One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 386: Jerry vs Maya

While Lucci and Ben were fighting, Honey looked to see Wanzu, T-bone and Jerry together. She thought having them together would cause problems. Honey looked to see Saphir and Maya. “We need to separate them,” Honey said.

“Yes, they could support each other,” Saphir said.

“Divide and conquer,” Maya added.

“What are you muttering there?” Wanzu yelled with a big grin on his face.

“Liquid Net,” Honey said as her fingertips turned purple and she slowly pulled them apart. The liquid looked like it was getting stuck together and solidifying. She then threw the liquid, it formed the shape of a net at Wanzu.

“What is this?” he asked. Honey trapped him in the net and flung him over to the side. Wanzu landed on the balcony below. Honey jumped down.

Maya charged towards Jerry. She swung her sword at Jerry. Jerry dodged the attack. Maya swung again. Jerry dodged the attack again as he went down the stairs. Maya jumped towards Jerry who used his box glove to block the attack. “You will not beat me again,” Jerry said.

“I will for Robin,” Maya stated as she swung the blade again. Jerry jumped down onto the top floor. Maya was behind him. They both looked at each other.

“You are protecting a criminal,” Jerry said.

“She is my crewmate,” she replied. Maya added, “She helped save my village from pirates.”

“She is the enemy of the World Government, all of you are now, after your actions,” Jerry said. He bumped his fist together while wearing boxing gloves. “You will see the power of Ciphor Pol,” he added.

“Jerry Aurora Flicker Jab,” Jerry said as he sent a flurry of rapid punches towards Maya. They were so fast that it seemed like he had several arms punching. Maya saw this coming. She held Eros Edge and blocked the attack. She moved the blade rapidly defending his attack. She could hear a strange sound each time their attack collided.

Jerry smiled. Jerry took a step back. “Yoga One Two,” Jerry said as he bent his legs behind his back to shorten himself. Jerry then launched two simple boxing punches. Maya jumped back dodging the attack. “Get closer,” Jerry said.

“No,” Maya replied. “Hex`s Fire,” Maya said as she scraped the sword on the ground. The friction created a black-coloured flaming projectile that he launched at Jerry. Jerry saw the attack coming. It was destroying the ground as it travelled towards him. His eyes widened. He tried to move but found himself stuck. The black-coloured flaming projectile came and hit in the face. He was sent flying back and hit the ground.

There was a burnt mark on his cheek as he got up. Maya noticed he was quite tall. The glasses he wore had a crack on one of the lenses. “You seem to possess some talent,” Jerry said. He thought back to the Six Powers. “But it is useless against the great World Government,” Jerry added.

“Screw Drop Kick,” Jerry said as he spun on the spot and lept in the air. He raised his leg forward and spun his body. He launched a spinning kick towards Maya.

Maya jumped out of the way avoiding the attack. “Cess Cleave,” Maya said as she gripped her sword with both hands and brought it down. Her blade swung down.

At that moment, Jerry smiled, “Boxer's Rush,” Jerry said as he used his quick footwork to dodge and weave around Maya`s sword. He then swung his boxing glove at Maya and punched her in the face.

Maya felt the pain and jumped back. She was panting and could see blood leaking from her lip. That punch felt harder. She thought back to sounds she was hearing when they fought. “You are wearing something metal underneath those gloves,” Maya stated.

“Correct, you took a long time to figure it out,” Jerry replied. He laughed. He took his gloves off and showed metal boxing gloves. “After fighting your crew before, she used spikes so I thought of going metal,” he explained.

Maya smiled. “It doesn't matter if it's metal or not,” Ben replied. She added, “I will defeat you.” She thought Ben and everyone was counting on her. It will be one less enemy to deal with.

“We will see about that,” Jerry replied. “The World Government never loses,” he added. He ran towards Maya. “Impact Uppercut,” Jerry said as swung his box glove at Maya. He did an uppercut. Maya used her sword to block the upper cut however the force behind the punch lifted her from her feet and threw her into the air.

Maya recovered in the air. She looked at Jerry. “Cess Whirl,” Maya said as she spun with Ero Edge extended. She moved in a motion going towards Jerry. Jerry tried to lock the attack. He got hit with the blade on his metal boxing glove however he stood his ground. A small crack appeared on his meal glove.

Maya jumped back. She looked at Jerry. “Hex`s Fire,” Maya said as she scraped the sword on the ground. The friction created a black-colored flaming projectile that she launched at Jerry.

Jerry put his gloves together and collided with the incoming attack. He tried to keep the attack however it was too strong. He slid back and got overwhelmed as the push thought and hit him on the chest. He shouted in pain as he dropped to the ground. Jerry was panting. He slowly got up and saw a hole in his shirt. He spat blood, thinking what was this attack.

“Rolling Thunder,” Jerry said as he curled into a ball and rolled toward Maya at high speed. As he approached her, he uncurled and launched a punch at Maya.

Maya blocked the attack with her sword. Jerry looked shocked. “How did you stop that?” he asked.

“Because I can,” Maya responded. She pushed Jerry back. Her sword glowed red. Maya thought of her Goddess, the one who protected her village. She thought of Ben and the girls protecting her village as well. She will win this. “Hex`s Blast,” Maya said as she concentrated. She felt the sword draw her energy. The red got brighter. Maya then fired a red beam at Jerry. It flew through the air at great pace and hit Jerry. There was a huge explosion.

Jerry went flying into the air and landed on the ground with a big thud. His metal gloves were heavily damaged. Jerry glasses shattered. He laid on the ground conscious.

Maya thought he was down. She was panting but there was no time. Robin needed to be saved. She thought Ben did say to meet Luffy. She had faith in the other girls that they would win and join her. They might already be there. Maya ran down the stairs. She got to the drawbridge and ran into the Tower of Justice. “Wow,” she muttered. She ran towards the right and saw another Marine.

“So you have come here as well,” Gorilla said.

“Do you have the key?” she asked.

“No but you are not getting away,” Gorilla said. He thought she was after the prisoner.

Maya tightened her grip on her sword.

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