes widened in shock, his brain struggling to process the pain that was surging through his nerves.

Blood began to seep from the wound. The sheer force of the blow sent him hurtling backward through the air. He crashed into the ground.

Zala, in her Carnotaurus form, lowered her head and charged. Her thick skull collided with the Blue Gorilla in a brutal headbutt, the impact sending shockwaves through both their bodies. The force of the blow was enough to make the Blue Gorilla skid backward, his feet digging into the ground as he struggled to maintain his balance.

Saphir took the Axe Dial out and pressed a button. A X-shaped compressed air blast went towards the Blue Gorilla. It knocked his weapon out of this hand. The Blue Gorilla looked at Saphir and was about to charge towards it when Conis held out her Heat Javelin. “Inferno Strike,” Conis said as she channelled the intense heat into the tip of the javelin. She thrusted it forward, releasing a scorching blast of flames. It hit the Blue Gorilla. The Blue Gorilla staggered back in flames. Zala whipped her tail and knocked the Blue Gorilla down.

Raki approached the Blue Gorilla. It was charging towards Vivi and Maya. Raki rammed the Blue Gorilla to the ground. The Blue Gorilla rolled to the ground. It got back up. “Petrifying Gaze,” Raki said as she looked at the Blue Gorilla. It looked back. Their eyes met and his body instantly turned into stone.

“That thing keeps turning everyone into stone,” one Marine shouted. Saphir approached the Marine and thrusted her spear into his stomach. She pulled it out as he dropped it to the ground.

Ben flew down. “My love there is one of these still left,” Alvida reported.

“No matter, let's go inside,” Ben stated, looking at the courthouse.

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